Saturday, 25 May 2019


1. কর্ম কি সেবা বিবর্জিত ? নির্ভর করে মানসিকতার ওপর | শ্রদ্ধাবিহীন কর্ম দাসত্বমাত্র, শ্রদ্ধাপূর্ণ কর্ম -- সেবা, পূজা, আরাধনা, তপস্যা, যোগ , প্রেম |

2. The revolutionaries of the freedom movement exhibited the valour of the Great Revolt of 1857 and not quite in vain for it was their revolutionary activity that eventually brought us freedom, a fact now historically established but is not quite the narrative of the Government of India yet for obvious political compulsions.

3. সুরে স্থায়ীত্ব আসুক, চঞ্চল তান এমনি এসে পড়বে |

4. গাছ কেটে ফেললেন সব | এখন বুড়ো মানুষদের এই গরমে যে প্রাণ যায় |

5. When somebody addresses you, make sure you acknowledge it by words or by visible body language. It is etiquette to do so.

6. We are living in a democracy but we behave like feudal lords. Time to change.

7. Will Japan forget Hiroshima and Nagasaki? If they do, they will no more remain Japanese. Retribution or reform?

8. শুধু কর্ম করলেই হয় না, লোকব্যবহারও প্রয়োজন |

9. গরমে আমরা এখন সবাই সিদ্ধপুরুষ, অর্থাৎ, গরমে সব সেদ্ধ হয়ে যাচ্ছি আর কি |

10. সবাই জীবন ভালোবাসেন | জীবনের জীবন যিনি, তাঁকে কেউ চান না |

11. বিজ্ঞানের যুগ শেষ, এখন অজ্ঞানের যুগ |

12. বিজ্ঞানী = big জ্ঞানী ?

13. যে কারণে জগতে আসা, সে উদ্দেশ্যই সাধন হল না | জীবন বৃথা গেল |

14. ভোগে নিমজ্জিত মানুষ কী যোগের সংবাদ পায় ? নাস্তিক্যবুদ্ধি অবশ্যম্ভাবী | আবার প্রমাণ চেয়ে বসে ঈশ্বরের, যেন কত জানার ইচ্ছা তাঁকে বাসনাসহায়ে !

15. If the Lutyens' media is allegedly anti-national as is made out by the constant carping of a boisterous TV anchor, the critic from Mumbai is a compulsive mercenary wholly intent on gathering TRP in the name of a raucous nocturnal show. May God preserve nationalism from these noxious influences unto a saner understanding of it !

16. Rash Behari Bose, handing over the charge of the Indian Independence League and the reins of the overseas revolutionary movement for freedom to Subhas Chandra Bose in July 1943 at the Cathay Cinema Hall, Singapore, is a moment crystallised in history.

17. The repertoire of ragas that a musician has depends a lot on the 'taleem' (training) he is fortunate to receive from his Guru. Bhimsen Joshi was quite limited in this respect but transcended limitations through depth of presentation and his undeniable range of voice, prolonged 'taankari' through three octaves and the reverential mood he invoked through his concentrated rendition of the classical vocal art form.

18. Where do people go when they die? Where do they stay when they live? Do they live and do they die?

19. Reverence is a rare thing and once it grips an individual, he is on his way to the realisation of his cherished end.

20. সংগীত যেখানে সাধনা, সেখানেই তার সার্থকতা | আর, এ সাধনা শুধু সুরের নয়, এ সাধনা ঈশ্বরদর্শনের |

21. The life of a nation is in the masses and the life of the masses is in the age-old spiritual principles that animate this holy land of Bharat.

22. Transcending shame is not the same as shamelessness. The former calls for the spiritualisation of physical conceptions while the latter grossly gives in to greater physicality.

23. Care must be taken to do the minutest work with care. This is the way to yoga, perfection.

24. The Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) is the grandest philosophical system, the deepest religion that there is in the world.

