1. আমাদের সহিষ্ণুতা বাড়ানো একান্ত আবষ্যক |
তোমার পূজার ছলে মোরা তোমায় ভুলে থাকি,
বিস্মরণের বিষম ব্যাধি সদাই হৃদে রাখি |
রচনা : Tapan Bhattacharya ও Sugata Bose
3. ভালোবাসা হৃদয়ের ধন, বস্তু নয় | মা বাবাকে যাঁরা ভালোবাসেন, তাঁরা তো এভাবেই ভাবেন |
4. অতিভাবুকতা যদি খারাপ হয় তো অতি বাস্তববাদও ভাল নয় | আদর্শকে রক্ষা করে মধ্যপন্থাই শ্রেয় |
24. Young people are always up to something or the other. For them Swami Vivekananda is the correct guide. He will give their lives the much needed direction.
49. আসুন, উচ্চারণ শুদ্ধ করি | সংলাপ বিশুদ্ধ হোক | পরিশীলিত বাক্যবিন্যাস,পরিচ্ছন্ন চিন্তা ও পরিমার্জিত উপস্থাপন --- এই ত্রয়ীকে সম্বল করে বক্তৃতা সুষমামণ্ডিত হোক |
50. প্রকাশ্যে আসুন | প্রচ্ছদছবিটি নিজের দিন | সাহস অবলম্বন করুন | কিসের দ্বিধা, কিসের ভয় ?
51. যত সুতো ছাড়বেন প্রতিপক্ষকে, ততই তার কবলে গিয়ে পড়বেন | নিজের স্বাধীনতা হারাবেন না | ওইটিই সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ সম্বল | নিজ অধিকার সংরক্ষণে যত্নশীল হোন |
52. ডাক্তার হতে চাই, এঞ্জিনীয়র হতে চাই --- মানুষ হতে চাই কি ? দেশপ্রেমিক হতে চাই কি ? চরিত্রবান ঈশ্বরসাধক, ভগবৎপ্রেমী হতে চাই কি ?
তোমার পূজার ছলে মোরা তোমায় ভুলে থাকি,
বিস্মরণের বিষম ব্যাধি সদাই হৃদে রাখি |
রচনা : Tapan Bhattacharya ও Sugata Bose
3. ভালোবাসা হৃদয়ের ধন, বস্তু নয় | মা বাবাকে যাঁরা ভালোবাসেন, তাঁরা তো এভাবেই ভাবেন |
4. অতিভাবুকতা যদি খারাপ হয় তো অতি বাস্তববাদও ভাল নয় | আদর্শকে রক্ষা করে মধ্যপন্থাই শ্রেয় |
5. স্বামীজীকে বুঝতে হলে চাই পবিত্রতা, ব্রহ্মচর্য | শ্রদ্ধাহীন হীনবীর্য সংশয়াপন্নের কর্ম এ নয় | গভীর আস্তিক্যবুদ্ধি ও মনীষা আবশ্যক |
6. Sugata Bose : [@Bhaskar Sen Sharma] Thus they leave behind their fragrance even when they are gone in person, these freshest flowers of humanity whose aroma ever spreads. And their benediction graces those that come after them even as the soft glow of the setting sun lights up the sky before evening sets in.
6. Sugata Bose : [@Bhaskar Sen Sharma] Thus they leave behind their fragrance even when they are gone in person, these freshest flowers of humanity whose aroma ever spreads. And their benediction graces those that come after them even as the soft glow of the setting sun lights up the sky before evening sets in.
7. Sugata Bose : [@Poulome Mitra] Alright. This is the age when one has to pass through a lot of stress of the advancing middle age with responsibilities mounting. Anyhow, God bless you !
Love and good care given them make their old age infirmity yet a joyous experience amidst maturing spirituality and growing awareness of a deeper love within. But, you are right, it all depends on the degree of infirmity and the essential attitude of the being. Overall, it, indeed, is not so nice an experience which is why, Poulome, it is so essential that one begins the spiritual journey consciously early on in life.
