Wednesday 25 September 2019



Miss Noble was the fiery one
And Christine quite the fairest,
Joe MacLeod, the friendly soul
Ma'am Sevier of fibre rarest.
Mary Hale was of fragrance pure,
Sara Bull, the one that darest,
Sanborn Catherine, the hostess saviour
When the monk marooned despairest.

Calve, Bernhardt, opera divas,
That lit up the western stage,
In awe beheld the sage supreme,
Could scarce fathom or guage.

And so the queens and kings of Ind,
And so the prince and the pauper,
So of the East and the West alike
Could bow but, homage offer.

This, the tale of a young god once
Who 'bestrode the world of men',
Who help received and love supreme
From these golden girls when
Few, alas, but a faithful few
Helped carry the torch he lit,
When maligned, molested, mauled he lay,
The lion in alien den.

Composed by Sugata Bose

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