Friday, 26 August 2022



Christ was a great soul, an Avatar for sure. But it seems he was not well understood by his disciples and future followers, as it so often happens. Hence, Christianity is far removed from what must have been the message of the Oriental Christ which would have been in line with Hindu-Buddhist thinking in vogue then in the Middle East as also intuitively apprehended by the Master.

Mary Magdalene was Christ's greatest disciple but being a woman was castigated for millenia by the Church as a prostitute, her reputation restored only in the 20th century. Just one such indication of distortion of the Master's message and life for organisational interest.

The Christ of the New Testament and the Qur'an both fall short of the grandeur of that great soul who lived in Galilee. He was not the Son of God nor the Jewish Messiah come to deliver the Jews nor was he the Redeemer of Original Sin but he was God Himself who walked the earth to deliver the message of the freedom of the Self.

The world has not comprehended Christ. The Hindus have. We should accordingly add, 'Keshava dhrita Christashareer jaya Jagadeesha Harey'.

Written by Sugata Bose

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