Tuesday, 31 December 2019


My new year is turning from happy to sad as I witness the lack of human sympathy of relatives, friends and devotees for a devotee of the Ramakrishna Mission who lies in her ICU bed, prostrate from cerebral attack, penniless, friendless and without support save the instruments of medication that is going on for over a week now. Her only son of years 22, a great devotee himself, disciple of Swami Atmasthananda, and one who has read the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna eleven times till date, penniless moves, seeking financial help at this critical hour with none to share his sorrow with, none to receive help from. The mother, a disciple of Swami Prameyananda, has been such a donor for the Ramakrishna Mission, offering lakhs to help move their welfare projects without thinking twice. A descendant of royals, she has been swindled into penury by her legal adviser, cheated by friends and left to her fate at the mercy of Thakur-Ma-Swamiji. The boy has already lost his father when he was 16 and, at 22, battles alone with the forces pitted against him with unfailing devotion to Thakur yet.

I have done what I could by giving as much as I could but the mounting hospital expenditure is becoming impossible to pay off. The outstanding dues are mounting everyday as the relatives watch from a distance their forsaken cousin, themselves refusing further help from what they have initially offered. A venerable Swami of the Ramakrishna Order has graciously offered quite a considerable sum at this critical hour and is trying to activate a waiver of as much of the dues as possible from the hospital authorities. But devotees must come forward and help.

Written by Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose Few, alas, few even today care to give the bread of life to the very divinities they worship when these appear before them in the guise of the poor and the penniless, the distressed and the dying, the lost and the lonesome. Pitiless is the soul of man that seeks but cannot give.

Sugata Bose I thank you all for your concern. We are trying to raise the required sum, ever increasing by the hour, but are, as yet, restraining ourselves from going in for receiving public contribution, for the problems in raising the sum in a such a manner are many from the sociological standpoint.

Therefore, this essay has been presented before the public by way of preparation of the minds of devotees, on this holy day of seeking, in the art of an equal holy giving, and all of your responses to that appeal, sincere are heartfelt, are treasures to store in the recesses of our minds whence fresh charity towards all will arise in the future. If things, indeed, compel us to accept your help, the necessary bank details may be afforded for fulfilment of the cause we so represent and the fruition of your generous gesture in the holy act of a real giving.

My thankfulness to all of you yet again and commendations on your robust stance in offered charity which is the essence of the householder's dharma and a vanishing trait in them in modern times, a fact lamented by none other than the great Swami Vivekananda who himself, along with his brother disciples and the Holy Mother in her pitiful penury, had suffered the worst ravages of such social neglect in their hour of desperate struggle for their daily bread despite living in their exalted spiritual altitude on empty belly, a phenomenon that even proved the Master's pronounced principle that 'religion is not for empty bellies' to be inapplicable in their case of isolated exception.



We will be celebrating 'Kalpataru Divas' tomorrow, but just reflect on the physical suffering the Master endured for us then when he blessed us, his body emaciated and wasting away from the rigours of cancer, when he could have easily cast off his earthly encasement by an act of will but chose not to. Instead, he kept suffering the horrible torment of cancer to keep up the spirits of his intimate disciples who he was building up gradually into the nucleus of the future Ramakrishna Order, the nascent body which would, to quote Swamiji, deluge the whole world in times to come with the flood of Indian spirituality.

The Master himself said to his disciples that whenever he contemplated the idea of giving up his physical body, his thoughts reflected on to the scene where he beheld his disciples crying in his absence on the streets of the city. Such a bereavement of his loved ones he could not bear and he decided to keep up his form till his disciples in spiritual realisation would be ready to receive the shock of separation from him and would then concentrate on building up their spiritual lives and so initiate the vast movement for which the Master had assumed terrestrial form for the while.

Thus the training went on with the intimate disciples, in groups of two at a time, taking turns to nurse their preceptor while the rest concentrated on other chores and their spiritual practices. The disciples in service and devotion, in austerity and nursing blossomed before their Master whose eagle eye beheld each one's development with attentive care and guided it towards the goal supreme, the merger in the Infinite.

This day, however, Thakur was feeling unusually well as the disciples started trickling in, it being a public holiday as the beginning of a new year. Thus did 1 January, 1886 become in the annals of the Ramakrishna Movement the Day of Benediction of the Master when he out of his infinite bounty blessed all assembled devotees with the priceless gift of spiritual realisation.

The day had its dramatic moment as the doyen of Bengali theatre, Girish Chandra Ghosh, arrived to light up the scene. Thakur was taking an uncharacteristic afternoon walk then when he came upon Girish who had just arrived at the Garden House of Kashipur where the Master was during his terminal illness.

Instantly the Master quizzed Girish thus : " Hey you, what is it that you have understood about this that you go about speaking thus to all and sundry?" [This was in reference to the fact that Girish used to go about hailing Thakur as Avatar or Divine Incarnation before all he ran into during his daily intercourse.]

