Sugata Bose
Thursday, 16 January 2025
Wednesday, 15 January 2025
Ramakrishna Mission monks, devotees and disciples, wake up! Be bold and fight in defence of the Dharma. Swamiji wanted it. Wage the war of ideas that will defeat the nefarious forces trying to thwart humanity of the freedom of religion by thrusting their medieval world view on all else.
You have been driven away from both West and East Pakistan and sought refuge in partitioned India. What fraternal feelings did you find there among your persecutors that you are now oblivious of your past and in foolishness attempt to extend a harmonious hand to a fundamentally inharmonious inhuman creed? Would you do the same to fascism, Nazism, communism, anarchism and the like and call them valid paths to spiritual enlightenment? Like the Mahātmā befriended the adversary while neglecting Hindu defence and eminently failed in his pious attempt, are you on a similar path that is impossible of achievement? Where is your voice of protest, where your guidance when Hindus suffer the fanatic's sword, Hindu women suffer the rapist's lust, Hindus are looted of wealth and health by the practitioners of a creed that divinely sanctions it? It is time to rectify stance lest the fire reaches further home, for Bangladesh is not far off from it.
Have you forgotten Swamiji? Have you buried his ideals by selectively quoting him and his apolitical stance regarding the future of the Mission? Do you not find references galore that ought to fire you up in defence of the persecuted Hindus and their Dharma? Is it being political to be human, to be in defence strong, to spread awareness about the demographic danger that lies ahead? Would you by your cowardly capitulation allow the Islamic takeover first of some provinces such as West Bengal, Assam, Kerala and the like where fanatical forces of alien origin are building up, and then the collapse of Hindu India as a whole? Can you forget Partition so easily? A 24.6% Muslim population forced Partition while 75.4% of the rest of the population submitted to the unleashed mass murder on them. Refer to the Great Calcutta Killing of 1946 followed by the three month long Noakhali genocide of the Hindus along with similar atrocities in the rest of East Bengal that forced even Gandhiji to surrender to Jinnah-Suhrawardy-Mujib's demand for Partition.
Do not edit Swamiji's Complete Works but release his unedited original words. That will do Hindus a world of good. Do not be sheeplike nor make vast herds of devotees by feeding them the perilous pill of untruth, that of all religions leading to Truth. Exhort your devotees to study Swamiji like I do, myself having been self-driven for the past five decades to reading him and slowly assimilating his true message, for I had to wade through the 'harmonic' waters of untruth all the while till realisation truly dawned as to the plight of the Hindus in the subcontinent. Sri Ramakrishna did not merely say, 'যত মত তত পথ' [As many faiths, so many paths] but he also said, 'আধুনিক ধর্ম সব আসবে যাবে, এক সনাতন ধর্ম থাকবে |' [The religions of recent currency will come and go. Only the Sanātan Dharma will remain.] To continually preach that all religions are valid paths to the Absolute Truth of Brahman, just because Sri Ramakrishna had said so, makes a mockery of truth itself and misleads a billion plus Hindus into relapsing into a false sense of truth and a false of security which is proving perilous by the day. The general absence of teeth in monks, devotees and disciples that I see daily barring exceptions like me and likeminded souls who have the courage of conviction and the guts to fight, is a great civilisational danger for all Hindus. Therefore, I as a devotee of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda, exhort all the devotees and disciples of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission to rise up in defence of the Dharma instead of engaging in passive piety and parroting the untrue harmonic words lent out to them.
🕉 Hindu!
Written by Sugata Bose
The communists are politically the most intelligent which is why they are the most feared. Coupled with their socialist philosophy, scientific temper and overt and covert revolutionary activities, they are the nemesis of all capitalist regimes. They have suffered a temporary reverse following the collapse of the Berlin Wall but the dying embers of socialist revolution are still burning and will continue to do so so long as economic exploitation of the masses lasts which it will, for greed, the foundational vice that fuels capitalism for all practical purposes, cannot be done away with, it being organic in man.
Vivekananda also considered himself a socialist, not because he considered it to be a perfect system but because half a loaf was, to his mind, better than no bread at all. He has been hailed as India's earliest socialist by some, and they have a point, but it seems far-fetched to imagine that he would have subscribed to the tenets of Marxism as such, being spiritually disposed in his inclinations and bearings, and being deep-sighted enough with his seer's vision not to have sighted the shortcomings of a pre-eminently materialistic philosophy, that is, were he aware of it, about which we do not have definitive information.
Marx and Vivekananda were seminal personalities in different hemispheres of human thinking but converged on their common concern for man along diametrically opposite lines. The core concern for both was human liberation but each, culturally bound differently, evolved by birth, circumstance and experience differently, chose to approach the human problem along radically different lines, Marx formulating a materialistic philosophy and revolutionary practical programme for transformation of the human condition and Vivekananda, seeing through the vanity of all things phenomenal, approaching the whole problem spiritually with character-building in masses of people his foundational standpoint. Vivekananda the sage worked at roots as well to alter the mode of human thinking in the subliminal consciousness of man. This is quite a tall claim that may only be intellectually apprehended by deep thinkers but cannot be rationally proved as such as of now owing to unavailability of scientific evidence in that subtle psychological sphere.
