Sunday, 28 August 2022



1. God, if He is great, is within the bounds of comparison and, hence, within the realm of relativity. He is, thus, in bondage to attributes which means that He is not God. Brahman, attributeless and transcendent, is unconditioned by the trinity of space-time-causality and is greater than this relative God who in ignorance is deemed to be great and held by His followers as even the greatest. What a folly in following!

2. হে হিন্দু, জাগো!

3. আমি আশ্চর্য হয়ে যাই এত সংখ্যক বাঙালী হিন্দুদের আত্মঘাতী মনোভাব দেখে | আমার স্বতঃপ্রণোদিত হিন্দুজাগরণের কাজে কোথায় সহযোগিতা করবেন, উৎসাহ দেবেন, তা না, দুর্বাক্যপ্রয়োগ আর দুর্ভাবনাপ্রেরণ | এই না হলে বাঙালী !

4. Bengalis have persecuted Sri Chaitanya, Rammohan, Vidyasagar, Madhusudan, Sri Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Rabindranath, even Netaji. The list runs endless. So, it is time to introspect instead of persisting in this persecution of any Bengali who rises in defence of the Dharma.

5. দুষ্টুবুদ্ধি বুদ্ধি নয় | যে বুদ্ধিতে মানুষকে মহান করে, বোধের দিকে উন্নীত করে, সেই বুদ্ধিই প্রকৃত বুদ্ধি | পরশ্রীকাতরতা ত্যাগ করুন | কেউ দেশের কাজ, জাতির কাজ, ধর্মরক্ষার কাজ করলে তাকে প্রতিহত করার চেষ্টা না করে উৎসাহিত করুন, সহায়তা করুন, সহানুভূতিশীল হ'ন | নীচ মনোবৃত্তি ত্যাগ করুন | দেশের, দশের কাজে লাগুন | যারা আমাদের ধর্মের ধ্বংস চায় তাদের প্রত্যক্ষভাবে অথবা পরোক্ষে সাহায্য করবেন না | 'আত্মঘাতী বাঙালী' -- এই অসম্মানসূচক পদবীর যোগ্য অধিকারী হয়ে উঠবেন না | প্রত্যহ স্বামীজীর 'স্বদেশমন্ত্র' পাঠ করুন, মানুষ হ'ন |

6. Religion divorces science, spirituality embraces it. Spirituality is the science of the soul. Religion is tribal misreading of truth.

7. We are asked to separate ideology from the adherent which we should but why do people adhere to such obnoxious ideology when they patently perceive its pernicious human consequence?

8. The surface mind either goes dull or goes into responsive overdrive. It knows no moderation.


চল, চল, চল |

মধ্যপ্রদেশে দিয়ে শীতল,

ঊর্দ্ধে পূরিবে মগজস্থল,

স্নায়ুতে বহিবে শকতিবল,

চল রে, চল রে, চল |


The great literary genius who drew praise from Swami Vivekananda for his epic creation, 'Meghnad Bawdh Kabya', a work which he thought in terms of literary excellence was matchless even in contemporary European literary production. Michael Madhusudan Dutt remains a solitary star in the pantheon of great poets of our country for he shines with a singular brilliance and originality of approach that sets him apart from other great poets.

11. Tribal barbarism must not be given the status that it has today in society. Society cannot progress if regressive religious practices are not done away with. Repressive religions are tribal in origin and will not reform. Men must outgrow these religions and render them redundant.

12. Western academia has now reached a diseased state where its policy of political correctness is eating into its objective of pursuing truth.

13. The Board Examination results that we see students getting every year despite their mediocre academic calibre has made a laughing stock of what even the best among earlier generations got. Cause for serious concern as this will cause a precipitous fall in academic standards in the future. It already has.

14. Demography is working against the Hindus and with every passing decade the census reveals declining Hindu % and inclining Muslim % of the total population. This coupled with the culture of self-betrayal can spell the doom for Hindus in the not-so-long a run. Cause for grave concern.

15. Those who are calling me names for defending the cause of the Hindus ought to see their reflection in the mirror and ask themselves what they themselves are doing to protect and preserve our age-old spiritual civilisation. Such cowardly opposition to this noble cause will meet with the disdain it deserves and I will go about my way in much the way the Buddha has exhorted us to observe the Dharma. We must advance like the rhinoceros undeflected along our course either way.

