Tuesday, 21 May 2019



The despicable decline in the character of our politicians is a reflection on the general character of the polity itself. With the proliferation of education, the masses have been quickened into an ever-increasing demand for greater rights and a proportionately greater share of the nation's resources. Without the requisite qualifications for such privileged possession and only empowered by the franchise which the common man can exercise, this has led to the erosion of the quality of national institutions which in turn has precipitated the downward trend in the overall culture of society.

The explosion of population and the spread of low-quality education among them have formed a dangerous mix to debilitate culture. The demographic cultural imbalance has drawn society down and with every passing year it seems like an irreversible trend that will eventually consume all in its vicious swallow. Politics has become increasingly violent over the years and now it is more 'the almighty dollar' ruling with its equally potent cousin, the muscleman's brute force, than decent democracy and its enlightened institutions. After all, much is at stake in every election and a displacement from power is hardly welcome for politicians entrenched in self-seeking. Nationalism is merely a slogan and so is the use of religion to garner support in one's bid to swing to power. Who cares for the country after all? Who can say in all sincerity that he is committed to the well-being of humanity which in itself is the highest well-being of the nation? Are politicians sincere? Is the polity sincere?

What we need is scruples in public life, the adherence to the principles of truth and honesty so that real progress of the nation is possible. Alas, that seems today like a vain proposition as lesser mortals take over the reins of the greater governance and invariably make a mess of it. And the reason is simple --- lack of character. No wonder Swami Vivekananda had thundered that the formation of character was the sine qua non for the emergence of real men and women in society who could give it a new direction and reinstate our motherland to her pristine glory. He gave his life to building men and women of character, and he has left us with the charge to carry on with that process which alone can guide India through the present period of strife and chaos in the world unto a peaceful self-development.

We, the people of India, are the inheritors of the Swami's mission and it is bounden on us to uphold and enhance it to the best advantage of our motherland and the world. In it shall lie true nationalism and in it shall lie real internationalism as well, for India had never drawn boundaries on her knowledge or cultural inheritance in her days of glory and has ever freely gifted all that was best in it to the world at large. Neither are we today to be niggardly in our dissemination of our spiritual culture among the diverse races of the world, but for that let us first settle our home front by building up an army of committed citizens imbued with the spirit of service and sacrifice and empowered by a character that stands firm in realised principles and does not merely engage in pretentious talk on matters of the Spirit.

An enlightened citizenry alone can solve the multifarious problems that beset our nation and give it a direction that no dictator can change. Such a society our forefathers had built ages ago and it has served us in a seminal manner for millenia before decadence set in. And such a national society we will have to yet build for the future glory of our nation. And the edifice of it shall rest on the foundation of the sterling character and consciousness of countless citizens who care for the country.

Written by Sugata Bose

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