This world of human affairs is a slowly evolving one over millions of years, evolution being organic as also experiential and educational. But the seeds of the animal in man are strong and will not yield. Thus, system after system has for ages been evolved but the exploitative nature of 'the selfish gene' in man has not mutated as yet to a more humane form. It lives on still wearing fresher garbs of civilisation but beneath the epidermal cover animality reigns.
Marx interpreted the evolving history of humanity along materialistic lines. Vivekananda did so along spiritual lines. Marx talked of the sequential Hegelian dialectic triad of thesis, antithesis and synthesis, suited to his theories of dialectical and historical materialism, as the evolving mechanism of human society. Vivekananda spoke of the progressive manifestation of Brahman along the sinusoidal wave mode or the cyclical pattern of alternate increasing and decreasing manifestation of consciousness to explain the movement of man in the collective sense. Both believed in dialectics---of variant sorts though---, resolution of forces and the progressive unshackling of man, Marx through violent revolution leading to total transformation of the socioeconomic order and Vivekananda through root and branch character-reform of man as the foundational means of liberation of the hypnotised soul, suppressed humanity and subjugated slaves, never in the bargain denying the role of material change brought about by science, force and politics. Vivekananda was, thus, far more comprehensive in his devices, more universal in choosing instruments of change and infinitely inclusive which Marx, focussed on materialism as he was, was antipathetic to. Marx understood, even appreciated the historical role of religion and never pooh-poohed it as he is commonly misconstrued as having done, but knowing Euro-Christian religious traditions as a retarding force in the cause of liberation of the masses from capitalistic exploitation, dubbed it as 'opium' for the masses. But Vivekananda, keenly aware of the imperfections of the mind in perpetual flux and subject to the myriad forces of Maya (Nature in all its comprehensiveness), refrained from providing absolute solutions for humanity in terrestrial chains, whereas Marx was the last classical philosophical system-builder who idealised solutions to the concrete problems of historical evolution, in the bargain falling into the pitfall of himself being a Marxian utopian which in realistic terms led to the massive failure of the political and socioeconomic system built after his philosophy in communist countries post revolution. Here Marx fell short of Vivekananda's vision but carried out concrete programmes of massive social change nonetheless.
The theoretical formulations of Marx are fine, although they are along deterministic lines whose veracity is being legitimately questioned today following the discoveries of quantum physics which is entirely probabilistic. Nonetheless, in the macroscopic world of human affairs Marxian theory, modified and applied as per altered circumstance and situation, would still hold considerable ground. The problem, though, is in application. The refinements of theory and their elaborate explanations notwithstanding, their application has to be in the crude world of rough human material replete with a preponderance of animal propensities governing human affairs. Here the leader and the led must both be human enough to appreciate the higher principles of socioeconomic justice, equality and morality to be able to give due shape to the aspirations of socialism culminating in communism. But such is not the human material available and herein violent beginnings of revolution lead sequentially to violent dicatatorship of the Party, the Central Committee, the Politburo and lastly, the General Secretary, as in the case of Stalin, Mao, Ceausescu, Pol Pot and the like. Dictatorship of the proletariat is then lost in a bloodbath unleashed by the few in power and it is imperialism activated under a new garb with philosophical justification making matters worse. This has been the history of the socialist states of the twentieth century.
Application ever is the problem, theoretical formulations, high-flown and profound, notwithstanding. If theory is violent, violent application follows with devastating effect as in the case of Marxism which in actual historical terms became a cover for neo-imperialism as was witnessed in the Soviet Union and in China. On the contrary, if theory engenders isolation from the mainstream of life in any way, even by remote reference as in the case of Vivekananda literature exhorting Ramakrishna followers to be strictly apolitical, such a stance, purely justified from the perspective of the then existing complex historical situation, in latter years becomes cover for escapism from the bitter realities of life which foils the very purpose of the advent of the Avatar.
Evolution is democratising society. From primitive communism mankind has proceeded to the declaration of the universal rights of man to thereon its gradual application. Impediments have been many in the implementation part of it, for privilege scarce gives up its right to lordly existence. The tussle between the feudal rights of the few and the general rights of the many has been a long and protracted one leading gradually to the shift of power to the masses. Democracy came in America in 1776 followed by that in revolutionary France before imperialism usurped power in the form of Napoleon. Europe ushered in the nation state and the progressive march of democracy has since been on.
