Saturday, 27 May 2023



Sugata Bose @Rohini Jalan : Do you know that in India Hindus are being targeted by Muslims and converted to Islam on a systematic basis? More so the Hindu girls so as to reduce the number of Hindu births and increase instead the number of Muslim births to gradually tilt the demographic balance in favour of the Muslims for the future imposition of the Sharia as in Pakistan and other Islamic countries.

Much more needs to be done than routine chanting and reading. Feeling for the motherland and her Sanatan Dharmic culture and rising in defence of it is the duty of every Bharatiya. What feeling is there that prompts you to bed at the right time but makes you not wonder why I burn my deep-night fuel of life rising in defence of the Dharma, inching every hour evermore closer to the pyre to set alight the lives of fellow Hindus with its burning blaze? Upon the shoulders of the Braahman rests the defence of the treasury of the Dharma, says the divine Manu, and Swamiji adds on to that saying that upon every Hindu rests this responsibility of the defence of the Dharma.

Sugata Bose @Murthy Kvvs : My writings these are. Don't you see it's written below the post? In coloured boxes often it is inconvenient to put up such affirmations owing to paucity of space. Hence, needless advice, a trifle supercilious, is not solicited. Had it been Swamiji's writing, I unfailingly would have mentioned him as the author. Therefore, rest assured that such lapses, unpardonable as they are, are unacceptable by me, too. Plagiarism is not my forte. Thakur-Ma-Swamiji have blessed me graciously with the due resources to serve them in the manner I best can, in the literary mode. May the Holy Trinity keep blessing you and yours as well is my earnest prayer at their lotus feet!

Sugata Bose @Murthy Kvvs : Your arrogance bespeaks the little learning that prompts it. Great men think alike and so also small men. Ideas overlap, converge and coalesce. Your following or unfollowing the page depends entirely on you and does not require my solicitation. However, civility would have deemed a better attitude while addressing someone else's writing notwithstanding your democratic rights to speak the way that you have thought it prudent to do, perhaps. The royal road is open in all directions and you are welcome to any one of them. May Sri Ramakrishna be with you!

Sugata Bose @Murthy Kvvs: Your arrogance bespeaks the little learning that prompts it. Great men think alike and so also small men. Ideas overlap, converge and coalesce. Your following or unfollowing the page depends entirely upon you and does not require my solicitation. However, civility would have deemed a better attitude while addressing someone else's writing notwithstanding your democratic right to speak the way that you have thought it prudent to, perhaps. The royal road is open in all directions and you are welcome to any one of them. May Sri Ramakrishna be with you!

P.S. Despite it having been clearly mentioned below the post that the writing is mine, you have raised suspicion of possible plagiarism on my part which is discourteous, to say the least, a direct affront in the intermediate and an outright casting of aspersion on my character, if you understand what it means after all. Desist from such offences in the future. My first response to your rather caustic comment was comprehensive in consequence but it did not satisfy you for your doubt lingers. A doubting Thomas is never satisfied thus. Only post realisation does he come to sanity. 'Bhidyate hridayagranthi chhindanti sarvasangshayaa.' (Bhagavad Geeta) Hence, instead of having deliberated on an issue thus where you eminently are the offender, you ought to have been civil enough to appreciate the writing as duly this author's and not his plagiarised material from Swamiji.

Sugata Bose @Alok Sarkar : You are one person who does not insult my posts by posting emojis by way of comment. Thank you.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : সত্য সর্বসময় সত্য, ত্রিকাল অবাধিত | তত্ত্বকে খর্ব করে সময়োপযোগী করে নেওয়া চলে না | অনুশাসন এক, তত্ত্ব আর এক | আদর্শ সর্বসময় প্রযোজ্য, ক্ষেত্রবিশেষেমাত্র নয় |

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : বিচারকালে জগৎ মিথ্যা | ব্রহ্মজ্ঞান হতে বুত্থানকালে সব কিছুই ব্রহ্ম বলে প্রতীত হয় | তখন এই বিচারকালীন মিথ্যাবোধ অন্য মাত্রা লাভ করে | প্রপঞ্চ ব্রহ্মরূপে সত্য বলে প্রতীত হয় | তখন উভয়ই সত্য---অদ্বয় ব্রহ্মরূপে সত্য, আবার মায়িক ব্রহ্মপ্রকাশরূপে সত্য |

Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : Stability is of the Self (Atman). All else are unstable in oscillating, undulating, disintegrating Maya.

Thank God that net is unstable there in the hills. A stable network of Maya would have held you in its clutches perpetually. But that can never be so. Maya holds but, itself being unstable by its very nature, has to loosen its grip on souls at times which allows them to escape to freedom in the discovery of the ever-free Self.

Sugata Bose @Vivekananda Mission (Biman Panti -- administrator) : Does this post deserve a place in this group? I would like to draw the attention of the administrator. Sorry for the intervention if it is deemed as an overriding of my rights as an ordinary member of this not so ordinary group, established, I believe, for the purpose of propagating the ideals of the Vivekananda Mission which, to my knowledge, had no culinary intentions to begin with akin to what the post proper improperly hints at.

