Sunday 29 December 2019



How can exclusive religions believe in religious pluralism? Theirs is a doctrinaire compulsion to denounce all other faiths -- which to them are false -- despite the perfected act of pretentious coexistence. Thus has Islam forced the Partition of India the moment the opportunity arose, although, superficial thinkers will continue to blame the British, Gandhi-Nehru-Patel and Jinnah for it and not Islam. I would wish to be convinced that it was so but fail to see how India would have been dismembered in freedom had it not been for exclusive Islamic tenets that were exploited by Jinnah and the British to suit their political ends. Islam provided the raw material in terms of tenets and the perfidious parties fashioned their ammunition out of it to fire the volleys of devastating division through the heart of the nation.

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : The Prophet of religious harmony, the sage of Dakshineshwar who, in Swami Vivekananda's words, was himself a veritable Parliament of Religions, could not in absentia prevent Partition and the horrors that followed in its wake.

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