25. Mutual respect is democracy.

26. সত্য, শিব ও সুন্দরের আরাধনাই সংস্কৃতি |

27. কর্ম সৌন্দর্য্যমণ্ডিত হোক |

28. তিনি বুদ্ধির বহুদূর, বোধের গোচর |

29. 'Holy men' making ash, rings and necklaces through supposed 'materialisation' weaken the nation by going contrary to its spiritual tradition.

30. Miracle-mongering is a detestable pastime of supposedly spiritual men who dupe the public with cheap materialisation.

31. Gimmicks do not make music. The raga must reveal its essence, its colour and fragrance in all its optimal beauty.

32. হৃদয়ে যিনি, ব্রহ্মাণ্ডেও তিনি |

33. ভগবান আছেন ও কর্মরত আছেন | আপনার, আমার কর্তব্যকর্ম অবশ্য করণীয় কিন্তু তার ওপর নির্ভর করে কিছুই নেই ব্রহ্মাণ্ডে | তাঁর কর্ম চলছে, স্বাধীন, স্বতঃস্ফূর্ত, শৃঙ্খলাযুক্ত, শৃঙ্খলমুক্ত |

34. Seek Him not in facts and figures, in precepts and principles, but seek Him in the love of your heart.

35. The world runs independent of you and me. It is we who run round and round, being impelled into unceasing motion by the spinning wheel of cosmic karma.

36. যে কাজই করুন, সুন্দর করে করুন, নিপুণভাবে করুন | অসুন্দর কাজ অশ্রদ্ধা হতে উদ্ভূত | শ্রদ্ধাবিহীন কর্ম মঙ্গলসূচক নয় |

37. After the scientific quest for finding the ultimate truth has failed, must come the quest of the spirit. But be scientific to begin with. Else, you will precipitate into follies and foibles that will make a mockery of your rational faculties.

38. Unless there is a scientific revolution in India, there is no hope for India.

39. Let men be rational. Enlightenment must come through reason before intuition brings fulfilment by transcending it.

40. The call of the hour is enthusiastic service to humanity beholding the divine within man.

41. Life runs through you and me like air trapped in bubble. And when the bubble bursts, it is an unbounded Me.

42. He who seeketh Him in facts and figures, in precepts and principles, in scriptures and sayings, in philosophies and formulations, misseth Him for He is best concealed in the inmost recesses of the heart where data doth not reach. Seek ye the Lord in love and ye shalt find Him.

43. This life is a golden opportunity to evolve. Do not waste it in idle pursuits. Utilise it fully and blossom unto fullness.

44. Divergence of opinion is democracy.

45. Preparedness is the key
Before the wind catches
And surges us through the sea.

46. Chaotic life does seem like 'a tale told by an idiot' but life serene is akin to the blissful vision of a sage sublime.

47. Trapped between knowledge and ignorance we are, the intermediate state of terrestrial sentience.

48. How everywhere people are trapped, one to one, each to each ! The cosmic glue holds, karma binds, attachment builds bonds and bondage, too.

49. Dreams seem so real till they break and we awake to their hollowness. Is life a dream, too? Then, whither wakefulness?

50. The trivialities of life, the frivolities of life, its fun and frolic, its relentless pursuit of pleasure --- all these are fine if they lead to life's final fruition in Self-realisation. But do they?

51. Sometimes I am inclined to thinking that the truly semi-spiritual person is the atheist and the irrational materialistic believers are rank atheists.

52. Improve your skill in any work that you do and it will be service to the nation.

53. Practise Hinduism and strengthen it. Do not engage in vain talk merely. Austerity is the key, not laxity.

54. Let environment be one of the key issues to be dealt with in NDA Government 2.0.


Plant 1.36 billion trees to save the environment. Each Indian deserves a tree at least. Let not the Government do it merely. Let us also join in.

Written by Sugata Bose

56. Let the media for the sake of gathering TRP not blow up personalities out of proportion. Let there be sanity in veneration.