But while society has democratised from its erstwhile feudal set-up, capitalism with its scientific blood-sucking machinery has gained ground and that too with systemic support. Lenin said, "The state is an organ of class rule." His pronouncement has in capitalist democracies been proved correct as governments have allied themselves with crony capitalists to reduce masses of people to unnecessary poverty even as the rich have in the bargain hoarded disproportionate amounts of ill-begotten wealth. Society has typically been stratified into two antagonistic classes, the exploiting class and the exploited class. This is in accordance with Marxist theory and this has fuelled trade union movements and other labour movements throughout the world. Welfare economics has attempted to tackle this issue by providing strong social security networks but exploitation still stirs up socialist movements of various degrees across the world. Socialism, thus, has not died but lives on awaiting its opportunity to strike when the iron has blown red-hot.
The French Revolution initiated this process of mass mobilisation against authority and changed Europe for good. Marx and Engels further added fuel to revolution by providing elaborate rationalisation of its workings, by placing it on a scientific pedestal of sorts, by creating a whirlpool of thoughts which is still attracting adherents across the world. Wherever exploitation of capital abounds, there seeds of socialism are sown.
The waves of people's revolution hitting the shores of the Atlantic reached the shores of India as well and Vivekananda like other youths was drawn into its ambit. A born rebel that he was, and born and bred in revolutionary times in India, the young Narendranath's mind was a cauldron, a seething mass of conflicting thoughts seeking resolution. Innately spiritual and gifted with a Hindu mind of the highest order, he could not be satisfied with shallow solutions to the world problem, this perplexing puzzle of human existence. He sought solutions through extensive reading of Western philosophy, Sanskrit texts, science, music, literature, art and what not? But he could not plumb the problem to its source-depths, could not fathom its root-realms at the bed of the ocean of consciousness. And here comes Ramakrishna into his life.
The Avatar of Dakshineshwar was as if biding by time, awaiting the arrival of his great disciple. From his earliest vision of 'the realm of the seven sages' whence he beckoned a venerable one to alight on earth with the transcendental light, to his vision of a golden beam emanating from Kashi and traversing all the way till it reached its destination at North Kolkata, Ramakrishna had been in patient and often impatient expectation of uniting with his beloved Naren, the future Vivekananda. For it was for his (Narendranath's) sake that he (Ramakrishna) had this time descended on earth, to fashion the instrument of the Mother who would reshape the world.
The interaction between the preceptor and the protégé was deep, not visible to the world always. It happened on the gross plane and the subtle plane equally, making its markings non-sequential to the earthly eye but shaping the protégé into a powerhouse of spirituality, nonetheless, whose fruits were visible clear on the earthly plane, although its higher causal components remained obscure to common conception. Ramakrishna moulded the Narendranath clay into volcanic Vivekananda. Entering the protégé's psychophysical form in the vesper hour of his life, the Master and the Man became in ultimate union the potent form for transformation of human society till it became 'one with God'.
The problem of all theory is its translation into practice. While Ramakrishna provided the ideal, the personal example and the energy with which his protégé was to carry out his mission in real life, Vivekananda had nonetheless to plumb the depths of the human problem to discover the means of solving it by bridging theory and practice. To this end he wandered, a mendicant monk across the face of India, to see her real face, the teeming millions suffering the agony of hunger, ignorance, exploitation and death silently as the burden of their karma. The lion-heart of Vivekananda could not take it and he had to find a way out to rescue his countrymen from this affliction anyhow. His socialistic mind made him rebel against this terrible bondage of his brethren to British colonialism and the bloodsucking system of capitalism that was eating into the vitals of the nation. Pulled by antithetical ideologies, that of socialism and welfare capitalism, as the way to recovery of the motherland to manhood and strength, Vivekananda was a soul torn between golden dreams and thwarted deeds as he waged his lone war against the forces of the dark in a country benighted by the lapses of a millennium.
The Master passed away on 16 August, 1886. Narendranath was the lone warrior now in charge of his brother disciples entrusted to his care by his divine preceptor and in charge of the brewing spiritual movement that had been initiated by his Master but left to him to give it substance and shape in the real world of men. It was a herculean task that faced him---the liberation of India and the world from the chains of material superstition. But it had to be accomplished in every phase of national life, in every aspect of the evolving civilisation of mankind. The causes of degeneration had to be discovered, the cure for them prescribed, the medicine made and the healing touch given to regenerate the Sanatan Dharma and enliven the mass of mankind to its divine drumbeat.
The following years of 'wanderjahre' were not only years of experience but of intense brooding on the causes of Sanatan Bharatvarsha's downfall and the discovery of the means of her recovery. As Swamiji travelled an intinerant monk across the face of India he was weighed down by the grave responsibility of raising India from the bottomless pit into which she had precipitated, a task entrusted him by his divine Guru, the peerless Paramahamsa who had withdrawn from the world leaving his blossoming disciple with this Herculean task. An observer asked him one day, "Swamiji, I find you rather anxious, grievously worried about something all the time. What is it that worries you?" And Swamiji replied on being quizzed further, "Oh, I cannot rest with this one thought of shouldering the responsibility of raising India from her present degradation, a task entrusted to me by my Guru. I do not know where lies the cause of her downfall nor can I understand how to remedy it, neither do I feel I am equipped as a poor sanyasi to do so. This great suffering of my countrymen on one side and my Master's commandment on the other which I know not how to carry out make me so terribly anxious."
