Friday, 27 September 2019


1. You have to avoid the trappings of both theism and atheism to be able to apprehend the highest philosophical content of the Vedas.

2. History is not cold rationality. It is writ in letters of blood.

3. The seed of renunciation lies in the realisation of the impermanence of life.

4. Life is an obstacle race where we must participate and overcome the obstacles to the finish.

5. Start using Japanese products instead of Chinese. Help the cause of Indo-Jap friendship as Netaji and Rash Behari Bose had envisaged.

6. One good way of practising spirituality is to love one's motherland n to dedicate one's life's labour to its upkeep n betterment.

7. Who is a mason of mistakes?
রঙের মিস্ত্রী কে?
Mystery of mistakes?
Victim - who?

8. The Second World War was the vengeance of God on England. England was given the taste of what it means to lose one's own freedom when one has taken away by force, treachery and deceit the freedom of others. Hitler was God's vengeance on the rapacious colonists. He was no more a devil than Churchill was and the Nazis in a short span of twelve years merely reenacted the destructive drama of the Anglo-Saxon colonists that the latter had played out in a much more virulent form over centuries that had decimated civilisations and cultures and reduced nations to ruin in the single aim of upholding British narrow nationalistic interests. And now the war was on them as God's vengeance, as history's irrevocable death-deal on a nation for death dealt on the innocents of other nations. The European powers, co-sharers in the spoils of the colonised world, now rained weapons on each other in the most catastrophic war of all time. Germany, recovering from the reverses of the First World War and smarting under the ignominy of the Treaty of Versailles, was the vengeance of history, the resolution of the historical forces that had conspired to reduce the European colonies to ruins. From here the rise of Hitler and his National Socialists was but an inevitable end that would settle the balance of forces in an emerging world order where suppressed humanity would breathe freer and their oppressors in mutual annihilation would be cut down to their proper size.

9. Humanity is one but cultures may be many. As such, we must have global perspectives rather than narrow nationalistic ones.

The model for all womanhood, the light in which man is to view woman, the hope and succour of all humanity.

11. একজন বিদেশিনী ভারতবর্ষকে সর্বান্তঃকরণে গ্রহণ করতে পারলেন আর আমরা ভারত সন্তানসন্ততি তা পারব না ?

12. জাতির মেরুদণ্ড জনসাধারণ | এই জনগনেশের সেবাই ধর্ম |

13. Be kind to people. There is no virtue in targeted violence. No ideology must support violence for whatsoever 'exalted' cause.

14. It is drizzling and the crows are out. Man has fashioned Nature, birds and beasts have not.


If our children take to studying harder and with a curious mind to know things as Einstein had suggested, they will have paid a fitting tribute to their illustrious predecessor, Nobel laureate Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee.

16. Will the integration of Jammu and Kashmir post-abrogation of Article 370 facilitate the repatriation of Kashmiri Pandits?

17. Extreme poverty is incompatible with religious high talk. Let humanity reveal itself in making room for bread. Then talk religion.

18. O Lord, how can You suffer such indignity on earth in so many bodies which no Law of Karma can enough explain? Whither justice? Whither mercy for Thyself in so many forms?

15. এ কি বেঁচে থাকা, এই অমানুষিক দারিদ্রে ? এত বৈভব একদিকে আর অপরদিকে রক্তক্ষরণ ? এই কি জীবন ?

16. When the institution becomes too powerful, it decays. Then individuals must stand apart and let go of it.

17. It is easy to speak high philosophy from a position of economic strength but difficult to activate its humanistic principles in the service of suffering humanity.

18. It is not true that people only talk about poverty but do not lend a helping hand. Millions help but billions are poor.

19. আজ ভাইফোঁটা | যাঁরা দাদা মানলেন, ভাই মানলেন, তাঁদের সকলকে হৃদয়ের শ্রেষ্ঠ সম্পদে অভিষিক্ত করলাম |

20. এই মুহূর্তটিই সবটুকু | সমস্তকাল এই ক্ষণেরই আন্দোলন | অতীত, ভবিষ্যৎ বিধৃত এই বর্তমানে |

21. ইহকাল মানেন আর পরকাল মানেন না ? সবই কি খাপছাড়া শৃঙ্খলাবিহীন হঠাৎসংঘটন ? গভীরে ভাবুন |

22. The two geniuses I adore are Shakespeare and Mozart.

23. The syllabus is at the centre of education, the child is in the periphery. This'll only lead to erosion of intellectual standards.

24. সুবিধা পাওয়ার জন্য সম্পর্ক স্থাপন ও রক্ষা চিত্তের চূড়ান্ত দারিদ্রের পরিচায়ক | এ হেন মানসিকতা ব্যাপ্ত হলেও বাঞ্ছনীয় নয় |

25. আর যাই হোক, অযথা কাউকে কষ্ট দেবেন না |

26. Spirituality is the progressive deepening of the perception of the Self in reflected terms till the Real reveals.

27. Art dominates the Hindu mind and, hence, the emphasis on the idol of the God he worships. Science dictates this need, too.

