Monday 27 May 2019



The written word so differs from the perception of its essence. And the written word creates so much confusion despite it being the best vehicle of communication thus far. The Word, they say, is the Truth, and the Word divides men so much that they annihilate each other in its name.

Can God be so capricious, so partisan, so irrational, nay, infra-rational, that He in all His mercy denounces the vast majority of those who refuse to follow Him, and arranges for their persecution here on earth and hell-fire hereafter? Where is His natural justice, whither His wisdom?

It is best to adhere to the dharma then than to subscribe to any divine dictate of sorts and sell one's discretion to discriminate intelligently as to one's conduct in life and one's approach to Truth. Better to be a rational, thinking man than a blind believer in irrational nonsense masquerading as religion, thrust upon the human species through the exigencies of social evolution in diverse parts of the world.

Hail humanity !

Written by Sugata Bose

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