Friday, 5 August 2022



1. Be not a cowardly atheist intent on attacking Hinduism alone but have the depth of rationality and courage of conviction to speak out against beheading cults as well.

2. Why are most scientists atheists? You mean to say they are all fools?

3. Political incorrectness is not too bad an idea after all. Perhaps it'll change its name soon as the political situation radically changes. What is being branded today as incorrect will then be hailed as not only correct but an existential imperative.

4. Do not try to please everybody by adhering to falsity. Stand up for truth and stop appeasing elements who are hell-bent upon destroying the fabric of free society.

5. How you condition the minds of your children makes them what they later are. If you indoctrinate them with theological bigotry, they will grow up to become fanatics. As simple as that. If you spare their minds of such roguish routinisation, they will grow up to be compassionate, rational, ethically sound human beings. You are responsible for the fate of human beings, not any extracosmic non-existent being of your fantastic cultural conception. 

6. Swami Vivekananda felt proud to be a Hindu. Do you also feel so?

7. I find western academic talk claustrophobic. The level of hypocrisy involved in the manner of speech that is over-careful in choosing politically correct words not only exhibits insincerity but restricts openness in discussion of contentious issues that is counterproductive in the face of worldwide diffusion of totalitarian ideas of a particular cult.

8. Why always play the victim-card even when indulging in violence? Can such violence be justified thus?

9. How did karma begin? How will karma end?

10. Does life have a purpose? What is the purpose of life?

11. Is it ethical to wake people up in the wee hours by loudspeaker calls to the Islamic prayer? What about those who are not Muslims? Must they also suffer this sonic infringement of their pre-dawn peace? Is this a modern method of hammering home the fundamental Islamic doctrine on unbelievers as well to facilitate future conversion?

12. Fear not. Be free.

13. When a million got murdered prior to and the motherland got mutilated on 14 August, 1947 with horrific consequences thereafter till date, how can we possibly celebrate 'Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav' on 15 August, 2022? Are we oblivious to history, to reality, to plain sanity when even today our Hindu culture is being daily subverted? When will we wake up if at all?

14. Can a Vivekananda born afresh save us if we, Hindus, choose a suicidal path to utter oblivion?

15. If Hindus are to survive as a practising spiritual culture, they must all go through the daily routine of studying Ramakrishna-Vivekananda.

16. Our weakness as a spiritual community is that we place the study of our scriptures at a low premium. Our ignorance thus lowers our defence against proselytising Islam and Christianity.

17. একটু ভাবুন হিন্দুর ভবিষ্যৎ নিয়ে |


🕉 হিন্দু ! জাতির নতুন মন্ত্র |

🕉 Hindu ! The new mantra for our race.

19. How can lies uphold the truth? A day will come when people will see through the hoax and reject it wholesale. Till then superstition and imposition will hold their ground and human aspirations will be ground to dust. But times are changing and untruth that masquerades as truth will be swept away.

20. Hindus, unite! Do not pick up quarrels on flimsy issues with fellow Hindus but pull in your mite to strengthen the cause of Hinduism and the Hindu race.

21. O Hindu brethren, wherever you see a Hindu suffering, feel for him. Do what you can to help. That will foster Hindu solidarity, that will promote Hindu strength.

22. We are several hundreds of millions of confirmed and committed Hindus 🕉 with several hundreds of millions more of casual or callous Hindus. Let us unite to combat the forces of the dark instead of giving in to infighting.

23. Neither ardent assumptions nor archaic absolutism can combat successfully medieval monstrosities that threaten human society. What is needed is manifestation of spiritual force and its due activation on the material plane along channels efficacious.

24. Demographic change is lowering global culture. We are right now in the Age of Capitalism and culture has struck an all-time low. The next phase of the Age of the Proletariat will be far worse. Signs are already there of the impending cultural disaster.

25. Great men will yet arise to reclaim Hindu heritage. Lost territory will be regained. All proselytising opposition will be vanquished and Hindu solidarity achieved. 🕉 Hindu!

26. We, Hindus, are not a dying race. We will live to conquer. 🕉 Hindu!

27. No ideology is sacrosanct. Everything must be subjected to rational scrutiny.

28. Do not lose your defenses against evil. Know evil to be evil and fight it. Do not water it down. Defeat it.

29. Hone your talents. Then lay it at the service of man.

30. Can God, if He is the creator of all, love believers and hate infidels? What sort of a merciful one is He who discriminates thus?

