Friday, 5 August 2022



Evil is increasing in the world. Its numbers are multiplying. At these times of terrible erosion of human values when vice camouflaged as virtue prevails over the order of human affairs, the Lord manifests himself in human form to lead us to light. But if the Lord himself is subject to limitations in his human form, is duped into innocent acceptance of perverted philosophy presented him as a palatable divine dish and is postmortem misinterpreted by his followers out of existential exigencies, then even such an advent cannot help humanity avoid conflict and carnage. It seems that evil must play out its perfidious part at any rate before it is subjugated for the while. The divine descent also seemingly fails to combat its corrosive consequences.

A larger awareness of the forces of good alone in eventual bloody conflict has historically succeeded in wiping out the elements of evil and settled peace on earth before the scales have inevitably turned the other way again. The dialectical process continues and continuous revolution keeps civilisation going gradually along the path of light and love. Or does it? The demonic forces, meanwhile, are ever vigilant and pounce upon the trusting good people with telling effect each time the guard is dropped. 

Eternal vigilance is the price of persisting freedom. If this vigil is routinely kept by a vast mass of people, then the reverse routinised roguery may be checked in time and civilisation saved from needless harm each time evil raises its head.

The time we are living in is once again witnessing such a rise of evil and we must act before it gets the better of us. But for that we need to identify the evil and know its specific character before we can formulate measures to eliminate it. A surface understanding of the problem will not suffice, for the problem, perplexing and perverted, and brewing in the distillery of the devious mind, needs depth-thinking to find its solution. And in a world of varied material and psychological complexities it is very difficult to isolate and obliterate a widely dispersed evil, both in elemental form and in its applied universal effect. But let us start somewhere lest it be too late to react. It is 'now or never'. One can scarce allow evil time to fortify itself that will prove impregnable against the assault-artillery of good. That would be the death-knell of civilisation. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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