Thursday 25 August 2022



Even the senses cheat. A straight stick appears bent in water. Therefore, mere objective experience cannot be trusted as valid proof of God. Experience unless supersensous and then amenable to due rationalisation that does not take recourse to twisting logic to suit convenience is not to be held as the basis for belief. Belief in God that is unshakeable conviction is born out of immediate realisation of the transcendental Truth which is termed 'Aparokshaanubhuti'.

This term 'God' actually is of Abrahamic origin and is superfluous in this discussion as its very connotation is in opposition to all that Indian philosophy largely stands for. 'Transcendental Truth' would be better suited to the purpose.

This Truth is apprehended by a dissolving of the mind and the universe with it. Man can do it. Such a man is called a Rishi. When he succeeds in doing it, he comes face to face with his own inner reality which is the reality of the universe as well. It is called the Atman when viewed from the personal perspective and Brahman when viewed on the universal scale.

Written by Sugata Bose 

Photo : The embodiment of brahmanical high spirituality, brother disciple of Swami Vivekananda, who set up the Shanti Ashrama in U.S.A. and exemplified through his lifelong austerity the classical sage of the Sanatan Dharma. Swami Turiyananda (Hari Maharaj) was a veritable magazine of spiritual power and a perennial fount of inspiration for succeeding generations of monks of the Ramakrishna Order.

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