Wednesday 1 May 2019



There is a grand inspiration in living for there is always the possibility of seeing God. When God can be found in the midst of our heart, what despair can there be in life? Yet, the multifarious failures of life beset us and we lose hope in the midst of such immense possibilities of finding fulfilment in spiritual realisation. Here we have to reflect on the words of Swami Vivekananda who has inspired us with the grand message of our latent and essential inherent divinity which each one of us can realise. But is realisation so easy? Perhaps, it is not, yet, perhaps, it is easier than we think it is, for the hidden dragons in our mind grow to monstrous proportions in reducing our self-belief to cipher and making a possible venture into an impossible dream. No achievement in life comes easy, nor this one, that of the realisation of who we truly are. But since such realisation is of our own innate self, we must surely feel confident that we can uncover the truth lying embedded within us and, so, find fulfilment as the final fruition to all our life's endeavours. Here Vivekananda shows us the way.

But which Vivekananda?

Written by Sugata Bose

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