Monday 9 December 2019



Pretentious piety is worse than rank atheism, for while the latter stands on defiant denial of the higher truths, the former has rotted beyond repair or reform, being the rusted remains of sterner metal gone wrong with the passage of time.

Pretence is the outcome of weakness and when it wears the garb of piety, it acts as a toxin that poisons the bloodstream of a people rendering it sterile. Such a debility is the precursor to death and so does such hypocritical demeanour spell the doom of a race.

Arise, therefore, and manifest strength, pure and simple, with no trace of falsity attaching to it.

Vande Mataram !

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Guru Gobind Singhji, the tenth and the last Sikh Guru who organised the Sikhs into becoming a warrior race in defence of the motherland, in defence of the dharma.

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