Friday 19 August 2022



Krishna was the embodiment of the principles of the Upanishads. He was the Geeta personified. Between him and his message there was no gap. Hence, reflection on Krishna helps manifest Atmajnana.

But the flute has replaced the Sudarshan Chakra and made devotees of Krishna effeminates which has betrayed the original purpose of the Krishna Avatar, that of strengthening the nation along the lines of the Varnaashrama Dharma.

Swamiji wanted the softer side of devotion to be kept aside for the while at a time of nation-building, especially in those days of extricating the country from colonial clutches. However, the thousand year long slavery of the Hindus under Islamic rule in India had somewhat altered the character of Krishna-worship from the erstwhile valorous one to the gentler, loving type as exemplified by the Bhakti Movement. The flute played out its notes to stir up feelings within, deep emotions that gave birth to such saints and seers as Meera Bai, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and others. The sword as the instrument of righteous war (dharma yudh) was afforded secondary status in the practice of Hinduism and the Hindus gradually drifted more and more from the kshatriya dharma.

Written by Sugata Bose 

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