Given the sociopolitical conditions then in India and viewing the trends in world politics Vivekananda did study socialistic ideas but found them short of the comprehensive ideal of world regeneration that his Master had imbued in him and he found it an impossible utopian ideal to pursue, that of socialistic ultimate restructuring of human society to alleviate humanity of all the evils it was heir to, for seated as he was now in the stability of the Self, he could clearly see how unstable human society merged in Maya was and how it was impossible to formulate a rigid system that could solve its problems once and for all, buffeted as society was by the undulating waves of Maya. Later political developments of the twentieth century have proved Vivekananda remarkably right as Marxism unleashed unprecedented violence across the face of the globe in the name of engineering socioeconomic and sociopolitical changes on the basis of rigid theory thought out by a few individuals, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky and the like. The scientific basis of Marxism has as well been proved inaccurate as advance in the physical sciences has required modifications to the classical theory of Marxism which in the founder's absence post his demise has not been possible, for not too often does genius appear to modify material that is inherently resistive to reformation on account of primary principle of absolutist rigidity. That science evolves is because it is impersonal and fluid as opposed to rigid systems of personalised authority like the Abrahamic religions and Marxism which may be referred to as well as a godless religion.
Thus, contrasting currents of thought beset the nameless monk traversing the face of eternal India, now plummeted to the depths of degradation post a thousand year slavery to aggressive alien forces with little sympathy for whatever they discovered here as Sanātan. And this fallen race, the descendants of the mighty Aryans of which he was by self-admission the proudest member, was to be raised. On one side was Euro-colonial exploitation, enslavement of the entire race, and on the other was Islamic occupation of over a millennium, now displaced but threatening to reassert itself should political conditions change to their favour. The Hindus were in the sorriest state of civilisation and had to be rescued. Exploitation---colonial, cultural and economic---had to be minimised, if not eliminated totally, for that in the relative order of things could never be possible, Vivekananda knew. It was given unto him by his Master to establish the Yugadharma (the righteous order of the Age) for which he had been ushered into this world from his highest abode of spiritual consciousness what his preceptor had called the Saptarshiloka (the realm of the seven sages).
The fundamental difference between Marx and Vivekananda is this. Marx was a materialist and could not but explain the workings of human evolution except through materialistic science, thereby submitting his thesis that the surface workings of the human mind had no deeper basis, that thoughts were but the manufacture of the brain and were not in any way influenced, shaped, far less sourced by some deeper, invisible, inner workings of a depth-consciousness about which Marx seemed unaware and, hence, denied it. Marx was thus surface-bound in the ocean of consciousness and saw this three-dimensional reality as a two-dimensional one. The film of superficial consciousness was all that he deemed real and the rest was non-existent for him, his stance being entirely matter-based as were the physical sciences in his time. Vivekananda, on the other hand, plumbed the depths of consciousness right to its very basis, the Brahman, and came up with a comprehensive philosophy of human existence which included the physical surface-reality as truth but did not shut shop there. His Vedantic interpretation of relative and absolute reality was profoundly integrated in a sweeping philosophical universalism which was beyond the elaborate scientific treatise of Marx. The philosophical approaches of the two savants, therefore, were not just different but dimensionally apart.
Written by Sugata Bose
Monday, 13 January 2025
So-called Hindu liberals are highly biased against Hindutva on account of their extreme ignorance about Islam. Their pompous talks on humanity are at once superficial as they are one-sided. Let them first stand clean of self-interest and practise honesty before they lecture us who have studied the tenets of Islam, its gory history since inception, its present perfidies being perpetrated across the world and its clearly spelt out political objectives to be implemented without fail in the future which shall spell the doom of Hindus and Hinduism. These liberals are shallow students of life, slaves to self-interest and intelligent fools who use their intellectual faculties to damning their own civilisation and helping sharpen the instruments of aggression of the enemies of humanity who are themselves victims of the toxic theology they believe in and practise and proliferate.
Written by Sugata Bose
Sunday, 12 January 2025
Islamic aggression cannot be met by Hindu meekness. If they convert us, we ought to do likewise. Our civilisational fate hangs in the balance. Since 636 CE this Islamic attack on Hindu India has been relentless. The result has been near 1400 years of slavery in parts of India to the invading and conquering Muslims. Genocide amounting to the loss of between 80 and 100 million Hindu lives, endless enslavement and sale of our women in the markets of Arabia, mass molestation and murder, loot and destruction of heritage sites, libraries and temples, mass conversion and subversion of culture, emasculation of young boys---all these and so much more, eventually ending in the bloody mutilation of the motherland in 1947---the saga goes on and on, aimed at the conversion of the whole of Hindustan from Dar-ul-Harb to Dar-ul-lslam, the ultimate aim of Political Islam as enunciated in the prophecy of Ghazwa-e-Hind. Will Durant calls the Islamic occupation of India the bloodiest tale in history. Here are his words to that effect:
In his 'Story of Civilisation' Will Durant wrote, 'The Mohammedan Conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilisation is a precarious thing whose delicate complex of order and liberty, culture and peace may at any time be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying within.'
