Wednesday 10 August 2022



The path of progress cannot be of shallow thinking or of blind submission to God or man that is based on superstition and fear. One must learn to think, reflect deep on the realities of life and come up with individual solutions rather than blindly subscribe to dished-out doctrine, claimed to be however divine by arbitrary authority. Hence, courage, character and concentrated contemplation are the trinity of attributes necessary to modernise oneself and push civilisation on in one's individual capacity. The collective problem, however, is far more complex on account of demographic shift of population to the baser strata of society with its consequent cultural downswing. Hence, for quite a while even now it must be individual effort that has to combat the forces of the dark before the fire catches on in large numbers of people till a critical mass in reached that changes society for the better. Till then battle on alone.

Written by Sugata Bose

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