31. We are in the 21st century. If today we cannot critique medieval ideology rationally just because it will be offensive to those who subscribe to it, of what avail is modernity then?

32. Science is one. Why are religions many?

33. We have strayed from the straight path. We must return to Ramakrishna. Commerce is replacing renunciation. It is time to check this toxic trend. Else, disaster awaits.

34. 🕉 Hindu! Let this be our common mantra, our unifying bond. Hindu solidarity will follow if all Hindus chant this magic mantra.

35. Let children grow up doubting faith and reasoning every element of it. Do not indoctrinate them, brainwash them unto submission to unproven principles and do not hand out hope of heavenly reward on the one hand and dish out fear of hellfire on the other to paralyse their thinking for good. Subjugation of the critical faculties is the recipe for creating fanatics out of otherwise potentially decent individuals.

36. আজ 'টাকা খাঁটি, খাঁটি টাকা |' হা ঠাকুর, তোমার কি আজ কোন অনুগামীই নেই?

37. If one generation of children is spared indoctrination, will totalitarian faith survive? It is generational carrying of the baton of unreason by force that sustains it. If truth be there in such faith, then why force people into it from infancy and prohibit exit threatening violent consequence? Why suppress critical inquiry if truth that is self-supportive be there as core content in such faith?

38. 🕉 হিন্দু ! এই মুক্তমন্ত্র, এই মহামন্ত্র জপ করুন হিন্দুর কল্যাণার্থে | হিন্দুরা, পরস্পর পরস্পরের প্রতি সহানুভূতিশীল হ'ন | একে অপরকে সহায়তা করুন সম্পদে বিপদে | হিন্দু সংহতি গঠন করুন, রক্ষা করুন |

39. 🕉 Hindu! Let this open mantra be your holiest chant in welfare-wish for fellow Hindus. My Hindu brethren, be sympathetic to each other, help each other in times of need. Build up Hindu solidarity and help preserve it.

40. Exhibit courage of conviction. Fight intolerance of basic scriptural principles of faiths antithetical to harmonic human living.

41. Hindu thought is once more penetrating world consciousness, almost imperceptibly. But it is happening. I see a change in the attitudes of many intellectuals in the West who are almost unconsciously echoing the same sentiments that Hinduism has made staple for ages. The world is changing, modified yet again by the slow percolation of Hindu thought. 🕉 Hindu!

42. Let us simplify our life. Let us sublimate our thought. 'Simple living, high thinking.'

43. Think critically, act courageously, exhibit character and do not sell your independence to imposed ideology, however 'divine'.

44. To rationalise those who subscribe to the Abrahamic religions the spread of the Vedanta is an ideological imperative.

45. There is peace in Ramakrishna; there is peace in the Holy Mother. But, alas, they are going distant in a world of organised distancing from their ideals!

46. It is better to sympathise than to denounce. In the former there is integration, in the latter divisiveness.

47. Why beat about the bush and try to uphold a religious doctrine that has no legs to stand upon save those of imposed faith and induced fear? Be not a religious apologist any more. Reject unreason and fruitfully utilise your time on earth. Evolve yourself and help humanity evolve. Do not bind down any to medieval misconceptions about life and reality.

48. Love loses to hate temporarily before clinching its eventual victory. So does truth over falsity. But the intermediate price to be paid is enormous, the costs catastrophic.

49. The progressive and the regressive forces of life are at play. Who will win in the end?

50. Do not indoctrinate your children with regressive articles of faith. Teach them to think critically and arrive at evidence-based conclusions.

51. Why do people believe in God and the paraphernalia that follow without credible evidence of His existence?

52. My posts are also aimed at stimulating human thinking. Hence, they often may seem contradisposed to each other. It is a marketplace of ideas -- this page of mine -- where rationalisation of ideas and ideals, historical facts and future tendencies are allowed free-play. So, spare me a damning judgement. 

53. 🕉 Hindu! This ought to be our singular mantra of Sanatan solidarity.

54. We should form a think tank that will look into the civilisational options and imperatives that are possible to discover in the literature that is available on Vivekananda.

55. Remember, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda came for the whole of humanity. That is not to say that we, Hindus, must therefore lower our civilisaltional guard but that we must not neglect our universal human attitudes and aspirations which are central to our philosophical conception.