Flash came the response from the master dramatist, now folded hands and on his knees : "Sir, about whom Vyasa and Valmiki have run short of words, I, insignificant Girish, what more have I said?"

Like lightning the words struck the Master and his spirit soared unto samadhi, the transcendental state of supernal blissful knowledge. When he came unto himself in the physical world, the Master was in a transport still and opened the inner recesses of his great spiritual heart, pouring out love supernal for all who came into his presence.

Written by Sugata Bose



1. People exhort me to speak of humanity. Is it not humanity to stand up in defence of the historically persecuted lot of Hindus when a similar stance is so welcome when it comes to the Jews being the recipients of such concern?

2. The unity that you see today in opposition of the Union Government is a unity of common self-interest of the different political parties seeking to feed themselves fat on the wealth of the nation through the securing of the future mandate of the people.

While the people grow poorer, these politicians progressively prosper.

And, remember, this is the way these sorts of united oppositions stood together in alliance with alien invaders against isolated individual Indian rulers to sell India's interests and independence, and to see to her enslavement for centuries.

Now meditate on the future fate of our country should an international crisis come upon us. Where do we stand in terms of our security if the fate of our country lies with these irresponsible seekers of self-interest ahead of seeking the national good?

3. Swamiji had said that no Hindu ate beef and that this was a point of commonality among all the Hindus of diverse attributes and persuasions.

Written by Sugata Bose

Sharmistha Chatterjee Without compassion and benevolence such bold words couldn't have poured out...your heart cries, empathises, bleeds and rages with fire!



When you feel a spontaneous sense of oneness with all, at that moment you are spiritual. The task is to perpetuate that sense of oneness.

However, here there is a pitfall that you must avoid. It arises from a lack of conceptual clarity and this is what prompts shallow thinkers to venture into improper quotations from the utterances of Thakur-Ma-Swamiji to establish their fantastic notions about inclusive Hinduism. I will explain.

The sense of oneness spoken of here is entirely a spiritual experience that has no bearing with superficial shows of social togetherness or apparent harmony attempted in the form of Hindus in Kolkata keeping the midnight vigil on Christmas Eve at St. Peter's Cathedral or joining fellow Muslims in the Iftar Party on a Friday dusk in the month of Ramzan. These surface exhibitions of affected oneness cannot undo the damaging differences that intolerant scriptural tenets continue to drive through societies, fragmenting them in a manner no cross-cultural Christmas cake consumption or Iftar Party celebration can undo. These are differences inbuilt into these proselytising Semitic religious systems that are politically motivated with the desire for global domination over all by a single ideology. If liberals are so bent upon dissolving differences, let them go to the root of the problem that lies at the very foundation of these pernicious proselytising cults. Let them in real earnest study these dogmatic scriptures in totality and not cherry-picked sections to arrive at their own conclusions. How 21st century so-called liberal people, preaching superficial and assumed enlightenment and harmony to us who exhort people to delve deep into Semitic theological sources, can themselves not be vocal about monstrous medieval practices and theological adherence to monstrous tenets is not only worth wondering about but is a sure pointer to their boundless shallowness despite education and compounded hypocrisy to boot.

This stupendous ignorance about the scriptural content of Semitic religions prompts pseudo-liberals to bat for them, thereby causing untold harm to humanity by perpetuating these doctrines in the collective consciousness of suffering humanity for aeons to come. Superficial hypocritical liberalism thus in effect strikes its own death-knell by unthinkingly pandering to the vanities of the violently intolerant ideologies.

The problem with pseudo-liberals is that they love to live in ignorance amidst their make-believe world of fanciful dreams and desires. These people never are serious about the study of cross-cultural complexities that abound in the world and are content to harbour false notions of existent social harmony and ignore the real issues of inter-community clashes that so often surfaces on account of intolerant scriptural tenets being dogmatically adhered to. A sincere solution of this problem must lie in taking an academic approach to it and then mustering support enough to sideline the use of intolerant passages of the scriptures in the day-to-day living of its adherents. But such a thing will not be allowed in Islam which holds the words of the Quran as coming direct from God and, so, as sacrosanct and inviolable. Now, who will alter this positional stance of a 1.8 billion Muslims across the world? And, if not, how will peace and harmony among religious communities ever in earnest be when both Islam and Christianity are yet intent on converting the rest of humanity to its fold? Do you now see the problem in depth? It is a toxic situation bearing a noxious political problem masquerading as religion. Yes, that is what has unleashed savage violence in the name of God over the ages and that is what will continue to do so in the centuries ahead unless corrective measures are adopted, overcoming seemingly impossible barriers, to salvage the situation. Upon the will of sincere humanity and not seasoned hypocrites, practising their fine art of deflection and duping, rests the fate of our peace and our harmony and all our tall talks of civilisation and culture and all of its ilk.

