Sugata Bose @Satyanand Bhattacharjee : Wrong. You may not have read them but Swamiji did make pertinent observations on both Vidyasagar and Rabindranath.
Sugata Bose @Satyanand Bhattacharjee : Who has said that Swamiji wrote books on Vidyasagar or Tagore? He made references to them which are available to the thorough reader of 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' and to allied books on him.
Sugata Bose @Jayanti Rakshit : Because in Swamiji's view Rabindranath was in the thick of both Vidya and Avidya Maya, and Swamiji wanted Nivedita, who was by now an ordained brahmacharini, to eschew all connections with Avidya Maya which for sure would be a serious impediment to her attaining divine realisation and to her conducting the work of the regeneration of Indian womanhood for which she had been commissioned by Swamiji after her own hyper-eagerness to do the difficult job despite forewarning by Swamiji about the immensity of the difficulties she would have to endure in ravaged, colonised, poor, starving India.
"Remember that that family has poured a flood of erotic venom over Bengal." These were Swamiji’s words and the idea embedded becomes apparent only to those who have truly renounced lust and gold and will make no compromise with worldly vanities however camouglaged in art and poetry and lofty verbal idealism that cannot quite renounce fully the ephemeral taste of things, and not to those who are not so well renounced. The moment one has the clear light of spiritual discrimination, worldliness of whatever hue becomes toxic to him and rightly so. Hence you see.
Ramakrishna and Vivekananda came to deintoxicate humanity of its material inebriation and here was Rabindranath doing just the reverse, offering his readers the inebriating drink of refined sensory pleasure. It was directly going against the mission of the divine duo for which they had descended to our earthly habitat. Nivedita was key to Swamiji's mission and as her Guru he would spare no means to save her from material delusion which her association with Rabindranath would surely bring about. After all, associations and exchanges bring about exchange of gunas, such is the power of contact of the senses with the sensory objects and impressions. As a naishthhik brahmacharini it was bounden on Nivedita to eschew all such contact and adhere to her Guru's instructions which she eminently was failing to do despite Swamiji's repeated remonstrances. Hence, "As long as you go on mixing with that [Tagore] family, Margot, I must go on sounding this gong."
Sugata Bose @Sandhya Bhadury : Few, though, have the breadth of culture and magnamity of spirit to appreciate my thoughts penned thus on paper, so to say. You obviously do and I thank you for it. Unfortunately, niggardliness dogs the common man and the uncommon man so, that it seems to be a universal feature of enslaved mentality that routinely bows down only to the privileged and the powerful or to hackneyed ideas and customs. Few, alas, have the intelligence or the expansiveness of heart to encourage a fellow pilgrim who is labouring to cut through the ice of dead decadent deposit. Did not Swamiji in despair exclaim, "Let men be thinkers?"
Sugata Bose @Chandra Kumar Bose : How? And specifically -- not vaguely stating -- who exactly is and are distorting his image and personality?
Sugata Bose @Parnika Bubna : Had a beautiful visit of Nivedita School today. Saw the new Higher Secondary Section building. Very well made. The school needs big time support. Mataji was very nice and cordial and spoke at length on the history of the Sarada Math and her association with seven of the initial eight who were the founder sisters of the Order.
Sugata Bose @Smita Mukerji : You have missed the literary nuance. Anyhow.
Sugata Bose @Smita Mukerji : You have missed the literary nuance. Anyhow. Thanks for speaking devoid of due civility, though. But then each one, I suppose, has his or her own style of disparaging others 'when crossed in conference' or even when no such occasion has arisen. Your claims regarding Nivedita having falsified accounts with respect to Swamiji's affirmations need substantiation as well for they evidently malign the Dedicated One in no uncertain terms. You must---assuming you are privy to proofs that would substantiate what you have levelled against the Sister---immediately take it up with the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, and the Sarada Math and the Ramakrishna Sarada Mission. That is where your protest, issuing from personal reflections and realisations, even if it is, ought to be lodged. Futile vilification on Facebook like this doth not do your honour justice. Thanks for using vocabulary thus against me without understanding the literary import of the post. But 'men may construe things after their fashion'. God bless you with greater restraint hereon!