56. If the philosophical foundation of a faith is flawed and fanaticism is called in to support the tottering edifice of the movement thereafter, there are bound to be existential faultlines which extremist elements will exploit and cause misery to mankind, and they cannot be wished away naively as being mere members on the fringe. There are deeper ideological problems that have to be sorted out before peace may prevail. History bears a different testimony, though, to such much-affirmed peacefulness which for these very ideological imperatives has never been attempted or achieved nor will likely be unless geopolitics enforces such change.

57. The first feature of a spiritual person is his awareness that he is a deathless spirit. As such he will be courageous and not cowardly. A coward cannot be spiritual. And most believers who compromise with untruth and the forces of the dark are cowards, hence, not spiritual. Thus, calling a coward, whosoever he may be, monk or lay, spiritual is downright lying, and that is what most people are and that is what most people do. Those who are fearless, who dare to brave the odds in pursuit of preserving freedom and the higher ideals of life, and, yet, are not so dumb as to be unconscious of mortal danger to their selves, they are to be deemed spiritual, for in their capacity and readiness to sacrifice their lives thus, they wittingly or unwittingly affirm their freedom from the bondage of body-consciousness and the awareness that they are spirits blessed and free.

58. Liberalism is an advanced civilisational idea. But hypocrisy in its name, as it is being practised today the world over, cannot be deemed as conducing to human welfare. The bull of fanaticism must be held by the horns and tamed. This cannot be achieved by wishful thinking, liberal lying, comforting cowardice or hypocritical hollowness. Face the brute and vanquish it. This is the way.

59. The first quality you must cultivate is courage. That is the foundation stone upon which character stands.

60. Why is it that a handful of rogues can terrorise masses of men? It is because, wicked though they may be, they are courageous, and the masses of good men are cowards who cannot stand up for what they so eloquently profess.

61. A liberal lying is not liberalism. And, yet, we are being exposed to this dangerous variant of liberalism that is being used to suppress factual fanaticism, even ideological ones.

62. Organisation eventually becomes a propaganda machine and strays from truth for worldly gain.

63. No book is so holy, so sacrosanct as to be beyond critical enquiry. No book is perfect, none that is beyond amendment or reform. Indeed, imperfection is the sign of the phenomenal and all books necessarily have phenomenal features that require alteration and amendment with the passage of time and altered circumstance.

64. There has not been a perfect man born yet or a person who has attained phenomenal perfection as to be emulated by all mankind for good. Phenomenon by definition implies imperfection. Each person must be his own guide, his own ideal, ever evolved, ever expressed and never attained within the phenomenal fold. Perfection is of the spiritual beyond that despite attainment will have to admit phenomenal imperfection when returning from transcendence to the empirical order of things.

65. Be your own God, your own guide, your own arbiter in life.

66. Submission is a euphemism for slavery. Submit not, conquer your senses and be free.

67. The culture of study keeps an individual, an organisation vibrant.

68. Character is the antidote to corruption.

69. Man is a strange mixture of light and dark. Evolution is progressive enlightenment.

70. A loving remembrance is worth more than a million routine calls.

71. সংযমই শ্রীকৃষ্ণ |

72. If pleasure be not permanent, why have it?

73. Why hanker for a bit of body that forever betrays?

74. One is living in a small circle with fanatical intensity; the other is living in a large circle with liberal extensity. These two ideas are at war with each other in the world today.

75. America is being subverted using democratic means that guarantee religious freedom. Once subversion is complete, democracy will be overhauled by imposed theocracy. Europe's situation is far worse. It is fast losing its age-old cultural identity due to demographic change. And what to speak of India with its whole history of alien theocratic subjugation?

76. A religious monolith of the world? An impossible proposition but a poisonous proposition, nonetheless, that needs instant treatment before the situation goes out of hand and resolution is sought in an unseemly way.

77. When graduates from American schools trained in rational thinking attempt to rationalise the fantasies of faith by using the sophisticated tools of reason available to them, it becomes hypocrisy at its height, an exercise not only in futility but a laughable one in sheer professed foolishness.

78. The very nature of the analytical mind is warring. The synthetic mind transcends this level and arrives at inner peace. To translate that peace into the objective world of conflicting forces then becomes the civilisational challenge. And for millenia humanity is going through that  societal challenge. Hinduism here may show the way and bring about lasting global peace should newer generations adopt the Hindu way of living.


জাগো, হিন্দু, জাগো!

ক্লীব হয়ে থেকো না |

গীতার এই মর্ম |

🕉 হিন্দু!


