Thursday 26 September 2019



I am happy to announce that this group is coming alive with arguments and counter-arguments on Netaji's post-disappearance mystery. The administrator is completely neutral in this debate and merely reserves his rights as an individual member to posit his personal perceptions and observations thereof in the form of posts and shares. In no way ought this ought to be interpreted as the group's support or 'sanction' of any particular theory.

This group has in the past remained objectively neutral in this regard and continues to remain so. All contrary opinions are welcome here by way of healthy discussion, deliberation and debate but in no way must this page be sullied by disparaging remarks about each other or supercilious statements made by wiser-than-thou members to book lesser mortals in the name of superior devotion to Netaji. This sort of self-proclamation is neither warranted nor wise and is best eschewed in the best interests of this page.

Repeated requests have been made by the administrator to members that they consider making posts to help thrive the group. That some progress at last is being made is encouraging. I personally request all again to make perceptive observations in the form of posts to stir up maximum life in the group.

Netaji pre-disappearance and post-disappearance are both accorded equal status and importance in this group. The historical Netaji and his fate post-disappearance are of equal moment and, as such, both deserve due respect in terms of publishing here. However, the discussion post-disappearance has often mythical proportions attached to it in the assertions of certain individuals and these must be yet given their due space here for debate and acceptance or rejection thereafter as per individual conviction or persuasion. But contrary opinion must be allowed and a monolithic narrative cannot be quite in keeping with the spirit of the page.

A last word and I end. Let civility be maintained even in verbal altercation and decency of diction ever prevail. May the mighty spirit of the revolutionaries who brought us freedom be imbued in you !

Vande Mataram ! Jai Hind !

Written by Sugata Bose (Administrator -- Netaji group)

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