8. The Ramakrishna Mission serves as a beacon in a storm-tossed world. Support it to save humanity.
9. শুদ্রযুগ আসছে, হুঁশিয়ার ভাইসব !
10. Sugata Bose : [@Swapan Kumar Ghosh] Ekhono thik asheni. Dhanatantrer dhvajaa ekhon uchchakashey uttolito, daridra, madhtabitta nishpeshito.
Love and good care given them make their old age infirmity yet a joyous experience amidst maturing spirituality and growing awareness of a deeper love within. But, you are right, it all depends on the degree of infirmity and the essential attitude of the being. Overall, it, indeed, is not so nice an experience which is why, Poulome, it is so essential that one begins the spiritual journey consciously early on in life.
8. The Ramakrishna Mission serves as a beacon in a storm-tossed world. Support it to save humanity.
9. শুদ্রযুগ আসছে, হুঁশিয়ার ভাইসব !
10. Sugata Bose : [@Swapan Kumar Ghosh] Ekhono thik asheni. Dhanatantrer dhvajaa ekhon uchchakashey uttolito, daridra, madhtabitta nishpeshito.
11. জীবনের তো একটিই অন্তিম উদ্দেশ্য --- ঈশ্বরলাভ | বাকি সব উপ-উদ্দেশ্য, শীর্ষলক্ষ্যে উপণীত হওয়ার পথে উপশৃঙ্গ অতিক্রমণ |
12. Greed leads man to exploit brother man. The whole of human history bears testimony to the exploitative nature of man.
13. Give everyone his due, exploit none. Then alone are you a man.
12. Greed leads man to exploit brother man. The whole of human history bears testimony to the exploitative nature of man.
13. Give everyone his due, exploit none. Then alone are you a man.
14. বিষয়বুদ্ধি আর কপটতা তাকে কেন্দ্র করে এক নয় | নির্মল সরল মনের অধিকারী না হলে জীবন বৃথা, ঈশ্বরলাভ তো সুদূরপরাহত |
15. Read 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' daily 10 pages to be rooted in God-consciousness.
16. হতে হলে অন্তর্মুখীন হতে হবে | ভেতরে এক ভিন্ন জগৎ | বহির্মুখীন মানুষ অধ্যাত্মজগতের সংবাদ পান না, তাই জড়বুদ্ধি, নাস্তিকতা |
17. The easiest way to deepen spiritual life is to read 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' daily.
18. সমস্যার সমষ্টি হল জীবন আর তার সমাধান ঈশ্বর |
19. I am now available for delivering public lectures on Ramakrishna-Vivekananda and motivational speeches for CORPORATE HOUSES.
20. He who poses to be God, fails to be so. He who self-improves ever, attains to Godhead.
21. Hindustani classical music, pursued lifelong with a pure heart and free of passion, takes one close to God.
22. Market replaces music as off-tune pretenders pose as classical musicians. Culture is at its nadir.
23. It is best to bring a parity between the real and the projected. Pretence is reprehensible. The image will not last unless there is substance to it.
24. Young people are always up to something or the other. For them Swami Vivekananda is the correct guide. He will give their lives the much needed direction.
25. Britain must reap the fruits of its divisive policy to disintegrate the world. It will as yet boomerang on it bad.
P.S. : Sugata Bose : [@Riya Bhattacharya] Well, that (Frankenstein) was not on my mind when I penned the lines. But Britain has released in its colonial policy of 'divide and rule'some sort of a Frankenstein for sure by way of Islamic terrorism and is already at the receiving end on account of that. But my statement relates to a far deeper karmic issue which Britain will have to bear for the laws of karma are inviolable and must in due course have their sway on whosoever dares infringe them.
P.S. : Sugata Bose : [@Riya Bhattacharya] Well, that (Frankenstein) was not on my mind when I penned the lines. But Britain has released in its colonial policy of 'divide and rule'some sort of a Frankenstein for sure by way of Islamic terrorism and is already at the receiving end on account of that. But my statement relates to a far deeper karmic issue which Britain will have to bear for the laws of karma are inviolable and must in due course have their sway on whosoever dares infringe them.