More than twenty years after his death a quote from Will Durant read, 'A great civilisation is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.'
Source: Internet and Wikipedia]
Swami Vivekananda rued the decline of Hindu population to Islamic invasion thus:
(Delivered at Lahore on 12th November, 1897)
When the Mohammedans first came into India, what a great number of Hindus were here; but mark, how today they have dwindled down! Every day they will become less and less till they wholly disappear. Let them disappear, but with them will disappear the marvellous ideas, of which, with all their defects and all their misrepresentations, they still stand as representatives. And with them will disappear this marvellous Advaita, the crest-jewel of all spiritual thought. Therefore, arise, awake, with your hands stretched out to protect the spirituality of the world. And first of all, work it out for your own country.]
Swamiji was in April, 1899 interviewed by the Prabuddha Bharat regarding the Hindu-Muslim issue where he pronounced his views thus:
(Prabuddha Bharata, April, 1899)
Having been directed by the Editor, writes our representative, to interview Swami Vivekananda on the question of converts to Hinduism, I found an opportunity one evening on the roof of a Ganga houseboat. It was after nightfall, and we had stopped at the embankment of the Ramakrishna Math, and there the Swami came down to speak with me.
Time and place were alike delightful. Overhead the stars, and around — the rolling Ganga; and on one side stood the dimly lighted building, with its background of palms and lofty shade-trees.
"I want to see you, Swami", I began, "on this matter of receiving back into Hinduism those who have been perverted from it. Is it your opinion that they should be received?"
"Certainly," said the Swami, "they can and ought to be taken."
He sat gravely for a moment, thinking, and then resumed. "Besides," he said, "we shall otherwise decrease in numbers. When the Mohammedans first came, we are said — I think on the authority of Ferishta, the oldest Mohammedan historian — to have been six hundred millions of Hindus. Now we are about two hundred millions. And then every man going out of the Hindu pale is not only a man less, but an enemy the more.
"Again, the vast majority of Hindu perverts to Islam and Christianity are perverts by the sword, or the descendants of these. It would be obviously unfair to subject these to disabilities of any kind. As to the case of born aliens, did you say? Why, born aliens have been converted in the past by crowds, and the process is still going on.
"In my own opinion, this statement not only applies to aboriginal tribes, to outlying nations, and to almost all our conquerors before the Mohammedan conquest, but also in the Purânas. I hold that they have been aliens thus adopted.
"Ceremonies of expiation are no doubt suitable in the case of willing converts, returning to their Mother-Church, as it were; but on those who were alienated by conquest — as in Kashmir and Nepal — or on strangers wishing to join us, no penance should be imposed."
"But of what caste would these people be, Swamiji?" I ventured to ask. "They must have some, or they can never be assimilated into the great body of Hindus. Where shall we look for their rightful place?"
"Returning converts", said the Swami quietly, "will gain their own castes, of course. And new people will make theirs. You will remember," he added, "that this has already been done in the case of Vaishnavism. Converts from different castes and aliens were all able to combine under that flag and form a caste by themselves — and a very respectable one too. From Râmânuja down to Chaitanya of Bengal, all great Vaishnava Teachers have done the same."
"And where should these new people expect to marry?" I asked.
"Amongst themselves, as they do now", said the Swami quietly.
"Then as to names," I enquired, "I suppose aliens and perverts who have adopted non-Hindu names should be named newly. Would you give them caste-names, or what?"
"Certainly," said the Swami, thoughtfully, "there is a great deal in a name!" and on this question he would say no more.
But my next enquiry drew blood. "Would you leave these new-comers, Swamiji, to choose their own form of religious belief out of many-visaged Hinduism, or would you chalk out a religion for them?"
"Can you ask that?" he said. "They will choose for themselves. For unless a man chooses for himself, the very spirit of Hinduism is destroyed. The essence of our Faith consists simply in this freedom of the Ishta."
I thought the utterance a weighty one, for the man before me has spent more years than any one else living I fancy, in studying the common bases of Hinduism in a scientific and sympathetic spirit — and the freedom of the Ishta is obviously a principle big enough to accommodate the world.
But the talk passed to other matters, and then with a cordial good night this great teacher of religion lifted his lantern and went back into the monastery, while I by the pathless paths of the Ganga, in and out amongst her crafts of many sizes, made the best of my way back to my Calcutta home.]
In his Lectures from Colombo to Almora Swamiji likewise highlights the invasive ravages of Islam and Hindu resistance. His words are here as follows:
...Your forefathers underwent everything boldly, even death itself, but preserved their religion. Temple alter temple was broken down by the foreign conqueror, but no sooner had the wave passed than the spire of the temple rose up again. Some of these old temples of Southern India and those like Somnâth of Gujarat will teach you volumes of wisdom, will give you a keener insight into the history of the race than any amount of books. Mark how these temples bear the marks of a hundred attacks and a hundred regenerations, continually destroyed and continually springing up out of the ruins, rejuvenated and strong as ever! That is the national mind, that is the national life-current. Follow it and it leads to glory. Give it up and you die; death will be the only result, annihilation the only effect, the moment you step beyond that life-current...]