Evolving and expanding ...

Written by Sugata Bose

Monday, 30 December 2019



But the truth must be faced, ought it not to be? And from where do you get this stupendous idea that in articulation of pure historical truth I spread hate. Do I lead parties in opposition to the Government on the road? Do I burn buses? Do I pelt security personnel with stones? Do I kill, vandalise, create misconceptions among the polity to destabilise the nation? Which of these do I do that you thus label me as a hatemonger? Answer me in earnest. Ask yourself how much the Hindus have suffered at the hands of Islamic tyranny in 1300 years. 100 million lives lost and the motherland dismembered. Seek redresses there where they do real damage instead of casting easy aspersion on me and my intentions.

Moreover, let me state this that by avoiding the issue in the past we have exhibited our racial weakness and laid ourselves to being barbecued as the enemies of India have chosen to do. And if we do not learn our lessons from history, we shall be barbecued afresh to be wiped out of the map of the world one day. Do you wish the Hindus to be representatives of an extinct species? Or do you wish to salvage the grand heritage of India -- and here I do not exclude Islamic contributions to our national culture at all nor the membership of fellow Muslim sisters and brothers from our polity -- which is from its earliest inception predominantly Hindu in essence and character? Therefore, exhibit the sterner mettle that cowers not to face the truth whatever its content might be and takes corrective measures thereof for the future prosperity of the polity.

This sort of shilly-shallying with truth is not the martial spirit that Swamiji had exhorted Indian women to exhibit and it would be, indeed, meet if you should manifest greater strength in comprehending the sterner truths of our history better before you venture to pass condemnatory judgement on others who are labouring day in and day out to defend the dharma against the perfidies of proselytising Christianity and Islam and their agenda of global political domination.

Pardon me if I have said anything amiss in affording my defence here for you remain forever my elder sister, mother and the human representation of the very motherland whose well-being consumes my day's labour and my night's sleep.

Thanking you,
I remain ever at your service in whatever brotherly assistance I may be of and I remain beholden to you in the name of the Holy Trinity of Thakur-Ma-Swamiji.
So, ever yours in the reverential memory of the motherland,
Sugata Bose



1. These pseudo-liberals wouldn't mind breaking up the country into parts if that would please their appeased elements of national destruction.

2. Real liberalism comes from spiritual realisation and not from pretentious attempts at mimicking it by shallow exhibition of assumed harmony with people hell-bent upon the destruction of any religion other than their own.

3. To call the genuine Hindu a fanatic while upholding the cause of fanatical adherents of Christianity and Islam in the name of liberalism and multiculturalism is not only suicidal but homicidal as well.

These arbiters of national destruction must be checked and the ideological battle with them won by pulverising their logic and instances through superior articulation of our scriptural truths and the truth on the ground. Only then will we be in a position to advance the cause of our national defence of heritage and culture in the rightful way.

4. The Catholic Church is at it again with the Archbishop of Kolkata trying to cleverly foment trouble by making political remarks with obvious anti Union Government stance. This pandering to the vanities of the minorities by perfidious parties -- who stand against the greater good of the nation -- for vote procurement is going to be suicidal in the long run and must forthwith be stopped. The Catholic Church ought to be better busy with spiritual work worth the salt and leave Caesar's work to Caesar as their Master has ordained.

5. Continuous propaganda by way of defence of the dharma ought to be done to counter the malicious lies that are systematically spread by an international network that is focused on the eventual ruin of India. Vivekananda stands in the way. So, they are attempting to destroy his premier position in the minds of a significant section of westerners by projection of falsities that would go to undermine the Swami's status and his seminal achievements. Must we allow this? So far we have. But I ask again. Must we allow this?

Written by Sugata Bose



Sincere patriots like Dr. Madhusudan Pal I would like to see more. Forthright, incisive, comprehensive and deep, his understanding and analytical presentation of India's political status in a wider international and historical light is truly remarkable. It is my deepest pleasure that I have him as my good friend and I reciprocate a like affability towards him.

What is most remarkable about him is his tremendous concern for the well-being of India against the backdrop of the dangers she is exposed to today from internal and external enemies. And he wears no tinted glasses, harbours no illusions, entertains no fanciful ideas about supposed harmony of interests with an unyielding foe with geopolitical dominance as its goal through masked religiosity. This, indeed, is what makes Dr. Madhusudan Pal such an important civilian component in the ideological rise of our civilisation from a millenium-old enslavement, in the new thinking that needs must be to combat the corruption that our western-educated intelligentsia wearing Macaulayan shackles pose to the polity.