Sugata Bose @Smita Mukerji : I understand your motivations now. You have amply made it clear. So, I consider it beneath my dignity to continue conversation with you along this line anymore, especially when I know you cross limits of verbal decency with ease.
Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : Be a dynamic young woman with the fiery zeal to raise fallen womanhood in India. I expect you to do so. Build yourself for the grand task ahead. We needs lionesses, not weeping women anymore.
Sugata Bose @Abhijit Mandal : Succinctly stated, Abhijit. Thank you for rising in defence of our Sister against undue verbal onslaught by maliciously motivated pseudo-nationalists who think linguistic proficiency is attribute enough to launch a verbal tirade against iconic personalities without furnishing proofs to substantiate their unfounded allegations. This comment ought to be directed at the offender herself by tagging her name to it in the pertinent post by way of reply to her comment there so that a semblance of shame attends her and/or it acts as a warning against repetition of such offence in future.
Sugata Bose @Abhijit Mandal : But you should have tagged the maker of the offensive remark instead of tagging me there. Anyhow, let us move on instead of wasting time on inessentials. There are more important things to do than engage in online vituperation with fellow pilgrims who are 'wending their way to the same goal', in the words of Swamiji. 'Let us bid each other godspeed.'
Sugata Bose @[YouTube Swami Shraddhananda] : The hyperbole used in Shivamahimna Sotram is not a lie. It falls short yet of the glories of Shiva. Verily, infinite are the glories of the Lord, so to say, and finite the means available to describe them. It is a mission impossible. Hence the use of the failed hyperbole in approximating imagination to the actual truth.
P.S. The glory of the Lord being abstract, it is not possible to enumerate it as such, abstraction ever eluding the grasp of concrete description. Hence, the allusion.
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Sraddhaprana Mataji biographical profile] : Over-poetic presentation with undue modulation of voice, quite unlike what Swamiji liked. Strong womanhood would deem a presentation unmixed with delusive ultrapoetic sentimental manner and means. A robust verbal articulation would be a better adornment for such a tribute to a seminal sage. Terrible narration with undue modulation smacking of Avidya Maya.
Sugata Bose @Silvia Gort : Sorry to hear, Silvia Gort. Nobody dies, dear. The body which covered her has merely been cast away and she continues to live with you, near you, holding your hand and heart ❤️ ever. May Mother bless you and relieve you of your now inconsolable grief!
Sugata Bose @Deepankar Bagchi Addressing it would have been one of his prime objectives. He would have set about the task on a war footing, exhorting millions of youths to engage in the mission of saving the environment from a catastrophic collapse.
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : তুমি শিশুকে নিয়ে আছো, তাই মা আছেন তোমার গর্ভে |
Sugata Bose @Soham Pain : সত্যিই তাই, বিশেষতঃ যখন তাঁদের ভাষায় ও ভাষণে বরাহনগর মঠের, আলমবাজার মঠের ও বেলুড় মঠের আদি ও মধ্য যুগের অর্থনৈতিক দুরবস্থার কথা প্রায়শঃ শুনি অথচ তাঁদের মূল কেন্দ্র ও নানা শাখা কেন্দ্রগুলিতে তার বিপরীত রীতিনীতি, আচারআচরণ ও কর্মানুষ্ঠানের ধারা লক্ষ্য করি | এই দ্বিচারিতা দুঃখজনক শুধু নয়, সত্যভিত্তিক ভবিষ্যৎ স্থায়িত্বকে সংকটে ফেলছে কারণ যা সত্যের ওপর প্রতিষ্ঠিত তা পরিশেষে আংশিক মিথ্যা ও অবিদ্যামায়াকে কেন্দ্র করে স্থিতিশীল হতে চলেছে | অসত্যেরও স্থায়িত্ব আছে, সম্প্রসারণ আছে | এ কথা স্বয়ং বিজ্ঞান মহারাজের | উচ্চ ফলিত আদর্শ আজ লুপ্তপ্রায়, সত্যাসত্য অঙ্গাগিভাবে সংঘে জড়িত | এই আজ সংঘগত ব্যবহারিক সংস্কৃতি যার প্রতিকারসাধনে কাউকে দেখি না প্রতিবাদী কথা বলতে | এও মর্মান্তিক | ঠাকুর-স্বামীজীর আদর্শ আজ ভূলুন্ঠিত |
Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : Ganga! Ganga! Ganga! Be as holy as Her.
