Monday 2 September 2019


THANK YOU BHASKAR (Bhaskar Mukherjee)


He was the anointed one of God, commissioned to alter the course of human evolution. 'He spoke not as the scribes do but as one that spoke with authority.' He drove the money-changers out when he fulminated against the dollar imperialists in the States and in the bargain 'cleared whole halls out in New York'. He played with the children in the backyard of his American residence as did the Master of Galilee. Like the Tathagata he attracted men out from the mart of life, like the Nazarene he fished men out from the riverbank of this world, like the boy brilliant, Shankara, he 'burst upon society like a bombshell and made it follow him like a dog'.

Vivekananda, of sublime dreams, of universal sympathies and terrible pains, of gigantic aspirations and vast devastations, lives on in the current of humanity as its lingering hope, its anchor in a tempestuous sea of delusion, its rock-like refuge amidst the shifting sands of this desert-world. 

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : courtesy, Bhaskar Mukherjee

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