16. India was partitioned the day Muhammad Bin Qasim invaded Sindh in 712 CE. What followed over the next 1235 years was but the script that would necessarily be enacted given that the Hindus would never put up a united front nationwide to expel the infiltration that would gradually get hold of them till it had dealt them the death-blow. The ordeal continues as demographic shift continuously takes place to displace Hindu culture with Arab culture. Ghazwa-e-Hind is to be brought about to fulfil founder's prophecy. How patriotic is such a prospect if that is the Islamist agenda?

17. When Hindus are at last effectively, if not actually, outnumbered in what post-Partition remains as India, the Sanatan Dharma here will witness its own demise till generations later it will be reborn as Muslims realise the truth of it even as Christians realised the truth of rationality and science to debunk archaic Biblical stuff that was holding them down, courtesy the Church. But the plight of the Hindus in such a scenario of their civilisational death is horrible even to contemplate. One needs only to look on either side across the border of India and within India in Kashmir and parts of West Bengal, Kerala, Karnataka, Assam and other ghettoised provincial pockets, or to cast a glance back at the pre-Partition history of India to estimate the horror that will befall the Hindus. Shall we not be aware of this possibility and take recourse to corrective civilisational measures? We need to manifest character and be proper Hindus. That is the least we can and must do to save our Dharma and ourselves. The prophecy of Ghazwa-e-Hind must be falsified to falsify the entite foundation of a faith whose stated aim is the destruction of polytheistic Hinduism. But will it? Will Hindus unite at last to pull in their might and defend their civilisational identity? Who knows? Far greater courage of conviction is required by the Hindus en masse to continue to survive as a race and a religion, as a culture and a civilisation, as the hope of humanity and its ultimate refuge in a world that is being increasingly fragmented by medieval tribal barbarism masquerading as religion.

18. For 1300+ years in India we have been torn apart by peace. How about that?

19. The religion of peace broke our country into four pieces. They are Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and residual India. How peaceful was that?

20. The Jews form 0.2% of the population of the world and they have won 25% of the Nobel Prizes till date.

21. The Jew, Tarek Fatah writes, is not his enemy. The Jew, I say, is not my friend. The Jew, I affirm, is myself, my very Self manifested as a brilliant being.

22. Sanskrit must be introduced in school curricula wherever political consensus over the issue may be reached. This will raise common culture.

23. Nepal was the lone Hindu state in the world. That also has become secular. Alas, materialism is gaining ground everywhere!

24. 🕉 Our children must pursue their studies till they graduate at the doctoral level. We need a huge number of PhDs today to bolster our research and development. Here also we may take a cue from the Jews ✡️.


ধর্ম ধর্ম যাঁরা করেন, তাঁরা অধিকাংশই জড়বাদী | আর জড়বাদী যাঁরা, তাঁদের অনেকেই বিজ্ঞানময় কোষ পর্যন্ত উন্নীত হয়েছেন | তাঁদের বস্তুবাদ বাসনাপূর্ণ স্থূল বস্তুবাদ নয়, জড়ের কার্যকারণসম্বন্ধীয় গভীর জিজ্ঞাসা | এঁদেরই আধুনিককালের ঋষি বলি, বৈজ্ঞানিক বলে অভিহিত যাঁরা |


In one of his prophetic moods Swamiji once said, "The world will rise. But, oh, at what a cost, at what a cost, at what a cost!" I have often wondered why he said it thrice thus. Was it because he foresaw three world wars coming? Or, was it just a triple emphasis that came out of him by way of verbal balance?


The one who spoke for the common man, the voice of the mute millions, author of 'Pather Daabi' that was deemed dangerous by the British and banned from publication, Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay continues to catch the imagination of the readers en masse across the country, especially in places like Maharashtra where he is a household name, mentioning Bengal being deemed unnecessary as being obvious.

28. They who forget their roots hardly ever shoot.

29. There is a deeper dimension to our being where our intellect reaches not, our soul.

30. If Pakistan is peaceful, the world will be.

31. There is no point reinterpeting hopelessly violent verses of scripture to suit ends. Just reject them and be peaceful.

32. Scriptural hatred of Jews cannot be condoned anymore in this day and age. It ought never to have been thus codified in religious text.