Dr. Pal brings in with him scalpel precision in thinking, perhaps, the legacy of his personal accomplishments as a medical surgeon by profession, and delineates the distinctive features of the subject of his discussion with pertinent data, irrefutable evidence and incisive explanation which makes disagreeing with him difficult for any but the mischievous and the stubborn.

A Netaji buff, Dr. Pal has spent a lifetime exploring the myriad mysteries centring the leader luminous and has worshipful veneration for him which is almost infectious. But what I most like about him is his ability to override personal considerations to uphold national good, a trait truly rare and one which makes Dr. Pal the doyen among activists labouring for the genuine resurrection of the motherland along the grain of her civilisation. Others bring in petty attitudes, personal preferences, and the self before the nation, but never so, Dr. Pal. His is an undiluted giving of love's labour for the motherland of his dreams in the hope of fashioning public opinion in the right direction for the safety and security of the nation in the long run.

Astute is his thinking, not muddled by harmonic nonsense of an ulterior order which in gullible ignorance refuses to recognise the enemy in the ranks, and disciplined his presentation, not deflected by emotional effusion that knows not how to distinguish the foe from the friend. As such, Dr. Pal needs to be heard more regularly for one to gradually assimilate his message and to gain access to an understanding of the hidden forces that are in titanic tussle today to resolve India's destiny and, with it, that of the world.

I wish this wonderful person my heartiest good wishes and ever-increasing success in his future endeavours, his ventures for the well-being of our motherland.

Written by Sugata Bose



It seems you are a bigoted irrational person who will not mend ways despite being afforded adequate instances from Swamiji's Complete Works to the effect that the narrative goes so far as Islamic oppression of the Hindus is concerned historically. This sort of clandestine guerrilla warfare or, even worse, sniper attack from behind pseudo-humanitarian cover that you are indulging in needs a tougher response from me it seems. Wait for my volley next and keep your guard lest you get blown away.

Earlier this lady of little civility had the temerity to insult Swami Sampurnananda of the Ramakrishna Order in no uncertain terms, lecturing him on his spiritual duties and the like in a manner as mean as may be imagined in civil society where it concerns interaction with monastics, and has reiterated her stance since then to the same effect, expressing no regret whatsoever for her misdemeanour. These types of biased bigots, posing as liberals, necessarily choose to call sincere patriots like us the same for it is their easiest way to spew venom at those who care dear for the motherland.

I request all my readers to be aware of these malicious propagators of untruth who care not to respond to Swamiji's own words which, in this pertinent case, I have afforded her by way of proving that she has thus far been cherry-picking the Holy Trinity's utterances at her own sweet will to prove her fanciful propositions about their comprehensive stance on Islamic intolerance meted out to Hindus for over a thousand years.

That, Madam, you are indulging in such noxious verbal stone-pelting from behind the barracks is redolent of your compatriots down the streets doing the same to undo the growing prospects of rejuvenating India which, despite your malicious attempts, will be foiled wholesale by the likes of us who defend the dharma and the motherland with our heart's blood.

In consequence, I wish you well and sanity enough to recover a modicum of civility and dignity towards man and monk both, reserving your choicest epithets in denunciation to your own deluded self in your own private corner among your own chosen ones. God bless you and give you direction in life should it be that you yet have the wherewithal to receive divine grace and the grace of a motherland who ever is forgiving, notwithstanding the amount of evil her children, like your esteemed self and your ilk, do unto her.

Vande Mataram ! Jai Ramakrishna !

Written by Sugata Bose



And what is that, pray? Where is the forthrightness in them today in opposing oppression of humanity through the use of fanatical religious doctrine that we in sharp contrast witness in their founder a century ago?

Many more zealous missionaries are necessary rather than singing saints inducing a threatened Hindu population into somnolence. The numbers are neither there nor the will to fight injustice even through optimal denunciation of inhumanity and villainy perpetrated by perfidious proselytising missionaries and mullahs. Courage of conviction to take up an affirmative position in this regard is missing and is passed off as adherence to prohibition by the founder from involving the Mission in politics.

But who is asking them to involve themselves in politics in any way or even to make political statements of any sort? Rather the Mission itself is unduly and increasingly pandering to politics these days much against the grain of its tradition and not quite in keeping with the directives of its prophetic founder.

Political involvement is not called for, simply living the life and preventing misinformation among devotees and the polity at large about Swamiji's stated position regarding proselytising Christianity and Islam, and propagating the balanced full truth about Swamiji and his message to mankind instead of this half-baked truth which not only reduces the leonine monk in stature but transforms him quite into an impotent prophet unfit for serving the best interests of the Sanatan Dharma or of humanity.

And it is time to redress this issue, rectify stance and reform the movement along the virile direction Vivekananda would have liked it to have taken but must be dismayed to witness its utter failure to comply thus in recent times.

