The more you appease fanatics, the less space will you leave for liberal society to function. That will be loss of freedom for the polity which will impair democratic discourse.
Countering individual terrorists or their organisations, even crushing them will merely gain temporary relief but fresh fanatics and new organisations will breed as they have done for well over a millennium. Destroy the doctrine if you wish to rid the world of its diabolic influence. The battle must be won ideologically by catching the bull by the horns in open debate without losing cool, without resorting to verbal vituperation but by intelligent exposure of the tenets of the fanatical faith. Documented evidence of antihuman doctrine and inhuman atrocity perpetrated worldwide for centuries are there and they need to be exposed in public fora over and over again for mass awareness. Widespread dissemination of these dangerous doctrines without watering down their core content is the need of the hour. Reactions will come, reprisals will abound but intrepid exposure of these antihuman scriptural injunctions must be made if the world is to be rid of this menace.
Truth must prevail even at a deadly cost. As it is, the free space for liberal thinking is shrinking by the day. Freethinkers are being butchered for their rational questioning of archaic, absolutist faith texts. This is a worldwide phenomenon. Counter it head on and do not be apologetic about it under pressure by the adversary in collective union against your assertion. Fear not. Truth must prevail.
Democracy has its pitfalls. These absolutist faiths take advantage of legal protection which democracy provides to propagate their perfidious antinational, antihuman ideology, all the while taking care to proliferate population as well till when the critical mass of 25% is reached in fanatical solidarity, they rip up Constitution and country and even partition it. History has taught us bitter lessons but we are poor students of history. We refuse to learn. The result is there today for all to see.
Written by Sugata Bose
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