Sugata Bose @Sanjoy Sankar Guha : Islamic brotherhood is limited to Muslims alone and not for the infidel (kafir). It is not universal brotherhood at all. And within the Islamic fraternity as well each sect calls the other a kafir, Sunnis and Shias providing the highpoint in this regard with fratricidal war raging between them since the death of Muhammad.

Sugata Bose @Ranita Indic : I am at last relieved to see someone write Ahalya instead of Ahilya which is the linguistic aberration in currency these days. Thank you, Ranita, for setting the spelling right. Regrettably, the wrong version is becoming right by dint of constant repetition online, much like Haridwar which originally was and still ought to be written as Hardwar. When I was a child I remember having seen at Hardwar railway station the name written as Hardwar. Today I see it written as Haridwar. Satyajit Ray has spoken about it in his final film 'Agantuk'. Thanks, nonetheless, for setting the narrative right in regard to Ahalya Bai Holkar of revered memory.

Sugata Bose @Manoj Sivan : But haven't you written elsewhere that the photograph posted by me (here appended as well) was taken by Sister Devamata? If it has been edited and added on, then my posts to the same effect on my profile, page and group stand nullified. Kindly confirm.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : আমার তো পশেছে | অপরের কথা অপরে জানে | শুধু আমি জানি যে তাঁরা আমারই রক্ত, আমার জ্ঞাতি, স্ব-আত্মা, বন্ধু, প্রাণাধিক প্রিয় | তাই তো শতবর্ষ পরে হুঙ্কার দিই থেকে থেকে সেই ঋষিলব্ধ বাণী---ওঠো ! জাগো ! মরতে হয় তো স্বধর্মরক্ষায় মর | আর বাঁচতে হয় তো স্বধর্মরক্ষাকল্পে বাঁচো |

Sugata Bose @তাপস ঘোষ : Then why did you edit and alter its content? It is so misleading in that case for it is unhistorical and conduces to spreading misinformation.

Sugata Bose @Manoj Sivan : Yes. It's ready information now to be judiciously used so as not to cause undue offence. Otherwise likely to brew up controversy that will limit online activity. Truth becomes often unpalatable to people, organisations and the ruling dispensations, you see.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [J Sai Deepak arguing in the Supreme Court] : J Sai Deepak is a brilliant intellectual. He is superbly articulate as well which makes him a formidable foe for opponents and an insubordinate subordinate to superiors, his lordship in this case. Sai Deepak is the luminous star in a darkened Hindu sky, his lustrous presentations setting alight the horizons with the message 'Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached,' the clarion call which Swami Vivekananda had given over a century and a quarter ago. Sai is the representative voice of the Hindus 🕉 in many a sense, his accurate analysis of the current conspiratorial situation in India and its comprehensive solution, and his robust defence of the Dharma awaking thousands of Hindus and making them aware of the existential challenges that face them making him eminently fit for that epithet. Glory unto his movement, and boundless gratitude and love for this son of the soil who in heroic fashion is battling it out both in the law courts and in the Kurukshetra of life. May Sri Ramakrishna bless J Sai Deepak with life, longevity, health, happiness and power to carry on with his defence of the Dharma! 🕉

Sugata Bose @YouTube [ANI News] : This man is a fraud. That dance of his that has gone viral is not of spiritual ecstasy but of pronounced sensuality. That people get caught in his trickery is proof of the gullibility of the commoner, especially of the consumerist kind. The interviewer is either purposely pandering to this pretender's vanity or is herself of a superficial sort having no clue whatsoever as where genuine spirituality lies. Such men, as the interviewee is, are today the bane of our Hindu society, a scourge unto us and pertinent proof of the fact that time it is for a genuine spiritual revival to take place which these charlatans are patently working against. Be not deluded by these false prophets, as the saying goes. A genuine sadhguru would never name himself so but a fake one would to advance his self-interest. We need a Vivekananda today for the regeneration of the Hindus in particular and for humanity in general, and not these fraudsters who are bringing us as a polity to ruin. 🕉

Sugata Bose @snjpverma : Exactly. These are not men of God but are messiahs of moneymaking.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Jaggi Vasudev staging deplorable Shivaratri dance] : What a fraudster! What a gimmick! What a waste of money! Misleading the people from the true dharma. An absolute charlatan and the consumerist commoners are gullible fools too.

Sugata Bose @Bidhu Bhusan Behera : Study Swami Vivekananda. The disease will be rid off.

Sugata Bose @Bidhu Bhusan Behera : But Swamiji himself advocated this view that the whole nation must be taught Sanskrit. It will revolutionise the national psyche and anchor Indians firmly in their cultural roots whose basis is Sanskrit literature, especially the literature pertaining to the Sanatan Dharma in its progressive phases beginning from remotest antiquity and rolling down to modern times.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [ANI News---Smita Prakash] : The interviewer (Smita Prakash) disturbs too much. She breaks the flow of talk by the interviewee (J Sai Deepak) by her needless interruptions. Sai is simply brilliant as usual despite all this.