33. Humanity has not begun from Adam and Eve. Why do text-torturing to apologise on behalf of scripture and God who got it completely wrong?

34. Monotheistic people, where they are in the minority, vouch for diversity of cultures for self-preservation, and, yet, they criticise the diversity of gods in the Hindu pantheon to prove the supposed superiority of their monotheistic doctrine. Strange somersault to suit convenience!

35. Western ideas of terrorism are rather strange. The state terrorism the West resorts to on behalf of 'freedom and democracy' is, to its mind, perfectly justified even if it entails the loss of millions of non-western lives as for instance in Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, to cite just a few instances of western political diabolism, often euphemistically dubbed indiscretion. The white man's life seems worthier than all of other hues. And they daily decry racism from public fora and from university campuses! Pretence has its limits!


The great man dies. The hawks mock-mourn. They betrayed Gorbachev's trust. The Cold War ended the bipolar status of the world only to impose America as the monopole. The tyranny continues. Mikhail Gorbachev, the man of compassion and love for the whole of humanity, betrayed at home and abroad, rests in peace. My salutations to his memory!

37. People whose very smile is indicative of crookedness of heart can never be of much value to progress or civilisation. It is stunning to see how indoctrination corrupts. Even good apples turn out rotten inevitably. The smile reveals it all.

38. We, Indians, must deepen ourselves intellectually. We are terribly shallow in this regard. A rational balance of thinking is necessary which we sadly lack. We come to sweeping conclusions based on imperfect reasoning and quite often archaic mythological assumptions which we deem as reasonable justification for what we say. That, though, goes quite against the grain of traditional Hindu thinking which is rationally rigorous and philosophically profound almost to a fault.

39. The Indian newsreaders of WION are too loud. We, Indians, must learn better musicality of presentation, less of a jarr in verbal output and a finer sense of aesthetics if we wish to qualify as adequate communicators in the world of audiovisual journalism.


America had nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Let none forget America's legacy to civilisation, freedom and democracy.

41. The truly spiritual person is the one who cares not for rituals or ceremonies of any kind. Krishna or Kali does not bother him. He is content to do his devotions to his study, his discipline to his dispassionate work and duty as service to all, specially to the forces of good.

42. People are rushing on. Unto where? To what end? The river of life somehow carries them on unto an unknown ocean that ever pulls, the water mingling and commingling at estuary to become one. The river of life rushes on.

43. So long as you indoctrinate every generation with toxic religious ideology that is supremacist in nature and aims at global political domination, you have little chance of arriving at a peaceful world. Add to this noxious nationalism that refuses to look beyond to universal human interests and you have the picture perfect for a pernicious world order that is destined to doom.

44. Let us spell out Sri Ramakrishna in simple terms. He is love.

45. Free thinking is just a step away from being a true Vedantist, most being misguided believers of the philosophy and no more, their ideas of the system misconceieved and superstitious, erroneous and dualistic to a fault.

46. There is a faultline in our thinking. We are unduly nationalistic whereby we lose our international understanding and appreciation of global perspectives.

47. Little men cannot comprehend lustrous leaders of men. They castigate these luminous beings from the caverns of their self-captivity.

48. The less ritualistic you are, the more spiritual shall you be. Cast off the bondage of archaic superstition masquerading as religion. Know yourself to be the sole architect of your destiny. No God or prophet has ever helped you nor can they ever do so. At best they may hinder your progression and hold you to persisting superstition, fear and bondage. Break free and assert your authority over yourself and over none else. Organised religion that attempts collective control is pernicious and the biggest hindrance to human progress even as individual ethical and spiritual evolution is the greatest help for it.


বাবলা গাছে ক্যাবলা ছেলে

পেখম মেলে বসে,

আর তাই দেখে সব বাবলীরা ধায়

আর ফুলছে বুড়ো রোষে |

50. Human civilisation would be far more advanced were people not to waste so much time trying to rationalise irrational, arbitrary, archaic man-made scriptures and instead pursued science and rational philosophy in the saved time. The Abrahamic religions have pulled human thinking down. Greek civilisation was undone by Christianity. Hindu civilisation was undone by Islam. Between the two, they have sent human civilisation to despair.