26. Posts must carry some content and must not be mere photographs of Netaji appended with a one-liner glorifying him.
27. Why should a man of renunciation add a body in marriage when he wishes to subtract his own body through phenomenal transcendence?
28. যুগধর্মসংস্থাপনের দায়িত্বটি শুধু সপার্ষদ অবতারপুরুষের নয় | সে দায়িত্ব তাঁর সকল অনুগামীর | আসুন, এই মহান ব্রত উদযাপনে যত্নবান হই |
রচয়িতা : সুগত বোস (Sugata Bose)
রচয়িতা : সুগত বোস (Sugata Bose)
29. The Europeans colonised us but never got integrated into our culture, never became one with us. They merely drained our resources.
30. It is well to win the accolades of the public, so far from winning one's way into the heart of real music.Then and then alone a musician finds fulfilment.
31. All hypocrisy should be rooted out of the system if we wish to be spiritual. No image need be maintained by resorting to pretence.
32. Let truth shine through you like the sun shines through glass. So also let the mirror of the mind reflect the Absolute.
33. How much longer shall we remain enslaved to an imaginary God? Shall we never have the courage of conviction to free ourselves of these psychological trappings?
34. বহুযুগ ধরে তো ঈশ্বরের দাসত্ব হল | এবার স্বীয় মহিমায় আত্মপ্রতিষ্ঠার পালা | আসুন, ঈশ্বরতুল্য হওয়া যাক |
35. Because this page is intended to a more serious study of Netaji and all pertinent revolutionary movements and not for self-promotion of sorts.
36. That is a personal prerogative and one cannot comment on one's preferences in that regard.
32. Let truth shine through you like the sun shines through glass. So also let the mirror of the mind reflect the Absolute.
33. How much longer shall we remain enslaved to an imaginary God? Shall we never have the courage of conviction to free ourselves of these psychological trappings?
34. বহুযুগ ধরে তো ঈশ্বরের দাসত্ব হল | এবার স্বীয় মহিমায় আত্মপ্রতিষ্ঠার পালা | আসুন, ঈশ্বরতুল্য হওয়া যাক |
35. Because this page is intended to a more serious study of Netaji and all pertinent revolutionary movements and not for self-promotion of sorts.
36. That is a personal prerogative and one cannot comment on one's preferences in that regard.
37. [@SunandaKar2] Sunanda, you are a remarkable writer. I keep reading your tweets and am amazed at the sheer power of thought and expression that you bring to them. My best wishes to you and to all your future projects in writing, for, indeed, yours is a talent worth nurturing.
38. India will never rise unless her daughters acquire culture and stop being only practical in their ways and means of living.
38. India will never rise unless her daughters acquire culture and stop being only practical in their ways and means of living.
39. Too much of practicality destroys the beauty of life and makes a person grovel along the material road of mundane living.
40. The country is doomed if it emphasises overmuch on the grosser elements of life to the exclusion of all refined culture.
41. Every word uttered by Sri Ramakrishna has turned out to be true and this I say from daily experience and not from dogmatic belief.
42. গৃহকর্ম করলেই হবে না, সেবাবুদ্ধিসহায়ে করতে হবে | অহংকৃত অজ্ঞ মনের নিষ্প্রেম কর্ম কি গৃহে কাম্য ?
43. Fifty years have passed in pain. There is such a delight ahead that not more than the same period is in store to endure it as yet.
44. Sugata Bose : [@Sudipta Chatterjee] What an outstanding piece of writing! You must contribute more in this regard. Do also become a member of the NETAJI group administered by me and post this piece there. I take the liberty to share it on the mentioned group page for I can scarce resist the urge to delight readers with the content of the essay. My sincerest commendation and regards unto your literary effort and unto your patriotic fervour manifest in such a gripping narrative retold in sympathetic resonant historical notes.
