Thursday, 25 August 2022



Europe is being invaded by Islam. They are grappling with the problem of growing Islamisation of their societies.

India has already suffered 1300+ years of Islamisation which has entailed the loss of an estimated 80 million Hindu lives and eventually precipitated a horrific bloody Partition.

Europe is facing immigration issues with Muslims seeking refuge in their welfare societies by the millions and then refusing to integrate. The open border policy of the European Union has precipitated an immigration crisis there. The European countries of small population like Denmark, Sweden, Holland and Belgium are facing a rapid demographic change because of high immigration and higher fertility of the migrant Muslims which is impacting their social cohesion and altering their liberal Judeo-Christian culture.

The far right political parties there are rising now to redress the issue. In France and Italy the anti-immigration wave is at its height. However, the general ignorance of European leaders about the doctrinaire content of Islam which aims at the destruction of all that the West stands for and the imposition of the Sharia is making matters worse. Within decades it is being forecast much of Europe will be Muslim-majority countries.

Here in India we are facing a similar predicament as more and more regions are coming under increased Islamic influence. There as here the left are making common cause with the Islamists and trying to subvert whatever stands in the way of realisation of their utopian idealism of socialism. This is helping the cause of the Islamists further. Once Islamisation is complete, the leftists will discover to their horror the real face of Islam as they experienced in Iran after conspiring with the Islamists to drive the Shah of Iran into exile. In came Ayatolla Khomenei and all the leftist allies were summarily executed or dispatched to prison and the Sharia was imposed.

But the leftists have not learnt their lesson. Hence, Europe's predicament continues with leftist support aiding Islamisation as growing immigration, fertility, proselytism (Dawah), infiltration into governmental machinery and the ever-increasing demand for special rights and privileges including the introduction of blasphemy laws in favour of Islam and its founder are changing the face of Europe for good.

The Hegelian antithesis is also at work and we are in for a clash of civilisations as Samuel P. Huntington had in 1996 prophesied in his book. Meanwhile, India is suffering a similar fate and there is not only a cultural churn but a conflicting one at that in the making.

Written by Sugata Bose

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