Saturday 11 June 2022



'Peaceful' protests by the 'peaceful' people going on in the name of the 'religion of peace' by pelting stones, setting property on fire, attacking policemen personnel and passing death threats and mass molestation threats to settle scores with perceived 'blasphemy' on the founder of Islam. And, yet, they have the temerity to play the victim card. Alas, when will these 'peaceful' people practise genuine peace?

The ideology that is at the base of all this antinational activity must be defeated if real peace ever is to be attained. Cosmetic treatment of the deep-seated disease will not cure it. The Sanatan Dharma must penetrate every pore of the polity despite resistance before terror can be realistically rooted out of the country. That is a tall order to achieve but the ball has been set rolling since the past few years. The world has woken up to this malicious menace. Resistance is on. The new generations are having an ideological shift. Soon that will build up a massive momentum and undo the system that has produced untold human suffering for well over a millennium. India has suffered the most for over thirteen centuries. She shall suffer no more. The end of this cult of violence the discerning eye can foresee. And it is digging its own grave. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose


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