This constant harping on personality must stop. It is emphasis on principles that makes a nation. Remember nationalism itself is principle and not personality.

Written by Sugata Bose

58. Swami Ekarthananda Puri Alas, you are subtler than most (sukshmaya sukshmaha darshibhi) ! Your posts are becoming the toast of the hour, Maharaj, and do raise it now and then to the health of our motherland.

59. দরিদ্রের স্কন্ধে সভ্যতা স্থাপিত |

60. ভাষা সংযত হোক রাজনৈতিক নেতা/নেতৃর | সকলকেই ' আপনি ' বলে সম্বোধন করলে শোভন শোনাবে, সভ্যতার মান থাকবে |

61. নেতাজী রামকৃষ্ণ-বিবেকানন্দের একান্ত ভক্ত ছিলেন | তিনি ছিলেন ব্রহ্মচর্যের প্রতিমূর্তি, ত্যাগী মহাপুরুষ | তাঁর প্রদত্ত জয়ধ্বনি বুঝি নবযুগের স্বার্থসিদ্ধির কাজে লাগবে এবার | একদিকে ' জয় শ্রীরাম ' তো অপরদিকে ' জয় হিন্দ ' | চমৎকার উদ্ভাবনী শক্তি রাজনৈতিক নেতৃত্বের কিন্তু এর পরিণাম কি, পরিশেষ কোথায় ?

রচয়িতা : সুগত বোস (Sugata Bose)

62. আজ বুঝি নেতাজীকে মনে পড়ল ? কিন্তু তাঁর আদর্শপালনের জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় চরিত্র আছে কি ?

63. Hindu vote is being consolidated and this is causing consternation among the opponents of the renaissance of Hinduism.

64. জয় হিন্দ ! জয় শ্রীরাম ! এবার রাষ্ট্রবোধের ভগ্নচেতনার বিরুদ্ধে ভগবৎবোধের খণ্ডিতরূপের সংঘর্ষ | রাজনৈতিক নেতা/নেত্রীগণ রাজনীতিকে প্রহসনে পরিণত করেছেন | রাজনীতিতে আজ নৈতিকতা কই ?

রচয়িতা : সুগত বোস (Sugata Bose)

65. এতদিনে শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর বুঝি প্রকাশিত হতে চলেছেন বাংলার রাজনৈতিক রঙ্গমঞ্চে | জয় শ্রীরাম !

66. রাজনৈতিক নেতাদের এত প্রাধান্যও দেওয়া উচিত নয় যে তাঁরা মাথায় চেপে বসেন | মানুষ তাঁর আত্মসম্মানে প্রতিষ্ঠিত হোন |

67. " যে রাম, যে কৃষ্ণ, ইদানিং সেই রামকৃষ্ণরূপে অবতীর্ণ হয়েছে | " ... নরেন্দ্রনাথকে শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ

জয় শ্রীরাম !

68. Slogans will not work, work will. The new generations do not subscribe to idle talk. They need opportunities for self-development.

69. Maryada Purushottam Shree Ramchandra, the spiritual ideal of India. Jai Shree Ram !

70. 49.99% of the population is, yet, mathematically a minority in India. So, where does the demographic change head towards?

71. A semi-literate liberalism to uphold fanatical faiths does not conduce to human well-being. Study the doctrines to infer.

72. Save the children from fanatical religious indoctrination. Clerics, take a back-step and allow scientific evolution.

73. All life is sacred and must be protected --- trees, animals, humans et al.

74. ছবি দেখে আর কত দিন কাটবে ? এবার লেখাগুলো পড়ুন | স্বতঃস্ফূর্ত হলেও, পরিশ্রম করেই তো লিখি | তাই বলছি, পড়ুন |

75. You cannot divorce Ram and Krishna from Ramakrishna who was the harmonic embodiment of both. Jai Shree Ram ! Jai Shree Krishna ! Jai Shree Ramakrishna !