51. Scientists do not seek the support of religious personalities to establish the veracity of science. Why do religious people seek the support of quotes from eminent scientists in their bid to establish the veracity of their religious beliefs? Why do Christianity and Islam require Aristotle's philosophy to defend their propositions of faith?

52. Man created God in his own image, then surrendered his faculties to enslave himself to his own creation.

53. Adam and Eve our original earthly parents because of their original apple-eating sin? Rubbish! Mythology at its simplest, fine literature but utter imagination and structured falsity thereof.

54. If you want your children to excel in studies, be less loud at home. Futile talk frustrates the future, shatters hopes, renders sprouting seeds sterile.

55. We are caught in a web of words. We enter with the 🕉 and we exit with the 🕉. In between we are trapped in a forest of words, in the meandering alleyways of language. Scriptures, lectures, preaching, conversation -- all these hold us perpetually in verbal bondage from which there is seemingly no escape. War is fought on words and peace is restored through words. It is words that hold and words that deliver. Words, words, frothy words everywhere. Words, words, foul web that robs our freedom.

56. ক্ষুদ্র মানুষ, তার ক্ষুদ্র মানসিকতা | ধূপ জ্বেলে ভগবানলাভ হবে না | হৃদয়ের সম্প্রসারণ প্রয়োজন |

57. Nuclear proliferation is inevitable in a technologically advancing world despite nuclear non-proliferation treaties. Death lurks ahead for humanity en masse.

58. When man suffers, he suffers alone. Nor God nor man comes of help. But time heals. This is the hope that times kills as well, the cessation of suffering.

59. One life is so much suffering. Who wishes to be reborn?

60. নিজের ধর্ম নিজে গড়ুন | পরের তৈরী ধর্ম কেনই বা পালন করবেন? আত্মনির্ভরতার এর চাইতে বড় নিদর্শন কিই বা আছে?

61. Culture should liberate us, not enslave us. Think radically along new lines. Be original and enhance culture.

62. Once more we need a wide variety of divergence in both spiritual and material thinking for the flourishing of our civilisation. No single system of thought ought to lay claim to exclusive possession of the Truth.


There is no more radical a system of thought than the Advaita Vedanta propounded by Adi Shankaracharya which denies the very existence of the phenomenal universe which in effect means the denial of the very individual self which seemingly denies it all. But its rationality is clear and simple and seemingly irrefutable, based as it is on such rigorous logic as defies refutation. The truth of its philosophical assertions must however be tested in the crucible of the soul and its veracity attested. The Advaita Vedanta throws open the challenge to the world to rationalise and realise its principles before accepting its truth.

64. Think. And think for yourself. It is no good if you have to refer to scripture each time to direct your living. Live by your own norms. Be free of traditional trappings.

65. If God created the universe, the question follows -- who created God? That would lead to an infinite series of counter questions proceeding backwards which would not help. So, if the response is that God was not created but has always been, then the same logic ought to apply to the universe as well, that the universal series was never created but has always been, waxing and waning in a never-ending cycle. 'Anaadi srishti, ananta srishti' of the Vedas solves the problem. Law of conservation, you see.

66. One must see one's soul face to face, so to say, before one can honestly accept the existence of God. And even then lingering doubts will remain by the very nature of the deliberating mind which is why nothing in Maya may with certitude be said. A constancy of Self-perception alone can dispel delusion and with it all doubt permanently. Like we sight the universe about us constantly and so believe in its apparent existence, in the same way we need to sight our Self constantly before we can repose unshakeable faith in the existence of God, its definition changing though post-realisation. 

67. Let none come to conclusions from my diverse writings about my confirmed philosophical stance. I merely toy with ideas and present them for your perusal to induce you to think, and think clearly, free of scriptural or other superstition.

68. This universe is a myth and its long history mythology. Ramayan, Mahabharat, Iliad and Odyssey are but playthings compared to this original mythology.

69. This life was such a golden chance to free oneself. But it was lost in the vanity of words.

70. Touch is all that connects me to the world. Touch transcended leads to the realm of the Spirit. It is the same Truth transmuted, transformed, Reality revealing its other face.

71. This world itself is the Truth if you know how to read it.

72. When you discuss, do you do so to arrive at an understanding of things or to affirm and assert your dogmatic stance? The former explores and gains, the latter stays rooted and rots.

