The West is in a civilisational crisis as the contradictions of the material conquest of technologically weaker nations have finally caught up with it. Western society is in a spiritual mess with conflicting values eroding its defence against infiltrating Islamic culture, courtesy, vast immigration from Asia and Africa. The western youth is bewildered by the absence of a spiritual certitude in their lives and the influx of alien ideas into their midst from foreigners who simply refuse to absorb western values and assimilate into the body politic of the West. Added to this is the demographic change that is occurring in the smaller European nations which is altering their social culture and threatening to Islamise it overtime.
Europe had long colonised these countries from where immigration is happening today and had then merely exploited their resources while assiduously avoiding assimilating into the local cultures. Now the reverse is happening, as if by historical retribution or, as we, Hindus, call it, by the Law of Karma. At any rate, a civilisational clash is in the offing between Judeo-Christian western values and immigrant Islamic values which may play out violently in the long run unless measures are adopted to stop mass immigration into Europe. As of now the situation is bad but it can only grow worse with the inexorable passage of time and the high fertility rate of the immigrant population. Europe, many are of opinion, is in her death-throes.
When Britain allowed Muhammad Ali Jinnah to successfully carry out his genocidal jihad to partition India, she had played foul with India's civilisational principles after looting her resources for centuries. Today, Britain and the rest of Europe are reaping the harvest of such a dastardly act as Islamisation is directly affecting them and they seemingly have no defence against this menacing subversion of their culture. Karma ever repays. You do not subscribe to it? Very well, then. Let us rephrase it. As Vivekananda said, "You may not believe in the vengeance of God but you will have to believe in the vengeance of history." Not that I am thereby endorsing the subversion of Europe with all its post-Enlightenment cultural refinements gradually going waste but that I am nearly stating very obvious facts, the situation as it stands. Douglas Murray calls it 'The Death of Europe'. Do you as well?
Written by Sugata Bose
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