76. রাজনৈনিক নেতা/নেত্রীগণ যদি দেশের স্বার্থ অতিক্রম করে স্বীয়স্বার্থকে প্রাধান্য দেন, তাহলে তাঁদের ইতিহাস হতে হবে | জনতার রোষই দেবতার রোষ |

রচয়িতা : সুগত বোস (Sugata Bose)

77. Save every drop of water. Let not the water-table sink. Hard days are ahead as the earth warms up. Plant trees to bring in rain.

78. We are scratching on the surface of Maya as the enchantress divine beholds us in our playful vision.

79. The synthesis of Ram and Krishna is Ramakrishna. And who knows, how much more? Was Ramakrishna a revolutionary? Vivekananda was. But the prophet-patriot was Ramakrishna reborn. So, what is the inference?

80. At the end of the day it is still 'Jai Shree Ram '. Ram, the torch-bearer of our civilisation, the preserver of our dharma, the concentrated essence of our eternal spiritual culture.

81. The poor man is illiterate but humble. The politician is ignorant and arrogant. Now who should lead whom?

82. Businessmen, cut down all the trees of the land and render our nation into a desert. Your profit demands it, your greed dictates.

83. Terrorism is as often inspired by religion as it is not, for ideology is as much religious as secular.

84. Do not shout down your opponent in debate. Reason your way through, and if you cannot, then keep your own counsel.

85. Enough of religion. Now be scientific please. The nation's advancement depends on that. Let the youth be rational.

86. As parties fight for power, the people suffer. Alas, a new generation shall yet arise to raise with it the nation.

87. Politicians must sanitise their thoughts, restrain their actions. Else, the ire of the people will spare none.

88. Simplify your lifestyle to save the environment. Enjoy the higher delights born in sacrifice.

89. Save the environment. Else, we all perish. The rich, remember, your industrial greed will consume you, too. There is no escape.

90. The planet heats up. Plant trees. Cool the planet.

91. Trickling drops of water collecting over an hour to fill a pot. Rajasthan parched and thirsting. Help with water.

92. 1% of the population owning 73% of our private national wealth. How nice is that?

93. There are two types of people on this earth :
1. They who sacrifice and serve.
2. They who exploit and enjoy.


Shree Ramchandra and Sri Subhas Chandra now pitted against each other in counter-slogans in West Bengal. Did the revolutionaries bleed for the advent of this day?

Written by Sugata Bose

95. Hindus must unite. Upon the solidarity of the Hindus rests the future of our dharma tradition and the preservation of our timeless heritage.

96. Dalits are Hindus. Do not be deluded to believe that they are non-Hindus. This is a narrative in conspiracy against Hinduism.

97. Work not grudgingly out of a slavish sense of duty. Work freely out of love. And with a big smile. Does it cost so much to smile?

98. Strength will come to the nation through purity. Continence holds the key.

99. Converts from Hinduism have turned inimical to the Hindus. Proselytising is a curse that has historically befallen this nation.


Do not take life so seriously. At any rate life is a serious matter. So, lighten the burden by making light of things. Live free of care, happy, blissful, so far as life allows, though. But a lot depends on your attitude. Stop scowling, start smiling.

Written by Sugata Bose

101. A cheerful face is the sign of spirituality. So, be cheerful.

102. Bhagat Singh was martyred then (1930) and has been martyred ever after. Mere clamour will not do. Live his principles to bring about a more equitable society.

103. A country that has self-respect is still a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations? This colonised mindset has to go.


This constant harping on personality must stop. It is emphasis on principles that makes a nation. Remember nationalism itself is principle and not personality.

Written by Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose : [@Debaprasad Bhattacharya] Not if there is undue emphasis on personality to set up a cult that obscures the vision underlying the principle and aims at superseding it with self-interest. The line of demarcation is fine and must not be transgressed through the clamour of sycophants seeking self-gain by constant propaganda of the leader's name which befits, perhaps, a feudal society but not quite a democratic polity as such.

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