Friday, 10 January 2025
1. স্বামীজীকে আর কে মানছে, ভায়া ? সন্ন্যাসী, ভক্তের মধ্যে বীর কই যে তাঁর বলিষ্ঠ অনুশাসন মানবে, সেই মত বীর বিক্রমে চলবে ?
2. বাংলাদেশে হিন্দুর দশা দেখেও যদি পশ্চিমবঙ্গের হিন্দুর ঘুম না ভাঙে, তো তার ভাগ্য ভাঙার দিন শীঘ্রই আসছে | এখনও সময় আছে | জাগো ! 🕉 হিন্দু !
3. অনেক তো নাচ, গান, কবিতা, স্ত্রৈণ হাবভাব ও তুচ্ছ ইন্দ্রিয়ভোগ হল | এবার একটু শাস্ত্রচর্চা ও শস্ত্রচর্চা কর্তব্য | সাথে কোরান পাঠ বাধ্যতামূলক ইসলামকে জানার জন্য | নইলে হিন্দুর সমূলে বিনাশ অবশ্যম্ভাবী | বিবেকানন্দ পড়ো | সাহসী হও | বীর হও | চরিত্রবান হও | স্বামীজীর বর্তমান তথাকথিত অনুগামীদের মত নয় | নিবেদিতা, কেতকী মহারাজ, বাঘা যতীন, হেমচন্দ্র ঘোষ, সুভাষচন্দ্র, একনাথ রানাডের ন্যায় |
4. সম্ভলই সম্বল |
5. বাংলাদেশে যথার্থ ইসলাম পালন হচ্ছে, হতে চলেছে | দেখতে থাকো |
6. The heart must be deepened, the emotions enriched, the intellect sharpened, the will strengthened, resolution made firm and character built on adamantine foundation.
7. So long as Hindustan was Dar-ul-lslam, Muslims did not mind living alongside the suppressed Hindus and lording over them. The moment it dawned on them that independence from the British would for them mean living in Dar-ul-Harb with Hindu majority, they clamoured for the 'Two Nation Theory', citing Muslims and Hindus as incompatible, distinct and religioculturally opposed civilisations, and by causing unprovoked bloodbath secured the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
8. ৮০র দশকের প্রথমার্ধে যা ছিল সোনা, আজ তা তামায় পরিণত হয়েছে | আরও কি নামবে ? জয় স্বামীজী !
9. Secularism is the facade for the Islamisation of India. Alarming fate awaits India as history repeats itself. 🕉 Hindu!
10. If a Hindu, Buddhist, Jain or Christian leaves his religion, he faces no threat to his person. But if a Muslim leaves his religion/faith/deen, he has to hide his identity. Why?
11. পশ্চিমবঙ্গ তথা ভারতবর্ষে এত পরিমাণে মাদ্রাসা দেশের সুরক্ষার জন্য মোটেই ভাল নয় | এ যেন খাল কেটে কুমীর ডাকা |
12. লতায় পাতায়, লতায় পাতায় সারা বিশ্ব জুড়ে | এ কোন্ ভগবান যিনি বিভাজিত করেন বিশ্ববৃক্ষকে বিশ্বাসের ভিত্তিতে, তাঁকে ভয়ার্ত কম্পিতচিত্তে মানার ভিত্তিতে, বিশ্ববৃক্ষকে বিষবৃক্ষে পরিণত করেন ? এ কোন্ ভগবান যিনি তাঁর অনুগামী বিশ্বাসীদের স্বর্গে অনন্তভোগ দেন আর অবিশ্বাসীদের নিক্ষেপ করেন অনন্ত দোজখদহনে ? এ কোন্ ভগবান যিনি এত ক্রূর, এত পক্ষপাতদুষ্ট, নিজসৃষ্টিের বিভৎস বিনাশে এহেন নিত্যনিয়োজিত ?
13. Ramakrishna Math & Ramakrishna Mission ought to be more vocal in defence of the Hindus and the Sanatan Dharma which they are not.
14. Read the Qur'an. Islam will become crystal clear.
Read the Qur'an and become free of ignorance.
15. Be confident, brave and strong. Superbly strong. Ultra-confident. Have terrific faith in yourself, faith that crushes the universe to powder.
Indomitable must be the spirit, intrepid the heart, inexhaustible must be the aspiration for the ideal till in integration the promise is redeemed and the fate in a final flourish fulfilled, hope never to sunder again.
16. হিন্দু জাগ্রত না হলে বাঁচবে না | আজ সংখ্যাগরিষ্ঠ, তাই নিশ্চিন্ত | কাল সংখ্যালঘিষ্ঠ, হবে নিশ্চিহ্ন | এখনও সময় আছে, জাগো ! 🕉 হিন্দু!
