Thursday, 5 September 2019


1. Sugata Bose : @ Ramen Banerjee I have read Utpal Aich's article on this Radhakrishnan plagiarism issue and can only repose faith in it. As to the veracity of the facts I trust Utpal Babu's scholarship and the references he has cited to uphold his case. More than this I am not privy to and cannot comment on in consequence.

2. I am the chronicler of thoughts. As they keep flitting by, I hold them and record.

3. The dawning sensation that I will have to go alone from this world leaving everything, even this body, is gradually gripping me.

4. What are the arguments for accepting Gumnami Baba / Bhagavanji as Netaji and what are the arguments for rejecting it?


Netaji in this photograph clearly looks celibate to me. His face seems tinged with the limpid light of early innocence. Who says he was otherwise with dubious carnal connections?

Written by Sugata Bose

6. Let devotion show in deeds.

7. Humanity will rise not merely by the proliferation of education but by the diffusion of culture along with it.

8. I do not want the imposition of a God on me nor the imposition of myself on any. The hold of sense impressions is bad enough.

9. This life itself is liberation if you perceive it right.

10. Life is but payment of the toll-tax for your passage to freedom.

11. The heart is the battlefield of emotions,
The head, the war zone of ideas.
The Self witnesses both,
In silence serene, sublime.

12. না, এ আদর্শ ভাল নয় | অর্থের প্রয়োজনীয়তা আছে | কিন্তু অর্থের কাছে নতি স্বীকার করা ? কখনই তা সমর্থনযোগ্য নয় |

13. Those who have betrayed and are betraying Netaji, are they all unethical atheists, unafraid of karmic retribution? Beware !

14. শিক্ষিতজন, শিক্ষার অবমাননা করবেন না | শিক্ষার বহুল বিস্তার করুন |

15. প্রতিটি ছোট ছোট কাজে নিঁখুত হওয়ার নাম আধ্যাত্মিকতা |


A philosophical pronouncement by Netaji of profound import and enduring historical significance : "But man is not always the architect of his fate, he is sometimes the creature of his circumstances." ... An Indian Pilgrim

17. Give up this fearful clinging to an external God and awaken the Godhead within. Stand on your own Being.

18. How is it that there is no documentary evidence whatsoever in the German files of Netaji's so-called romantic alliance?

19. No more temple culture. Now it must be human culture.

20. Not an inch to stand on. Live man goes dead. Dead man comes alive. The plot thickens.

21. Gandhiji was flawed in his philosophy that loving the enemy would melt his heart and make him mend his evil ways. Simplistic !

22. We are living in an ocean of thought.

23. Happy is the one who gives happiness to others.

24. Unpunctuality and irregularity in work are the sure signs of tamas.

25. Knowledge can never be dead. How can Sanskrit be 'dead language' ?

26. Spiritual pride is not spirituality. It is pride after all.

27. নেতাজী বিশেষজ্ঞরা একজোট হউন | অাজাদ হিন্দ ফৌজের একতার মৌলিক মন্ত্রটি মনে রাখবেন |

28. যেটুকু জানি, সেটুকুই যে সব জানা, এমন নয় | জ্ঞানের এই অপূর্ণতাবোধই দেয় যথার্থ বিনয়ের জন্ম |

29. We invite Dr. Sugata Bose in open debate with Drjayanta Choudhuri on the Netaji disappearance issue.

30. ডঃ সুগত বসুকে আহ্বান জানাই Drjayanta Choudhuriর সাথে নেতাজী অন্তর্ধান বিষয়ে সর্বসমক্ষে বিতর্কে বসুন |

31. The dawning sensation that I will have to go alone from this world leaving everything, even this body, is gradually gripping me.


The revolutionaries did not bleed in vain. Their blood will be avenged despite the dastardly betrayal of their cause by the powers that be. Their sacrifices have laid the foundation of the edifice that renascent India shall build. Long live the motherland ! Vande Mataram !

Written by Sugata Bose

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