ভাল লেখা দিলে এক দুটো লাইক,

পচা লেখা দিলে পঞ্চাশ;

ছবি টবি দিলে শত শত লাইক,

সত্য বলিলে সন্ত্রাস |

81. কাপুরুষের আবার অহিংসা !

82. Salman Rushdie attacked. Still paying the price of pursuing freedom of speech and expression, literary license espoused and used, albeit later with increased circumspection.

83. 🕉 Hindu! This is a mantra that came to me as writings come to me flying through the air, and this mantra is very apt for consolidating the Hindu polity and preserving Hindu interests. 🕉 Hindu!

84. Those who are trying to oppose Hindu solidarity for their perfidious political purposes will miserably fail as it was Swamiji's mission to give consolidation to the Hindus, his universal mission being inseparable from that of preserving the Hindu race for its own good and for the good of the world. 🕉 Hindu!

85. চিন্তা করুন | গভীর চিন্তা করা অভ্যাস করুন | শুধু ঠাকুর-স্বামীজীর ছবি নিয়ে পড়ে থাকলে হবে না | আর, ভাল হ'ন | হিন্দু ধর্ম, হিন্দু প্রতিষ্ঠান, হিন্দু সমাজ, হিন্দু সংস্কৃতি -- এগুলোর ক্ষতিসাধনে নিয়োজিত হবেন না | অনেক শিক্ষিত মানুষকে এই রকম করতে দেখছি | দেখে দুঃখ হয় | ভাবি, এমন আত্মঘাতি কেমন করে হন এঁরা ? কি করব শুধু দুঃখ করে? আরো শক্তি প্রয়োগ করি তখন হিন্দু ধর্ম ও সংস্কৃতির রক্ষাকল্পে | আপনারাও তাই করুন | 🕉 হিন্দু!

86. এমেরিকা কি আত্মঘাতি হতে বদ্ধপরিকর? What is political correctness, cultural relativism that allows the destruction of its sociocultural fabric?

87. Hindus, beware of 'Dawah' or the Islamic invitation to join the faith! Hindus should remember the Geeta shloka, 'Svadharmey nidhanam shreyah paradharma bhayaavaha.' (It is better to die following one's own religion than convert to some other faith for the latter course is dreadful.) 🕉 Hindu!

88. The greatness of the Hindu race is that it periodically throws up great souls who rise up in defence of the Dharma. 🕉 Hindu!

89. Hinduism must go aggressive as Swamiji and Sister Nivedita had envisaged. 🕉 Hindu!

90. Hindus have but one country for themselves and even there they are constantly under attack from perfidious elements within their fold and from proselytising Abrahamic faiths without. 🕉 Hindu!

91. There are too many anti-Hindu elements within the Bengali brahmins which is shockingly revealing.


Recite the Svadesh Mantra of Swamiji everyday. Meditate on its meaning. This is the culture of Bharatvarsha, the culture of Hinduism. No alien culture, no foreign faith can replace it. Should it so happen as in the dismembered parts of erstwhile India, those parts will separate from the mother-body and cause the death of India. But India, if she sticks to this Svadesh Mantra, is invincible. 🕉 Hindu!

P.S. Read the Svadesh Mantra and cross-check my comment on the equation of Hindu culture with Indian culture. This was Swamiji's view. And he was a realised soul who was pronouncing his statements from the depths of his spiritually awakened consciousness.

এই হল ভারতবর্ষের সংস্কৃতি ও প্রাণ |


The two great thinkers on the fallen condition of the masses but who arrived at radically different solutions.

94. Every country has a core cultural ethos and that of India is Hinduism. Make no mistake about it. So long as India remains a heavily Hindu-majority country, she will flourish. The day Hindus in their homeland become a minority as in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Kashmir, India will die.

95. We are all floating on the sea. We must not sink in it. Mahadev lies prostrate holding us.

96. Moderation is the key to good living. This translates to compromise in politics.

97. Any man who is not a Brahmajnani is not perfect and cannot be the model for humanity.

98. Buddha, Shankaracharya, Ramakrishna and Vivekananda were Brahmajnanis without a shadow of doubt. Hence, they are all models of perfection for humanity to follow.

99. Today the world is talking about pluralism. But the Hindus have been pluralistic through the ages. It was invasive Islam that forced exclusive monotheistic culture on the Hindus. Yet, pluralism continued in vast India despite the tyranny of the alien ideology which could scarce control it.

100. The whole world can unite under the banner of this mantra 🕉. 

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