A sense of belonging to the nation -- casting vote to reinforce umbilical relation with the motherland.
From 1982 to 2019 -- 37 years of exercising of franchise.
47. গুরুগতপ্রাণ হলে আর চিন্তা নেই, ঈশ্বরকৃপা অবশ্যম্ভাবী |
Sugata Bose : [@Swami Ekarthananda Puri]So did mine, only a trifle earlier.
48. Sugata Bose : [@Swami Ekarthananda Puri] Radish, Maharaj (Swami Ekarthananda Puri), unless the reference is to ideological colour signifying something else which I am sure it is not.
A sense of belonging to the nation -- casting vote to reinforce umbilical relation with the motherland.
From 1982 to 2019 -- 37 years of exercising of franchise.
47. গুরুগতপ্রাণ হলে আর চিন্তা নেই, ঈশ্বরকৃপা অবশ্যম্ভাবী |
Sugata Bose : [@Swami Ekarthananda Puri]So did mine, only a trifle earlier.
48. Sugata Bose : [@Swami Ekarthananda Puri] Radish, Maharaj (Swami Ekarthananda Puri), unless the reference is to ideological colour signifying something else which I am sure it is not.
49. আসুন, উচ্চারণ শুদ্ধ করি | সংলাপ বিশুদ্ধ হোক | পরিশীলিত বাক্যবিন্যাস,পরিচ্ছন্ন চিন্তা ও পরিমার্জিত উপস্থাপন --- এই ত্রয়ীকে সম্বল করে বক্তৃতা সুষমামণ্ডিত হোক |
50. প্রকাশ্যে আসুন | প্রচ্ছদছবিটি নিজের দিন | সাহস অবলম্বন করুন | কিসের দ্বিধা, কিসের ভয় ?
51. যত সুতো ছাড়বেন প্রতিপক্ষকে, ততই তার কবলে গিয়ে পড়বেন | নিজের স্বাধীনতা হারাবেন না | ওইটিই সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ সম্বল | নিজ অধিকার সংরক্ষণে যত্নশীল হোন |
52. ডাক্তার হতে চাই, এঞ্জিনীয়র হতে চাই --- মানুষ হতে চাই কি ? দেশপ্রেমিক হতে চাই কি ? চরিত্রবান ঈশ্বরসাধক, ভগবৎপ্রেমী হতে চাই কি ?
53. Sustained self-culture is spirituality. It culminates in the discovery of the Self (Atman).
54. Politicians must take care not to unleash the forces of mob violence for that could be catastrophic for the nation.
55. We have to learn stillness from Sri Aurobindo and that will lead us to God who is absolute stillness.
56. Some surrender, some fight on, but all are broken in the end. In self-extinction is self-liberation.
57. Man wishes to surrender to a superior personality, a higher force, and this is his 'prakritibhaav'.
58. Give up political thoughts with respect to God. Be simple and loving and you shall see Him.
59. I have but a mother to cling to, none else, none else.
60. অনন্ত জীবন | এদিকেও অনন্ত, ওদিকেও অনন্ত | It is an endless stream of life. It is bliss all the way.
61. To daily get bludgeoned, to hourly be brutalised and yet be oblivious of the pain is the sign of the slave or the seer.
62. To hourly insult another has become the pastime of many in this age of universal decadence. Whither dharma?
63. The man of sattva suffers the most in some sense for he can neither resort to lowly retaliation nor stoop in any manner whatsoever. Silence and endurance (titiksha) are his only methods of self-defence. Sufferance of the soul manifests lion's energy eventually till the persecutor is vanquished by its radiation.
55. We have to learn stillness from Sri Aurobindo and that will lead us to God who is absolute stillness.
56. Some surrender, some fight on, but all are broken in the end. In self-extinction is self-liberation.
57. Man wishes to surrender to a superior personality, a higher force, and this is his 'prakritibhaav'.
58. Give up political thoughts with respect to God. Be simple and loving and you shall see Him.
59. I have but a mother to cling to, none else, none else.
60. অনন্ত জীবন | এদিকেও অনন্ত, ওদিকেও অনন্ত | It is an endless stream of life. It is bliss all the way.
