Friday, 3 May 2019



Writing on facebook is becoming an increasingly arduous exercise on account of easy misapprehension of my posts owing to the reader's innocence in nuanced English. This has set me wondering whether I ought to continue or quit.

Written by Sugata Bose

P.S. :
Joy Deep : [@Sugata Bose] Your English is always such a pleasure to read. Your prose has a classical flourish that I miss so much elsewhere on Facebook. Never ever think of quitting. Your style and poise, the quality of your expressions and the flowing richness of your language are together a package, a gentle oxygen cylinder stacked at the corner of a noisy marketplace called Facebook.

Sharmistha Chatterjee : Why ever think of keeping us bereft of the marvel that is so spontaneously expressed through your writing. If you quit, we would remain the bereaved readers who were so attracted by the magnetic quality of your writing which oscillate from being tranquil, serene and spiritual to tumultuous and tempestuous; from the gentle and soft, which often can be attributed to the caressing of the mother, to the admonitions and reproach of a guru; from the writer to a critic, who is free to point out both the negative and the positive qualities.

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