Monday 15 May 2023



We need a powerful voice today who can inspire the youth---a pure, sublime soul without a tinge of self-interest but loaded with an abiding love for struggling humanity, whose every word must spring from the depths of the soul and inflame the boys and girls in bud unto life-giving action. Such a one alone can lead us out of the material mire in which we are whence we are headed towards a civilisational collapse.

Architecture does not make man. Temples and mosques and churches do not raise humanity. Life must come from life. Such a life is the crying call of the hour, a life that ceaselessly sounds the divinity of man after having manifested it in abundance in oneself. Preachers with pecuniary interest or organisational baggage will not do. A singular soul established in the Atman whose life-force is fuelled by unmotivated love for all can deliver. None else.

We fervently pray for such a one to show us the leading light, to fill us with inspiration to raise ourselves and express our divinity. Our collective effort will save civilisation. May Vivekananda be reborn!

Written by Sugata Bose

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