61. To daily get bludgeoned, to hourly be brutalised and yet be oblivious of the pain is the sign of the slave or the seer.
62. To hourly insult another has become the pastime of many in this age of universal decadence. Whither dharma?
63. The man of sattva suffers the most in some sense for he can neither resort to lowly retaliation nor stoop in any manner whatsoever. Silence and endurance (titiksha) are his only methods of self-defence. Sufferance of the soul manifests lion's energy eventually till the persecutor is vanquished by its radiation.
64. For all man's pretension to culture, civilisation is on the decline worldwide.
65. This life is a dream and dreams are meant to be broken when the time for wakefulness comes. And it is good that it has been so.
65. This life is a dream and dreams are meant to be broken when the time for wakefulness comes. And it is good that it has been so.
66. In the midst of deepest pain he who maintains his blissful self has manifested the sattva.
67. There is but a life to lose, but before we do it, let us utilise it to the fullest to further life's highest end, Self-realisation.
67. There is but a life to lose, but before we do it, let us utilise it to the fullest to further life's highest end, Self-realisation.
68. If in persecution, O tyrant, you get your highest pleasure, then resistance is the way out. Arise, awake and manifest your manhood.
69. What is there to fear in life when there is death, my beloved, ever beckoning me on unto her arms?
The singer (Varsha Josji Sohoni singing Mama atma gamala) is a novice and ought to learn more to be able to sing in tune before she appears before the audience to perform. However, she has a bold and open voice which is commendable and a pleasant personality, too.
71. Mere exhibition of taankari of a superficial type to impress spells the doom of the artiste and such has been the case for a few.
The singer (Varsha Josji Sohoni singing Mama atma gamala) is a novice and ought to learn more to be able to sing in tune before she appears before the audience to perform. However, she has a bold and open voice which is commendable and a pleasant personality, too.
71. Mere exhibition of taankari of a superficial type to impress spells the doom of the artiste and such has been the case for a few.
72. Those that persecute shall perish. The victim ever vanquishes the violator but it all happens in the fullness of time.
73. Greed gains momentum as the hour draws in. Power's such a vicious plotter that it fouls up man's sanity.
74. All may hope but hopes will be belied save of the one who's the anointed one of the God of India's destiny (Bharatabhagyavidhata).
75. When a truthful person is dubbed a liar and liars abound parodying truth, know culture has reached its nadir.
76. Is this civilisation that thrives on persecution, on blood spilled from innocent arteries?
77. The mercy of the Guru is the one safeguard in life. The Guru ever remains gracious.
78. As population swells, politics plummets.
79. As Mother reorganises Her play-field, the forces arrayed battle their wits out to their eventual resolution.
80. Eventually, character wins.
81. Truth triumphs if even in tortuous terms. The labyrinth of life opens up vast vistas ahead where a broader freedom obtains.
82. The ease of the rich is at the expense of the labour of the poor. And, yet, the masses toil away for seemingly no return.
83. ভগবানকে কেউ বিশ্বাস করেন না | সবাই স্বার্থবোধে উন্মত্ত | নিজেরাই নিয়ন্তা হয়ে পড়েছেন নিখিল ব্রহ্মাণ্ডের ভাগ্যনির্ধারণের | ক্ষুদ্রের একি আস্ফালন ?
84. Men talk, the masses reply.
85. The country rejoices.The masses have given their verdict. Now let us work for the billion strong Bharatvasis to build Bharatvarsha.
86. Let Sanskrit now be made compulsory in schools.
87. Fakir ! Fakir, indeed, rather a gaudily dressed one !
88. Much talk to begin with, much more needs to be done than speech can achieve.
89. If only men knew how to conserve energy, if only leaders knew how the masses bleed, how much needs to be done right away.