Anyhow, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda are due soon and their advent will undo the heresies of the times. Till then let my keypad print out bold messages fired by the inspiration of the divine duo even as inebriated devotees keep clinging to their sinking dreams of a make-believe harmony of inhuman elements adhering with fanatical zeal to their original indoctrination of a like kind. Meanwhile, let music and dance and poetry of a debilitating kind prevail till the Master comes to admonish such perpetrators in severe terms much like Jesus chasing the money-changers out of the synagogue.

Written by Sugata Bose



Swamiji denounced Islam's intolerant ideology no less than he denounced that of Christianity. His love for humanity endeared him, nonetheless, to the masses of Muslims and Christians worldwide.

Swamiji knew how to separate principle from personality, inhibiting circumstantial exigency from the compulsion of expression of the eternal truth through the mist of time and space and of evolutionary hurdles. His deep sympathies prevented him from hating any, even the Devil as he was wont to saying in altered expression towards the end of his earthly sojourn. His transcendental realisations and deep insight into the divinity of human nature endowed him with a rare universal love in real terms and not the so-called linguistic terms we are so well acquainted with. Thus did he emerge the Prophet of the modern world commissioned by God Himself to discharge unto humanity the Gospel of the times.

Vivekananda may have been the Prophet of humanity but it must never be forgotten that he was one man who never compromised on truth to uphold his world mission. He laid bare the hypocrisies of proselytising Christianity and its mischievous missionaries even as he laid bare his heart's adoration for the gentle Jew of Galilee. In a like manner he denounced the very religion of Islam as a violent, fanatical movement in history which, despite doing some good in terms of democratising the principles of applied religion, in real terms deluged the world in blood in its bid to impose its doctrine on one and all. Swamiji held Islamic scriptural doctrines as the motive-force for such savagery and spared no words to condemn such violence and the intolerant ideology fuelling it.

Vivekananda was persecuted by Christian missionaries in America and even attempted to be poisoned to death. It was his divine Master Ramakrishna who saved his life at the critical moment by appearing before him and preventing him from drinking the poisoned coffee. Yet, Vivekananda harboured no ill-feeling against American Christians, although, he never spared the bigoted Christian ministers for their proselytising villainy among the heathen nations.

Evolving and expanding ...

Written by Sugata Bose




Harmony among religions may only be achieved through the Sanatan Dharma and not through wishful thinking that the religions you seek to woo will budge an inch to give you space to alter their fanatical stance. Harmony you seek by undermining Hinduism for you are ignorant of the scriptural content of these proselytising religions which have historically harmed our Hindu civilisation and continue to do so to this day.

I caution you, friends, not to be deluded by these enemies of the motherland who cleverly attempt the subversion of our culture. Ignorant they are of Hinduism, more ignorant of Islam and Christianity beyond peripheral media reading, yet, they dare spread the lie about assumed harmony which is a far cry from reality.

Cowardice to face the brutal truth of the subversion of the Sanatan Dharma by proselytising Christianity and Islam prompts these falsifiers of history, these souls indifferent to the suffering of Hindus in Islamic countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh, and these betrayers of the cause of the rightful defence of the Sanatan Dharma, to ever rise in offensive articulation of pseudo-liberalism and failing multiculturalism learnt afresh from their western masters in universities abroad. These elements inducing antinational sentiments are not to be trusted, beware !

Written by Sugata Bose

Sunday, 29 December 2019



1. A vast life has preceded us, a vast life lies ahead, in between is this brief flicker of terrestrial experience, a window unto infinity.

2. Indian civilisation, much wounded but refusing to capitulate before the tyranny of the times gone by and that of the back-stabbing of the current devotees of pseudo-liberalism and its ilk, must reaffirm its pristine principles of affirmative living in the light of the Vedas. Otherwise, its days are numbered and its location fixed among the dead civilisations of the past. Shall such a destiny be ours? Upon your action today of the defence of the dharma lies the fate of future India.

3. Do not denigrate the braahman out of your current propensity to exhibit sympathy for the shudra / Dalit. That is suicidal for our civilisation which is largely the gift of the braahman. Rather, as Swamiji says, bring the Vedas to the door of the shudra, educate him in the spiritual culture of eternal India that speaks of the glory of each and every human soul, despite the social abuse of millenia that he has suffered consequent on the exigencies of the times. Upon the harmonious development of the four varnas that distinguish Hindu society lies the prospects of prosperity of future India in every sphere.

4. True 'varna vibhajan' or the division of society along lines of the varna is a natural order that is in vogue in every society across the world. It is only that it is not recognised to be so.

The Hindus, supremely intellectual and spiritually conscious that they are, have carried it to its logical extreme but have committed the grossest sacrilege of its original spirit by making it a divisive social mode rather than the mode of social harmony that it was originally intended to have been.

