Wednesday, 22 May 2019



Do not ever say that you have worked yourself for others to death. Nobody forces you to work. It is out of your own volition that you do so and that, too, for the purification of your own mind-stuff whether you are conscious of it or not. So, if you have done hard work for yourself and for others, consider yourself blessed that you were afforded the opportunity to do so and that you were not denied it instead. For it is not everyone's privilege to serve others and if such has been your lot, you are blessed indeed.

Never throw the blame on others by finding every bit of fault in them for it is the faulty mind that does so and never the magnanimous one of great acceptance. This, however, does not mean that we must not develop our critical faculties to fine-tune our appreciation of things, to refine our sensibilities, but it means that we must not be caustic in our comments on others' deficiencies for it is a wholly negative approach to collective cooperative living. The problem remains, though, in the sense that the person of blunt understanding and articulation could turn out dictatorial, thwarting the liberty of others and restricting their life's play, and here collective security is necessary to protect human rights against such blatant violation.

The long and the short of it all may be summarised thus : differences in the levels of evolution of different sections of humanity lead to cultural friction which must be combated and overcome for the maintenance of the higher ends of civilisation. Education is the key here and the right kind of training in the formative years can combat this evil to a certain extent but once unhealthy habits have been formed and the noxious patterns of behaviour firmly set in the personality, a degree of resistance from the victimised one will have to be the way out. But the victim suffers mutely or with feeble resistance and this seldom rescues him from the torment he endures. Often self-destruction results from such sustained torture, often derangement of the personality through such perfected persecution but rarely does the victim manage to escape the octopus hold of the persecutor and his methodical mischief that denies rights to others even as it claims all such to itself.

Such then is the predicament of the world and in every microcosmic version of it, it is played out as well. The home reflects a feature of the world, the microcosm of the macrocosm.

What then is the way out of this vicious cycle of predator-prey relationship? Spirituality.

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : The one who keeps my hopes alive and my life afloat even when it seems that the flame has run out of fuel, perhaps, and it is time to quit.

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