90. Politicians speak well. Were they to serve as well, too.
91. Raucous television journalism bespeaks of lowly commercial culture entrenched in garnering TRP. Worthy indeed of this decadent age!
92. The personality cult is always dangerous, especially when it involves political power. Principles ought to be adhered to instead.
93. যে দল ভবিষ্যতে সর্বোচ্চ চারিত্রীক দৃঢ়তার পরিচয় দেবে, তাদেরই হাতে ন্যস্ত হবে দেশের কর্মভার | চরিত্রই সর্বজয়ী |
94. Hate guards the sanctum of love where the Lord resides. Go beyond this divisive attribute to behold the beloved within.
73. Greed gains momentum as the hour draws in. Power's such a vicious plotter that it fouls up man's sanity.
74. All may hope but hopes will be belied save of the one who's the anointed one of the God of India's destiny (Bharatabhagyavidhata).
75. When a truthful person is dubbed a liar and liars abound parodying truth, know culture has reached its nadir.
76. Is this civilisation that thrives on persecution, on blood spilled from innocent arteries?
77. The mercy of the Guru is the one safeguard in life. The Guru ever remains gracious.
78. As population swells, politics plummets.
79. As Mother reorganises Her play-field, the forces arrayed battle their wits out to their eventual resolution.
80. Eventually, character wins.
81. Truth triumphs if even in tortuous terms. The labyrinth of life opens up vast vistas ahead where a broader freedom obtains.
82. The ease of the rich is at the expense of the labour of the poor. And, yet, the masses toil away for seemingly no return.
83. ভগবানকে কেউ বিশ্বাস করেন না | সবাই স্বার্থবোধে উন্মত্ত | নিজেরাই নিয়ন্তা হয়ে পড়েছেন নিখিল ব্রহ্মাণ্ডের ভাগ্যনির্ধারণের | ক্ষুদ্রের একি আস্ফালন ?
84. Men talk, the masses reply.
85. The country rejoices.The masses have given their verdict. Now let us work for the billion strong Bharatvasis to build Bharatvarsha.
86. Let Sanskrit now be made compulsory in schools.
87. Fakir ! Fakir, indeed, rather a gaudily dressed one !
88. Much talk to begin with, much more needs to be done than speech can achieve.
89. If only men knew how to conserve energy, if only leaders knew how the masses bleed, how much needs to be done right away.
90. Politicians speak well. Were they to serve as well, too.
91. Raucous television journalism bespeaks of lowly commercial culture entrenched in garnering TRP. Worthy indeed of this decadent age!
92. The personality cult is always dangerous, especially when it involves political power. Principles ought to be adhered to instead.
93. যে দল ভবিষ্যতে সর্বোচ্চ চারিত্রীক দৃঢ়তার পরিচয় দেবে, তাদেরই হাতে ন্যস্ত হবে দেশের কর্মভার | চরিত্রই সর্বজয়ী |
94. Hate guards the sanctum of love where the Lord resides. Go beyond this divisive attribute to behold the beloved within.
95. Do not lose your creative faculties in blind subservience to a tyrant God. Be free of all passions including this abject slavery.
96. If you are free indeed, be so to criticise with care and never with venom that is symptomatic of predispositions and prejudices.
97. Flood the world with music if you wish peace but the music will bind you to the world as well. And such is Maya.
98. Seva Yoga is the austerity of the Age.
99. Strength and freedom alone can make women worthy of themselves, enforcement of moral codes on them cannot.
100. Women must be freed from the clutches of men if human society is to rise worldwide. It is a huge power going waste.
96. If you are free indeed, be so to criticise with care and never with venom that is symptomatic of predispositions and prejudices.
97. Flood the world with music if you wish peace but the music will bind you to the world as well. And such is Maya.
98. Seva Yoga is the austerity of the Age.
99. Strength and freedom alone can make women worthy of themselves, enforcement of moral codes on them cannot.
100. Women must be freed from the clutches of men if human society is to rise worldwide. It is a huge power going waste.
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