73. This fixation with God certain dualists have is problematic. They need a Master to bow down to, a legacy of the feudal mindset.

74. The number of atheists is progressively increasing in the world with the spread of scientific education.

75. Dualistic devotees, gear your self-confidence up a bit and learn to rely on yourselves instead of on an imaginary heavenly Master who rewards and punishes as He deems it right. No such Master exists beyond the fictitious one you have created. So, help yourselves along as no God will ever come to help you or save you, you who are the creator of this Creator God who then created you.

76. The Jews like the Hindus do not convert others to their religion which is why I respect them. I dislike aggressive proselytising religions as proselytism, to my mind, is cross-cultural religious violence.

77. What is God?

78. Be utterly unsuperstitious.

79. সরল হলে ভগবানের প্রিয় হয় |

80. I do not believe in any God which is other than my Self (Atman). I, as the Self, am God.

81. Stop building temples, mosques, churches, places of worship. Build schools, colleges, universities, scientific institutions, hospitals, health-care facilities, cultural centres instead. Free humanity of superstition and let the 'lion of the Vedanta roar.' Let go of the God outside, above the clouds, in heaven and beyond the cosmos in extracosmic 'space', and start affirming the God that is immanent in every being, in every atom of the universe and of countless cosmoses that may be. Worship Man. He is the only being worthy of worship. The atheist has got it half-right. Now, be proper Vedantists and get it fully right.

82. The participation of people on Facebook posts is a good indicator of where the country is headed. The popularity or otherwise of posts and the comments thereof are indicative of people's tastes, temperament and the trends in society. Unfortunately, the signs are not good. It is a progressively declining culture that we are witnessing today which is ominous for our country's future.

83. Call it natural selection or God's work, one cannot cease to wonder at the sheer artistry of life all around, from the butterfly to the honeybee, from the perishing form of beauty to the impermanence of form itself, a panoramic spectacle of variegated life.

84. It is wrong to convert anybody to your religion for it entails a violation of the natural evolution of a human being. And such violation is violence that cannot be condoned.


Following one's own religion: a, b, c, d, e, f, ... (evolutionary progression).

Being tricked or forced into conversion: z, y, x, w, v, u, ... (induced or enforced regression).

86. If a religion rides on the shoulders of barbarism, its death shall be when the barbarous evolve.

87. The Hindus have remained 'a wounded civilisation' ever since the fall of Sindh to Islamic hordes in 712 CE.

88. If anyone ever gives you the Dawah (invitation) to join Islam, reject it flat as being opposed to your Sanatan spiritual principle.

89. The spread of Hinduism is of utmost moment to the future survival of the human race.

90. Islam's fraternity extends only to the body of its believers and not to the whole of humanity. Hinduism, on the other hand, embraces all of sentience within its fraternal fold.

91. Christianity and Islam historically spread by violence. Buddhism spread through virtue and love.

92. How long must women live under the dictates of man-made religion? Now do not bring in that outdated theory of divine revelation to justify your arbitrary injunctions on women's apparel. That is simply nonsense, you very well know. And if you do not, then know it for it is high time to do so, to shed superstition and blind belief.

93. A religion that converts is not a religion but a political movement and must be treated as such.

94. Hindus have survived Islamisation en masse because of the rigidity of the caste system but it is time to integrate Hindu society on the basis of the Vedanta.

95. The new money-mantra, 'টাকা খাঁটি, খাঁটি টাকা' (money is the pure stuff, the pure stuff is money), is killing monasticism today. Augurs not well for the Mission of the Master.

96. We have to rapidly educate our masses in the principles of the Vedanta in as direct and simple a manner as possible. The power of the masses thus roused in the divine direction, our country's progress will be unstoppable. But conservative forces will have to be overcome who stand to benefit from the existing order of things.

97. Before you speak of spiritualising the world, pay your employee better. He is not your slave nor a beggar at your door for a dole.

98. Myths are not reality although phenomenal reality itself is a myth according to the Vedanta.

99. Slave-mentality is not spirituality.

100. Which Krishna do you want me to bow down to - the one Vivekananda says is my Self, which being myself I cannot bow down to, or the one your dualistic Acharya of global fame has indoctrinated you into believing, which being a flawed form of devotion I cannot subscribe to?

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