Monday, 6 June 2022



It is a poison we are nursing within our system. It is a toxin we need to rid us of. It is growing in its menacing strength and is slowly but surely eating into our vitals. It has destroyed civilisations in the past, reduced our overwhelming influence in Asia, enslaved us for well over a millennium, partitioned our motherland and is now intent on its final mission, its unfinished objective, the annihilation of our ancient culture, the destruction of our dharma, the takeover of this last chunk of polytheistic, idolatrous land and replacing it with the dust of desire blowing from distant deserts. The intention is clear, articulate in prophetic form, enunciated in scriptural texts and activated by countless cadres passing the baton from generation to generation till conquest is complete. 

Shall India die then? Shall the Sanatan Dharma cease to survive in practical terms? This is the existential question that looms large before the polity.

Where lies harmony with one side yielding forever and the other uncompromisingly gaining ground? Demography is changing with every passing decade and aggression increasing in tandem. History bears testimony to our impending fate unless awareness be raised among the children of the sages.

The predator is focussed, the prey oblivious of the peril it faces. It is the classic case of asuric forces tending to subjugate the devas as chronicled in our Puranas.

All is not lost, though. Education can save. The concerned texts must be studied by one and all to uncover the plot, the dastardly design of destruction of all who do not subscribe to their tenets, do not submit to this exclusive extracosmic authority.

There is hope in enlightenment, not merely spiritual but political, for the forces arrayed are purely political under the cover of faith and must be met on even terms if the adversarial intent is to read well and the war won in defence of the dharma. This is our divine duty, the preservation of our ancient culture, our civilisaltional heritage -- much destroyed over a millennium of invasion and occupation by foreign force and alien ideology --, our priceless spirituality that accommodates all who accommodate themselves within its universal ambit and do not turn traitor to the host.

The problem is perplexing and its solution is the reorientation of the entire subcontinent to the Vedantic mode that is the rationale of all faiths in finality. But will exclusive political systems alter gear and adjust without furthering their proselytising cause? It they reform, harmony shall be but if they are stuck up in scriptural inviolability and pursue their perfidious dreams of the annihilation of the Sanatan Dharma, my friends, it will lead to the demise of these yesterday's faiths and the complete conversion of all earlier perverted from the Mother Faith back to their ancestral roots, back to the embracing arms of the Mother. 

May sanity prevail to avoid fratricidal conflict among children of the same Mother, rooted in the same genetic coding, bearing the same cultural imprint and anchored at the deepest on the eternal rock of the Vedas!

🕉 Shanti! Shanti! Shanti! Hari 🕉 Tat Sat!

Written by Sugata Bose

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