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Kathamrita Bhavan --- Swami Jyotirupananda] : Swami Siddheshananda and a certain lay gentleman accompanying him always in these lecture series take up a lot of useful lecture time other than making the pre-lecture and post-lecture parts insipid. Would it were that Swami Siddheshananda refrained from undue introductory elaboration and the other gentleman did not speak to spoil the fragrance of the lecture at the end of it at all! This is a recurring thing happening in every lecture arranged by the Kathamrita Bhavan and it ought not to be, both for the sake of propriety as also for the sake of aesthetics.
Sugata Bose @Arunangshu Mandal :
ঊর্ধ্বমুখী অমৃতনিদ্রা, শিক্ষার ঊর্ধ্বমূলের সন্ধানে |
Sugata Bose @Sandhya Bhadury : আমরা স্পর্শ করলে নয়, তিনি কৃপাপরবশ স্পর্শ করলে চিত্তশুদ্ধ, ভাবসমাধিস্থ মুহূর্তে, বাসনাবিবর্জিত মুক্তপ্রায় হব আমরা | মুক্তপ্রায় কারণ পূর্ণ নির্বাসনা না হলে মুক্তি হয় না | আমরা স্পর্শ করলে তাঁকে এমনটা যে হবেই তা নয়, তবে সে আমাদের গ্রহীতাশক্তিনির্ভর ও তাঁর কৃপাসাপেক্ষ | অখণ্ড পবিত্রতাসহায়ে অনন্যমনে চিন্তা করলে হবে বইকি | সেখানেই তো আশা | তবে ভাবের ঘরে চুরি করলে চলবে না | অহংবিলুপ্তপ্রায় কায়মনোবাক্যে ব্রহ্মচর্যপরায়ণ হওয়া চাই, অকপট, সরল, শরণাগত | তবে হতে পারে | পুরুষকারের শেষে ঈশ্বরকৃপা | সেই কৃপায় মুক্তি | পুরুষকারের সাধনা শুধুমাত্র প্রস্তুতিপর্ব, ক্ষেত্রকে প্রস্তুত করা প্রভুর পূর্ণাবির্ভাবের জন্য |
Sugata Bose @Parthasarathi Mitra : স্বরবর্ণগত অনুপ্রাসের অনুসন্ধানে |
Sugata Bose @Sandhya Bhadury : True, true, if the feeling be true and its extent and sweep all-embracing with no bounds barred.
Sugata Bose @Sandhya Bhadury : কর্ম প্রকৃতিজাতঃ, নিজের নয় | এই বোধ পরে আসে | প্রথমে মনে হয় সব আমিই করছি | কর্তাবোধ থাকে | সাধনপথে অগ্রসর হতে হতে এই ভ্রম দূর হয় |
আপনার প্রশ্নের উত্তরে বলি এবার---হ্যাঁ, সৎ কর্ম করতে করতে ও মুক্তির তীব্র বাসনা হতে ক্রমে চিত্তশুদ্ধি হয় ও সদ্গুরুর সন্ধান মেলে | এ এক দৈব সংঘটন | কোথাও ছুটোছুটি করতে হয় না | সংযোগ ওমনি হয় | তবে সদ্গুরু আছেন খুব কম | একইভাবে সদ্ শিষ্যও পাওয়া দুষ্কর | শিষ্য প্রস্তুত হলে কিন্তু প্রকৃতির এক অমোঘ নিয়মে গুরু এসে উপস্থিত হন শিষ্যের সন্নিকটে | তাই উপনিষদ | 'উপনিষদ' কথাটির অর্থ হল গুরুর সন্নিকটে শিষ্যের পরা বিজ্ঞানপ্রাপ্তির নিমিত্ত উপবেশন |
Sugata Bose @Rai Kamal : দারুণ ! কত আনন্দ হল শুনে ! ঠাকুর কল্যাণ করুন এই কল্যাণীর ! 🕉 [Reference: daughter has passed H.S. from Sri Sarada Ashram Balika Vidyalaya with 91% marks.]