What is needed today is not the abolition of the varnas -- for that can never be as the varnas are naturally existent and cannot not be artificially done away by force without causing calamitous changes to our continuing spiritual culture with which the varnas are so intimately linked -- but their reorientation towards their original intent. So must the braahman study, the kshatriya defend, the vaishya trade and the shudra labour, but each one must do what he does as honourable exercise of his soul towards the eventual goal of Self-realisation. In this no work and no varna is to be deemed higher or lower but all are to be recognised as interdependent organs and their respective functions of a single organism, the viraat Hindu samaj (vast Hindu society). This is a horizontal order in equality and not a vertical one in its opposite. Also, heredity must play no more than nominal role in this order and inter-varna transference as per attributes of the person ought to be possible.

How all this may eventually translate in a huge Hindu society of modern times is to be cogitated on but it is to be brought about by comprehending the deeper implications of the 'varna vibhajan' and affirmatively acting on it. Perhaps, we need the advent of great Acharyas for implementing this gigantic task. Till then let us mutually respect each other, beholding each one as divine and, so, equal before man and God.

5. Hinduism must conquer the world. Otherwise, we will be finished as a civilisation. For stagnancy is bound to breed the virus of death and expansion is the only way out of it.

Written by Sugata Bose



Right you are. It is true that the utterances of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda may be cherry-picked -- as you yourself have unwittingly and, I am sure, in all good intent done -- and quoted to lend authoritative strength to one's stated position, either in pseudo-liberalism or in pseudo-fanaticism, for these 'liberals' are neither true liberals nor are these 'fanatics' genuine fanatics worth the salt to match the real ones who have deluged the world in the name of Islam and Christianity down the ages, to quote but the instances from these two most violent religious orders from the annals of history.

But then you must admit that you have been widened in your appreciation of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda's comprehensive position on the issue after reading the texts provided by me from authoritative original texts published by the Ramakrishna Order. However, you did not choose to respond by way of gratitude in positional defeat in debate, especially after I chose to uphold these utterances to you through painstaking find-finding -- which was a delight, of course, --, but then that is so typical of humanity who are never gracious enough to bow down in acknowledgement of fact and prefer to keep on cherry-picking by way of future adherence to dogmatic 'liberal' stance, if that oxymoron were ever to be possible in the realm of contrasting attributes in positional identity.

Your affirmation about by intention of spreading hate has had a sound beating as you have failed to provide any rational response to my earlier statements in refutation of your claim or to the quotes from the 'Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' which I have provided.

Inertia holds humanity in adherence to positional ignorance, even if proved wrong, and so may you continue to hold on to yours but the lie has been exposed and soundly so.

Thank you for this engagement and looking forward to further such forays should you misadventure into my garden house with volleys unwarranted and truths half-baked to uphold fanciful conceptual consequences on Thakur-Swamiji.

Thanking you,
I remain ever at your service in Thakur-Ma-Swamiji,
Sugata Bose



How can exclusive religions believe in religious pluralism? Theirs is a doctrinaire compulsion to denounce all other faiths -- which to them are false -- despite the perfected act of pretentious coexistence. Thus has Islam forced the Partition of India the moment the opportunity arose, although, superficial thinkers will continue to blame the British, Gandhi-Nehru-Patel and Jinnah for it and not Islam. I would wish to be convinced that it was so but fail to see how India would have been dismembered in freedom had it not been for exclusive Islamic tenets that were exploited by Jinnah and the British to suit their political ends. Islam provided the raw material in terms of tenets and the perfidious parties fashioned their ammunition out of it to fire the volleys of devastating division through the heart of the nation.

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : The Prophet of religious harmony, the sage of Dakshineshwar who, in Swami Vivekananda's words, was himself a veritable Parliament of Religions, could not in absentia prevent Partition and the horrors that followed in its wake.

Saturday, 28 December 2019

HINDU LINEAGE ... 1, 2, 3



Baba Allauddin Khan's ancestor, four generations before him, that is, his great great grandfather was a Hindu who worked for Bhavani Pathak and Devi Chowdhurani. He was called Siraju and was the son of Dinanath Dev Sharma who was a saintly figure and much venerated by locals. When the British went after him, he escaped in the guise of a Muslim, attire and beard et al, and subsequently converted to Islam to permanently conceal his identity in his new rural residence which had afforded him shelter. He was renamed Sams Fakir.

Allauddin's elder brother Aftabuddin was an ascetic who practised austerities in Mother Kali's name. Allauddin himself worshipped Devi Sarada in Maihar even as he performed his ritual daily five time namaz. Every year at the time of the special worship of the goddess he would climb hundreds of steps up a hill to reach the shrine where he would prostrate before the image in veneration. And this ritual he maintained till quite an advanced age.

Allauddin's younger daughter, Roshanara, converted to Hinduism at the time of her marriage with Pandit Ravi Shankar and was given the Hindu name, Annapurna, by Maharaj Brijnath Singh of Maihar.