17. West Bengal has become an anarchic state. Its fate is frightening.
পশ্চিমবঙ্গে নৈরাজ্য | ভবিষ্যৎ ভয়াবহ |
18. Minority appeasement is destroying Bengal. Demographic change will complete the task. Hindus, awake! 🕉 Hindu!
19. Critics say, RSS and BJP have polarised India. But they dare not say that Islam polarised India long ago, theologically and in practice.
20. The Nobel Peace Prize has yet again been tainted, this time by the activities of Dr. Md. Younus.
21. মানুষ স্বার্থের দাস, পরিস্থিতির দাস, পরিবর্তনশীল | তার জৈবিক আনুগত্য ক্ষণস্থায়ী |
22. Why hover hither and thither in search of the knowledge of Islam? Read the Qur'an and know the real Islam.
23. Ex-Muslims are doing yeoman service to the cause of Islam. They are spreading awareness about its tenets like none else.
24. Learn Islam from ex-Muslims. Their experience is first-hand, hence, invaluable in judgement about the real scenario behind covers.
25. When in the Hindi language films/serials on ancient personalities like Chandragupta Maurya are made, it is incumbent on the filmmakers to stick to Sanskritised Hindi and avoid using Arabic-origin words which were not in vogue then. This much of linguistic sanctity will render the films closer to their cultural roots.
26. Do not spit into food to sanctify it. It makes the food impure instead. It is an unhygienic practice.
27. It is an insult to Prabhu Shree Ram to call Him Imam-e-Hind as Muslim clerics are heard on television to call Him so by way of exhibiting interfaith goodwill.
28. Do not use the word 'zimmedār' in Hindi. It is derived from the word 'zimmi' which means subservient status of the kafir under the Sharia.
29. Selective secularism has afflicted the liberals of the day. This is dishonest practice, targeting Hindutva while absolving Islam.
कंहा जायेंगे हम ?
जहन्नम ! जहन्नम !
क्युकी हम हिन्दु है |
दमाद्दम ! दमाद्दम !
31. Let not anybody think that we do not know the tenets of the Qur'an. We know them full well and know exactly how peaceful they are.
If only I had known.
The seed I would have sown
And the tree I would then own.
33. If vast numbers of people believe in murderous tenets emanating from the medieval past, it spells great danger for the world.
Sunday, 5 January 2025
Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : All your comments you should save for future laughing stock. Truly, they are priceless, these shares of sweet sarcasm.
Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : Lawyer-style, you give the documentary evidence of what you quote. Hence, nobody can contradict your assertion. Grand work.
Sugata Bose @Imtiaz Mahmood : This is typical of the practitioners of peace who consider the Jews as the worst among the People of the Book, their worst hatred being reserved for the Mushrik Hindu, though. This sort of open racism practised by the peaceful ones of perfected perfidy does not bring in condemnation enough from the 'liberals' and the leftists of the world but they are all too accommodating for the perpetrators of such perfidy in the name of political correctness and to avoid being labelled Islamophobic and racist in turn, although Islam is a faith and not a race, the Muslims being as diverse in racial stock as there are racial stocks in the world. It is a double standard that is adopted in regard to Islam, a hypocrisy that is as abominable as the crime of collaring a human being with what adorns a pet dog's neck. Simply disgusting!
Sugata Bose @Imtiaz Mahmood : Brilliant. 'Islamophobia' debunked.
Sugata Bose @Ox Ox : Nirākār Nirguna Brahman is the Supreme and Absolute Reality, Sachchidānanda, none else.
Sugata Bose @D K Vaidya : Because that's the only way to know Islam and knowing it is essential for our civilisational defence. Knowledge is power. Knowledge of science equips you to combat and conquer nature. Likewise, knowledge of the precepts of Islam as codified in the Qur'an equips you to combat Islam which is bent upon destroying all else, especially the mushrik kafir which we Hindus are. This is the testified truth of history. We have thus far suffered because of our ignorance of the tenets of Islam and we will do so again if we remain ignorant as before. Therefore, the way out is to read the Qur'an, to begin with, and start building up our defences against this Islamic intent. Knowing the adversary's philosophy, intent, motivations, inspiration and strength are all part of military strategy and in this civilisational war Hindus must adopt a like strategy. If we do, we live. If we do not, we perish or suffer massively till we wake up to read. It will be back to square one in the end game. Why not do so when it is middle game chess of life, for the opening game has long been lost? Awake! Read! 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Sameer Banik : Tenet of Islam. Music is harām.
Sugata Bose @Mrigendra Nath Bej : তাহলে সংশোধন কাম্য | হালালবর্জন, সাথে কোরান পাঠ ইসলামকে জানার জন্য |
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Abbas Haidar/ @Dr. Ishtiaq Ahmed] : To call Bhagavan Ram Imam-e-Hind is a patronising remark wholly unbecoming of an erudite like Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and thoroughly unacceptable for all Hindus who understand Shree Ram as the Lord of all. Would Abul Kalam Azad have said the same about the founder of Islam and reduce him to being a regional representative of God? Who was Abul Kalam Azad to label the Lord and Master of the universe the way he did? What were his credentials for doing so? Was he an Aadhikaarik Purush authorised to comment thus?
