Thursday, 5 December 2019



Even Divinity has to work as per terrestrial dynamics. Thus, spiritual movements grow slowly, even those initiated by an Avatar, opening and closing channels as per opportunities afforded by evolving conditions. The tussle between the fashioning force and the fashioned environment with all its inertia and ignorance resisting evolutionary change is titanic. But the impelling force does gain ground over time if it exceeds the critical mass for widespread dissemination. This tussle between possibility and the evolving terrestrial reality constitutes the dynamics of phenomenal play and is ever on, unabated in intensity but fluctuating in cyclical phases of implicit and explicit expressions of matter and spirit. The resolutions are complex and spiritual movements are, thus, uneven in their growth or decay over time as the channels of expression keep opening up and closing as per varying terrestrial conditions which are well nigh incalculable in specific mathematical terms available to man as of now, for the fluid nature of the mind, the laws of psychology are as much in the fray here as are the laws of physical surface reality of a more concrete nature.

The effects being once visible, man proceeds to analyse and interpret and deduce the causes of their growth or decay as per available historical data and their range of allowance of events. But, perhaps, the solutions arrived at are far too simplistic and with progressive discoveries of the laws of the mind and their interactive relations with physical laws, the complex network of possibilities will reveal fresher patterns of a subtler kind and we will have to amend our understanding of evolutionary phenomena as per the new revelations. Whether great sages and saints are aware of these complexities is beyond my feeble understanding but it does seem that they have to war against the walls of resistance physical, psychological and spiritual when they attempt to imp[rove the lot of humanity. Where they fail, they seem to be leaving it to the universal will but where they succeed, they for sure do so after having discovered the secret workings of Nature and manoeuvred their way past the blocks and hindrances en route. Having traversed the path themselves, they return to rescue humanity and carry it forward along the spiritual evolutionary channel, overcoming the terrible resistance the conservative mind of man puts up against all such advancing attempts. The dual resistance of the psycho-physical network of phenomena and of the unwilling human mind makes for rapid collective spiritual growth an exercise impossible such that many a spiritual titan resigns his endeavour at last and surrenders his labour to the will of the Cosmic Mother who they feel is the sole arbiter of all such evolutionary enterprise.

The text is becoming increasingly complex. So, let me simplify things a bit to convey what was my initial intent in penning this essay.

The paths of Maya are tortuous. Even material laws are rigid. Primeval ignorance affecting human understanding allows him a fractured understanding of Truth. The rays of the mind dispersing through the instrument of the brain of varying capacities lead to divergent appreciation and interpretation of Truth. Geographical conditions, cultural conditioning and organic limitations limit comprehension of the absolute Truth and action thereof for effecting liberation from the shackles of manifold Maya. All these face the prophet of perfected realisation who wishes to deliver erring humanity from sorrow and ignorance. But he must abide by the laws in operation in this terrestrial plane if he has to raise the consciousness of fallen man. This is the challenge he faces and this he proposes to overcome through his theoretical discovery of the inner workings of Nature and his practical engineering of the evolutionary cause where he proposes not only to catalyse change but to lift humanity unto a higher plane of consciousness whence it may take its own upward flight to eventual freedom. This is a tall order and Indian yogis have been working at it for ages but with what degree of success is beyond my knowledge. I can only surmise, at best intellectually theorise and arrive at self-satisfying solutions but cannot afford exact answers beyond my own conjectures and conclusions thereof.

Evolving and expanding ...

Written by Sugata Bose

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