Allauddin Khan's grandson Ashish Khan is for practical purposes a Hindu.

Both Allauddin Khan and Aftabuddin Khan visited the Belur Math. Aftabuddin, being of a spiritual bent of mind, used to talk spirituality with Swami Brahmananda and the like.

Allauddin once enthralled Raja Maharaj at Belur Math with his sarod recital so much that the sage spontaneously suggested that the maestro play Shukla Bilawal after he had completed the rendition of a particular raga. Whereupon Allauddin broke down into tears and, clasping Maharaj's feet, said, "Maharaj, it is only possible for a person like you to get to know that after this raga that I have played, Shukla Bilawal is the perfect follow-up raga." The sage with eyes shut remained merged in listening to the rendition even as the maestro immersed himself in the oceanic depths of his music.

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Allauddin Khan at his residential room in Maihar surrounded by photographs and paintings of Hindu gods and goddesses, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa who he adored as Avatar (proof in the form of the appended video clipping will be provided as soon as I am able to re-secure it), Swami Vivekananda, Beethoven and other great men.



Aftab-e-Sitar Vilayat Khan's ancestors were Hindu Rajputs. The maestro himself had a Rajput name, Kahan Singh. His father Enayat Khan had the name Nath Singh. Vilayat Khan composed bandishes under the pseudonym, Nath Piya.



 Asaduddin and Akbaruddin's Owaisi's great grandfather was a Hindu who converted to Islam. His name was Tulasi Ram Das ji.


Sugata Bose No, it seems he belonged to a Gujarati Ismaili Shia sect which is an Islamic sect. After his death his relatives claimed that he had converted to Sunni Islam but this was contested in law courts and nothing definite could be apparently ascertained. So, while it is certain that Jinnah was born a Muslim and remained officially so throughout his life, but what his exact belief's were post maturity is difficult to ascertain. Whether he indeed did become a Sunni or not, whether he was an atheist or an agnostic at heart even as he kept up the Islamic facade for securing political ends, all these are contentious questions whose answers are, perhaps, shrouded in mystery.

Sugata Bose Swami Adidebananda Nijosanskritir dhvonshey jaantey ajaantey eto tatpor, tai atmabiddhvonshi shabdati e rakhlam, bhul proyog holo ki? Kripapurbak janaben. Sambhabata atmaghaati e sathik shabda. Janaben ektu.

Sugata Bose Swami Adidebananda Dhanyabaad Maharaj, sangshodhon kore nichhi.

Sugata Bose Mithushree G Mukherjee Bojhe na jara nijeder sathik bhabe Hindu mone koren na pashchatya bhabapanna bole aar jara Hindubirodhita kore uparjan koren, jemon Anandabajar Patrika ityadi.

Sugata Bose Swapan Kumar Ghosh Thakurer abirbhaab o sarbasamakshe prokot howa aaj ek ashu sambhabana. Dushter daman, shishter palan o Sanatan Dharmer punahsawngsthaapanhetu Tnar ei abataran aaj ekanta apariharjyo.

Sugata Bose Keep reading. Concepts will clarify of their own.

Sugata Bose Agreed, and therein lies the challenge for the functioning and the fruition of the movement which the Master had initiated. Capable conduits are necessary to hold, interpret, realise and activate energetically the message of the Master unto transformation of human consciousness the world over.

Sugata Bose Yet, this synthesis will have to be worked out if we are to prosper as a nation. Hindu-Muslim unity is a sine qua non for the nation's advancement.

Sugata Bose That is precisely the problem, this doctrinaire compulsion to destroy all else but themselves.

Sugata Bose Parag Kumar Mitra Manifest as you yourself as much as your neighbour in a different guise. The incarnate divine, though, is due on earth as per Thakur's prophecy. We have to wait for his divine advent, his appearance amidst us.

Sugata Bose Suman Samaddar Chamatkaar! Ki sundar bodh o abhinaba shabdachayan!

Sugata Bose Soumyasarathi Mondal Chhutir proyojon nei, proyojon manusher jnara tnar adarshake jeeboney roopantarita kore deshke samriddha korben sarbadikey.

Sugata Bose Suman Samaddar Bhaipo? Hiseb thik korun agey. Ekhaneo chooranto bhraanti !

Sugata Bose স্বচ্ছতোয়া দাশগুপ্ত Tyagei jaubaner mahamulya.

Sugata Bose স্বচ্ছতোয়া দাশগুপ্ত Nishchoi bhabbe kintu agey toh manush hote hobe. Pore dekhun ebishoye Netaji, Gandhiji, Sri Aurobindo o Rabindranath, ender ki mot. Sarbapari Swamijir ebishoye ki mot.