Viewers are not as foolish as Smita Prakash imagines. It is an insult to their intelligence to keep on repeating that J Sai Deepak has sarcastically said something in reverse order to drive home the point better which, in Smita Prakash's considered and considerate estimation, the intellectually challenged audience will scarce be able to otherwise apprehend. Such low expectation from the audience is uncalled for and shows up the interrupting interviewer in a rather poor light. J Sai Deepak, brilliant as he is, was courteous enough to bear with her, albeit with flow interrupted, his level of thinking dipping and the grain of talk shifting at times. Brilliant interviewee, poor interviewer, shallow to a fault.

Sorry Sai. You have made a slip in saying that Aurangzeb was the Subedar of Bengal. He wasn't so. Aurangzeb was the Subedar of Deccan and Gujarat but never of Bengal. His elder brother Shah Shuja was the Subedar of Bengal who he drove away to the Arakans during the fratricidal War of Succession in which he (Aurangzeb) triumphant emerged.

Smita Prakash is too dull, too superficial to be able to interview this brilliant erudite and articulate well. Sai Deepak simply has to lower his intellectual level to accommodate her.

Sugata Bose @Narayanan P D Namboodiri :  Support my writings by regularly reading them. That itself will be inspirational for one striving alone in the desert-sand of an unsympathetic, cowardly, hypocritical section of the Hindu community which is more prone to pleasure than the preservation of their identity against marauding Abrahamic cults. Shame on us that we have sunk so low! Here work is to be done. Come along and join hands with me. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Amar Khanna : Sri Ramakrishna did not go the feet of the Mother. He himself was the Mother incarnate.

Sugata Bose @Amar Khanna : Amar Khanna : And Ishwara (God in the Vedic sense) because he was the essence of all deities, as you have rightly pointed out. Swamiji went further. He called Thakur 'Bhagabaner Baba', that is, the Father of God.

Sugata Bose @Comal Mahadevan Amrtheswaran : Sufism is a ploy to lure converts into Islam. It has historically worn a soft facade to camouflage its true intent. It is deception through and through. Read Sita Ram Goel and Ram Swarup to get a clarified understanding of Islam.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Oh, I see! You 'have read'---that is what you meant. I thought you were asking people to 'read' Ram Swarup alone. The word 'read' was used by you in the past tense whereas I thought you were asking people to 'read' Ram Swarup alone to the exclusion of Sita Ram Goel.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Sangam Talks] : Robert Spencer is not only well versed in his subject but he is articulate and rationally persuasive as well.

Sugata Bose @Binita Ghosh : প্রগতির সাথে সাথে লিঙ্গভেদ বহুলাংশে দূর হবে বইকি | কিন্তু তা তো শুধু দেহভিত্তিক, মনভিত্তিক, বাহ্যিক | প্রকৃত অভেদবুদ্ধি আসে নির্বিকল্প সমাধিতে ও ব্যবহারে তা প্রকাশ পেয়ে থেকে সমাধি হতে বুত্থানের পর | তাই অনেকটা ভেদ কাটলেও সম্পূর্ণ কাটবে না | তাতে ক্ষতি নেই যদি উভয়লিঙ্গের সুযোগসুবিধা সমান হয় সমাজে | এই প্রতিবেদনটিতে সামাজিক অর্থে নয়, অধ্যাাত্মিক অর্থে এ কথা বলা হয়েছে | বাইরের বৈষম্য অন্তরের বিভেদজ্ঞান থেকে হয় | তা দূর করা সাধনার অঙ্গ | যেমন যেমন বৈষম্য কমে, তেমন তেমন সাম্যবোধ জাগে | আধ্যাত্মিকতার এই হল সূচনা |

Sugata Bose @Tapan Bhattacharya : Terrible photo of mine. Me at my thinnest, emaciated and at my photographed worst. Thanks for your labour of love, Tapan Babu, nonetheless, and for your good wishes.

Sugata Bose @Soma Das : Your birthday is the same as mine. I discovered just now to my surprised delight. Happy birthday!

Sugata Bose @John Embrey : That (hellfire) is essentially the devised ploy to frighten people into submission and to contain them within the specific faith. It is devised ploy and not revealed truth.

Sugata Bose @Rohini Jalan : Your qualifications are outstanding. Now you need to deepen your study in your specific field to be able to contribute pathbreaking insights into it. You must also broaden your academic perspective by enlightening yourself in your motherland's history and civilisation.

Sugata Bose @Shusobhan Charit : Study Vivekananda and you will see sense in what I have written. You have misread the content of this profoundly philosophical post and reduced it to superficial stuff which it is not. It is Vedanta in its inmost sense. This, alas, is the predicament one faces in terms of reader response to online posts! However, you are welcome to your own understanding but not so to imposing your characterisation of the writer's status in knowledge or understanding, if you understand what I mean. That sort of a supercilious attitude in terms of ascribing attributes on another is not only uncalled for but is positively uncivil and untrue as well, for none knows the other person's depth of knowledge or shallowness, as the case may be. What I have written is philosophically sound and corroborated by references to be found in the talks of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, leave aside personal experiences that may not be divulged here or be of interest to any anyway.

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