28. যে ডালে বসে আছি, সে ডালটি কাটলে কি হবে ? গোড়া কাটলে সব গেল |

29. Gandhi may have made our independence struggle a mass movement but did he not emasculate it altogether with his passive policy?

30. Did Gandhi ever chant the freedom slogan 'Vande Mataram' ?

31. The cruellest regime in the history of the world has been that of the British in India despite their pious pretensions.

32. The real followers of Vivekananda were the revolutionaries of Bengal.
...Hemchandra Ghosh

33. The revolutionaries had a problem. Their armed action often were sporadic and failed to reach the nerve-centre of the British Raj.


The revolutionaries had a problem. Their armed action often were sporadic and failed to reach the nerve-centre of the British Raj. It was Netaji who gave fulfilment to the evolving armed struggle for freedom and tied up the loose ends of the movement to free the motherland at last.

Written by Sugata Bose

35. The martyrs bled so that the traitors would enjoy the fruits of freedom.


26,000 INA soldiers died in the war of freedom, 5 million Bengalees were starved to death, a million died in the Partition riots, so many were martyred at the scaffold for armed action and the movement for freedom was non-violent ! Satyameva jayatey !

Written by Sugata Bose

37. Too many wicked men and women are at the helm of affairs. 'Swachchh Bharat' ought first to clean up the system of such evil souls.

38. Whither humanity when men are lynched? Is this our country's tradition? Shame on us !

39. It is not Pakistan-administered Kashmir but Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. Kashmir, the whole of it, is legitimately India's.

40. British diplomacy is essentially about securing economic gain. How right was Napoleon in calling Britain 'a nation of shopkeepers'!

41. A fresh affirmation of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda is the call of the hour in unpretentious honest observance of their ideals.

42. He who casts aspersions on Mother Teresa cannot revere Sister Nivedita as well.

43. Tagore and Netaji both called Gandhiji Mahatma. Did they make a mistake in all their experiential wisdom?

44. সেবাবুদ্ধি ব্যতীত জনস্বার্থে কাজ করা যায় না | আর নিঃস্বার্থপরতাই সেবাবুদ্ধির ভিত্তিভূমি |

45. অশালীন মন্তব্য করতে করতে মানুষ বাকসংযম হারিয়ে ফেলেন | তখন বুদ্ধিবিভ্রম ঘটে | তার পরই বুদ্ধিনাশ ও অসংলগ্ন চিন্তার অবিশ্রাম বহিঃপ্রকাশ |

রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)

46. Sister Nivedita was intellectually more enlightened than Mother Teresa but the latter was, perhaps, more spiritual.

47. Swami Vivekananda praised the purity of some great Catholic nuns. He had said that, unlike the disciples of Christ who had washed his feet with tears, he would have washed them with his heart's blood.

48. Sri Ramakrishna had accepted Jesus Christ as a divine incarnation and this must be the greatest historical sanction of the Messiah's divinity, coming as it is from another incarnation of God.

49. To criticise liberalism is the order of the day in an order of humanity that is losing both humanity and sanity with it.

50. To be left of centre is not a crime. Forget not that the heart resides on the left. To be righteous is to be truly a rightist.

51. Science will alleviate poverty despite iniquities. The problem, though, is the environment, dominance and war.

52. The days of exclusive survival are over. Proselytising religions must either reform their exclusive ways or suffer extinction.

53. By failing to celebrate greatness in Gandhi and M.Teresa, men narrow their sympathies and scope of understanding greatness itself.

54. Let us rejoice that not a generation passes that does not throw up a leading light to guide humanity towards spiritual fulfilment.

55. Expand your heart and your soul will soar in the high heavens of the spirit.

56. Dive deep and discover the Divine.

There is an increasing online intolerance these days with abrasive articulation and crass commenting becoming commoner than ever before. This decadent trend must be resisted and reversed. Coarse culture must not be allowed to conquer its sophisticated sibling. Let civility prevail. Let humanity restore sanity to social interaction.
Written by Sugata Bose

58. Wherever you see water stagnating, report to the municipal authority. Fight dengue by keeping the neighbourhood dry and clean.

59. Let us build ourselves by way of building India. Each brick well-formed and well-laid, the national edifice will stand firm.

60. We need to celebrate Sardar Patel more by way of paying homage for his seminal services towards the integration of India.

61. Work that serves is virtue, that which exploits is vice.

62. প্রতিটি মানুষের মধ্যে শক্তি আছে | এই অন্তর্নিহিত শক্তিতে বিশ্বাস ও তার বিকাশের প্রচেষ্টাই আস্তিকতা |

63. মহত ব্যক্তিকে অশ্রদ্ধা করাই আত্মহনন | তাঁকে শ্রদ্ধা করার মধ্যেই আত্মোন্নতির বীজ নিহিত |

64. Selfishness leads to misery ; selflessness bestows bliss.

65. Conversion is corruption.

66. To convert is to take a person's natural identity away.

67. To believe in an unproven thing may be a religious attribute but is certainly not a spiritual one.

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