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Gad Saad] : Piers Morgan is being hypocritical, apparently to promote his YouTube channel. He knows full well that Islam is terribly problematic textually and in extreme practice following its jihādi tenets, and yet he pretends to defend the same like a supposedly good anchor. Gad Saad blasts his hypocrisy open and cleaves his way through with his devastating logic.
Sugata Bose @Shusobhan Charit : সমস্যা সংগীন | উপচার সহজ নয় | সন্তর্পনে এগোতে হবে | নইলে সমাধান তো দুরস্থ, বরং পরিস্থিতি আরও পরিপন্থী হবে | সুচিন্তিত পদক্ষেপ সঠিক মাত্রায় প্রয়োজন | এ কাজের জনয সিংহশাবক চাই, রাশি রাশি মেষের কর্ম নয় |
Sugata Bose @Taliban : Barbaric theology, barbaric practice.
Sugata Bose @Chandan Bhattacharjee : First read the Qur'an, then speak. Refusal to read perpetuates ignorance about Islam.
Sugata Bose @Dola : Sattvik detached work is worship, not rājasik passionate, desirous work.
Sugata Bose @Biswanath Lahiri : A terrible tale, real though it is.
Sugata Bose @Biswanath Lahiri : Bravo! Belligerent! Brilliant! Breathtaking!
Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava Absolutely correct. Hindus in prominent positions are too commercially oriented, in plainer terms, money-minded. This is the bane of Hindus overall today, for the prominent Hindus rule the roost in truth. Even the Sanatan Dharma has become for all the biggest money-spinner, the mighty spiritual organisations cashing in as well. No exceptions almost. Vaishyavritti (the commercial attribute) has enveloped the Hindus en masse as the pecuniary poison precipitates downwards, pulled in inexorably by the gravitating principle. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Biswanath Lahiri : Viewed the video. Superb! What diction! His book is too costly (near INR 5,000) though and well nigh unaffordable by men of meagre means like us. I have shared the said video on my profile too. Thanks a lot for bringing this one to my notice, a 11 minute interview of remarkable clarity, crisp articulation and hammerhead focus that dispels popular Islamic delusions and bombards crafty terminology like Islamophobia. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Pradip Kumar Basu : Are you talking to your image in a plane mirror?
Sugata Bose @Kapil Patil : That's the pity apparently. But social media is a powerful tool for the propagation of ideas. In the sixteenth century the printing press became such a tool for undermining oppressive Christianity. Martin Luther made full use of it. Now we are likewise making use of social media, courtesy the internet, to put across our ideas worldwide and, so, undermining the basis of current credal fanaticism. Even politicians, beginning with Obama, have used this to good effect in their election campaigning. So, why not we? It is our biggest armour and arsenal in combating fanatical creeds. 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Ujjal Kumar Ghosh : Look at the response to this post by Ramakrishna Mission devotees and disciples. Speaks volumes about their indifferent attitude to the plight of Hindus despite their pious protestations to the contrary and their pronounced passive piety exhibited in eulogies of the Holy Trinity. When an Avatar descends, he ushers in courage of conviction among his followers. But within the next few generations the spirit is lost and the very ideals he stood for are forsaken to the death of his mission which now becomes a corporate organisation aiming expansion in material terms while renouncing the original spirit, the pristine principles their prime preceptor had stood for. Such, alas, has been the case in the past as we have witnessed post the demise of the Buddha and in Christian hegemony of the Church, and such, alas, we are witnessing now as Sri Ramakrishna's and Swami Vivekananda's ideals are being flouted by his followers to suit whatever organisational material interests that may serve. That devotees galore like sheep follow suit and support such a lapse of ideals is proof enough that the Hindus have not learnt their historical lessons and are a race bent upon self-destruction, for if a Ramakrishna-Vivekananda cannot set them on the right path, who can? 🕉 Hindu!
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : A little unclear towards the end. Better make a draft in Bengali and clearly articulate in understandable Bengali what you wish to say.
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Anand Ranganathan/Nupur J. Sharma] : What a speaker, Nupur J. Sharma! Brave, brilliant and what superb diction!
Sugata Bose @Ujjal Kumar Ghosh : Where are they here who are supposedly the protagonists of the movement for the protection and sustenance of the Hindus and the Sanatan Dharma? Their conspicuous absence here does prove a point, does it not? Brother, I know them full well, these clever people who selectively 'like' and 'share' posts, all the while maintaining their feet in two boats, as the old adage in Bengali goes. Sir, character is not easily forged nor courage of conviction that stands upright for truth easily come by.
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Arvind Saharan @Mufti Yasir Nadeem Al Wajidi] : The Mufti's intent is clear, that of classical Islam.
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