Monday 2 September 2019



Diganta Sengupta and Debasish Mallick, thank you for pointing out that a photo I had posted out of an inadvertent oversight was a fake one. I have deleted the same. I hereby acknowledge my indebtedness to you two, especially to Diganta for having first brought the issue to my notice and also for having furnished me with the real photograph as opposed to the doctored one.

You all are young students of the patriot premier and one hopes that a day will come when you will become leading lights in the lore of Netaji and the revolutionaries with a character to match those dewdrops of dawn who had ushered in freedom. My sincerest good wishes to you all and heartfelt trepidation, too, for seldom do we see aspirants after truth living up to the highest standards of ethics as is the sine qua non for those who wish to make dynamic social changes for human upgradation of culture and civilisation. However, you all are young and have your whole future ahead of you. If you hold on to Swami Vivekananda as the Pole Star of your life, I believe you will be safe in this sojourn through terrestrial tribulations, this comedy of errors which so often is a terrible tragedy for the vast mass of humanity.

May Swamiji bless you two and others of your tribe, the aspirant youth of the world who wish to make an impact in this world of phenomenal dreams and alter its inhospitable status to a more habitable, a more hospitable resting place. 

Vande Mataram ! Jai Hind !

Written by Sugata Bose

P.S. : Hope this photograph is fine and not a doctored one, too.

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