Sugata Bose Swami Adidebananda Maharaj, apnar lekhani bolishthha. Pratyaha agnimoy bani prachaar korun anugraha kore o live video korun majhe majhe.

Sugata Bose Swami Adidebananda Abar brahmacharyer niralas pracheshtai charitragathhaner sahayak. Maharaj, apni Swamijir kichhu agnimoy bani prachaar korun nijo mantabya sangjukta kore. Samne ' Jatiya Juba Dibas'. Anuprerora paben anekey.

Sugata Bose Gireeshan Pandan Recount your story as well on Facebook as I have started doing mine.

Sugata Bose Indeed, we are, if we choose to dabble only in petty politics to the exclusion of the culture of all that is grand and glorious in our Hindu heritage.

Sugata Bose It will be a natural process forced by the exigencies of evolution.

Sugata Bose Abir Chatterjee Please maintain civility in speech. Do not abuse others to express your dissent of opinion, please.

Sharmistha Chatterjee1:31:20 Drank your words...absorbed like a sponge.

Sugata Bose0:01 Drink, for this is the very ambrosia that sends one careering unto the high heavens whence there is return no more to this terrestrial plane, or, if at all there is a recoiling unto this earthly realm, then it is a visitation unto this sphere of man-vibration to fill humanity with the ethereal currents of cosmic bliss.

Sugata Bose After such a long wait have I found in you, brother, a kindred soul who cares to duly propagate the message of Messiah of the masses in his original diction. Glory unto you and glory unto the Master that so inspires you !

Sugata Bose You keep posting and I'll keep sharing. Between us two brothers, we shall rock up the world.

Sugata Bose Bravo! What a service you are rendering unto humanity!

Sugata Bose Saibal Ghosh Are you advising me? Do you have any doubt as to my intent? Or do you believe that I do not practise what I preach? What is the import of your comment?

Sugata Bose0:09 Saurav Ghosh Where did I name her?

Sugata Bose0:03 Saurav Ghosh No, you are mistaken about my reference. I did not as such have any specific person in my mind and am amazed to behold your utter lack of sympathy for any human being under assault whatever the associated factors may be. I do not harbour or corroborate your vehement view thus and differ emphatically with it.

Sugata Bose0:02 Saurav Ghosh Accepted. Your English writing is marvellous, I must say and I must recommend you to write original posts on my many groups. However, the posts must be pertinent to the thematic content of the said groups.

Sugata Bose Bhaskar Sen Sharma Write down your message in mesmeric terms here, Bhaskar.

Sugata Bose A Kr Mittra I have made the necessary adjustments to your message and uploaded the same in the post proper. But why did someone else respond thus to your request? Peculiar. And why on earth are you thanking him? I see he has removed his unwarranted comment. Anyhow, your comment is commendable and I heartily thank you for it.

Sugata Bose A Kr Mittra Never mind. Silly game of sorts by some onlooker, I guess.

Sugata Bose Endorse your view completely.

Sugata Bose Dangerous, indeed, toxic, pernicious, politically driven and destructive.

Sugata Bose God of tabla, indeed. Seemed like Mahadev on the percussion.

Sugata Bose Diganta Sengupta By consulting the almanac where the Hindu calendar in hourly detail is given.

Sugata Bose Diganta Sengupta Grand. But from now on read his works in the original English.

Sugata Bose Diganta Sengupta It will. Count Leo Tolstoy, the great Russian writer had highly commended Swamiji's English. He had famously said, "Vivekananda's English is perfect." My own linguistic efflorescence has largely been owing to the influence of the seminal Swami who has been the fountainhead of my life's inspiration as well. I owe to him no less than my very life which has been shaped by his thoughts, percolating power in the collective human consciousness and his lustrous personality which has so endeared me that it has enslaved me to do his bidding for good. I live on to fulfil Swamiji's mission in however minuscule a form and so must you, Diganta.

Sugata Bose You are matchless in your sincerity, Diganta.

Sugata Bose Swami Adidebananda Tatey ki Maharaj? 'Svadharmey nidhanam shreya paradharma bhayavaha.' Jai bole boluk, ja bhabe bhabuk, ey prachaar chai. Kromagato likhun aar live video korun ektu. Tahole amra sakaley upakrita hawbo. Pranam neben.

Swami Adidebananda Sugata Bose খুব ভালো লাগলো, সুগত ভাই। এই মানসিকতা না হলে,আমরা বিপন্ন হবো। ভালো থেকো। আন্তরিক স্নেহশুভেচ্ছা নিও। মঙ্গলমস্তু।

Sugata Bose Yes, but the struggle must be along lines of morality, holding on to the ethical code and the means must be lawful, honest and conducing to human welfare.

Sugata Bose Bravo ! Onward and onward till the goal is reached.

Meghnad BoseThank youu, Baba :