Monday 29 May 2023



Swamiji wanted aggressive Hinduism. On the contrary his followers have gone on progressively with defensive Hinduism that hypocritically harps on harmony with roguish religions intent on the destruction of Hinduism with a gory history of dastardly acts against Hindus and Hinduism for over a millennium to testify to this averment. It is time to shed this hypocrisy and come to terms with the civilisational challenge from inimical religions that faces us.

Harmony even Swamiji wanted but he was not shy to criticise roguish core tenets of an alien religion that had ruined our Hindu civilisation till the life of a Hindu for centuries remained uncertain each day under the tyranny of the zealot's sword. He, thus, constantly exhorted the Hindus to shed cowardice and rise in defence of the Dharma.

But we have failed him. Partition with all its preceding and succeeding horrific genocide of Hindus followed. We still did not learn. Now as Bharatvarsha is increasingly getting demographically changed and in proportion challenged, as the Sanatan civilisation is under threat of being wiped out in a century's time under this contrary demographic deluge, it is time to set everything aside and give topmost priority to the defence of our Dharma. Else, Bharatvarsha will die. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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