Tuesday 3 December 2019



Our freedom movement did not begin in 1857 with the nationwide revolt against British rule. From 664 A.D. to 1857 we had already been fighting for our independence from Islamic tyranny. The Hindu Holocaust at the hands of Mohammedan invaders and rulers over a thousand years alone cost the lives of 100 million Hindus and resulted in their conversion by the sword to the tune of tens of millions, the loot of their property and territory, and the defiling of the honour of their captured women in conquest en masse about which I cannot speak more for the pain of such description and for the maintenance of the dignity of our mothers and sisters and daughters of yore.

The largest holocaust in world history was thus perpetrated against the Hindus by the Mohammedan conquerors over centuries of repressive regime whose chronicling is there for all to read and learn from but which Hindus themselves are either unaware of or shy away from discussing for fear of offending their Muslim sisters and brothers, and about which many a vociferous Muslim is in undue denial. That the need of the hour is to highlight these facts before the world by way of correcting perceptions about the so-called benign Islamic rule in India is by way of historical truth-telling. May India awake to her true sense of history !

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : From top down -- Babur, Nadir Shah, Ahmad Shah Durrani and Allauddin Khilji.

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