Sugata Bose @Arunangshu Mandal : Marvellous! Uniquely creative as usual. Few, alas, are able to appreciate your devastating wit and otherwise pure magical humour! The daily current of such witty posts, the recurring flow of it is unbelievable. Simply amazing!
Sugata Bose @Prashant Mishra : Have you read the post? Comment with reference to it and do not digress to extraneous matters. A post demands a certain focus. Regarding other aspects later dialogues may be pertinent.
Sugata Bose @Jayanta Bhattacharjee : It will be not of much use to include his writings and speeches in the academic curriculum given the paucity of space available in it. It will be better if civic organisations keep propping up to propagate his life and message. Today social media provide unique outlets for such propagation en masse. But good speakers, writers, anchors and presenters are few and far between. Therefore, we need to take up the challenge of educating ourselves in Vivekananda literature and equip our diction with the right perfection to become able presenters of the Swami's life and message to the masses. Even the Ramakrishna Mission is woefully short in this regard, in so far as perfected presentation is concerned. They have no organised wing that caters to preaching Swamiji effectively. In fact their presentation of Swamiji is awfully poor.
Sensuality has overcome the race like anything and cowardice characterises the educated Hindu. We have to go direct to Swamiji's works for guidance instead of choosing the via media of his Mission to teach us his thought. Remember, organisation has its compulsions and so do political parties have their electoral banks to cater to. Swamiji alone did a herculean task to regenerate our country and each one of his children would have to be a hundred times greater than him was his wish that he had expressed to his disciples. The Ramakrishna Mission is providing us the published literature of Swamiji. It is for us to take it up from there to reach it to every child and youth, beginning from our very homes. The question is---are we ourselves sincere? That is for us to answer and work on. A single sincere soul can work wonders. Let us then be sincere ourselves instead of expecting governmental sincerity, for a government is as good or as bad as we are.
Sugata Bose @Utpal Aich : 'Mahatmaism'---nice new word coined. It could be the name of a future religion in Gandhiji's name.
Sarcastic to a flagrant fault! Lovely exposure of a well-draped cover-up. Indeed, this was his singular successful Satyagraha full of malicious intent, mischievous manoeuvring and Mahatma-like machinations that led to India's eventual Partition, for in evicting Subhas Chandra Bose he had severed the Indian freedom struggle of its right arm of revolution. That Subhas Chandra Bose along with Rash Behari Bose yet achieved so much from alien soil that precipitated freedom is proof of the duo's revolutionary fervour and seemingly superhuman strength. But with the singular success of Gandhi at Tripuri he managed to maim the revolutionary movement at home largely which with British Machiavellian policy armed Muhammad Ali Jinnah to the teeth to carry out the carnage of Hindus that led to Partition post the patriarch's (Gandhi's) precipitation despite solemn vows and pious protestations to the contrary. The rest is history.
And history, indeed, with fabrications and hyper-emphasis on Gandhian non-violence as being the sole cause of freedom, a lie propagated to perfection to a people precipitated with poverty and ignorance that took in whatever was dished out to them. Now the hour of lies is up and history is avenging the injustice that has been heaped on it, albeit slowly but surely. The nation is awaking to the long-suppressed truth of armed revolution as being equally complementary to passive resistance as the cause of the country's freedom. The martyrs to the motherland are being resurrected one by one even as the mockery of calling the assassination day of Gandhiji 'Martyrs' Day' continues, for Gandhiji had been sadly felled by a fellow Indian and not by the alien oppressor, and, so, cannot be hailed as a martyr in strictest terms.
Anyhow, a lighthearted, heavy-themed presentation which has successfully highlighted Gandhiji's seminal singular contribution to the motherland independence. And kudos to you for presenting it in mock-Mahatma terms!
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