Thursday, 9 June 2022



We, Hindus, must not make fun of those who are working for the preservation of Hindus and their rich spiritual heritage. These are trying times when Hindu solidarity is needed. Our own daughter, Nupur Sharma, is under attack by Islamists from across the world. She must be saved from harm.

Do not pass sarcastic political comments now. Our civilisaltion is at stake. This is an epic moment, an inflection point of our cultural life. The enemy is united in a common assault on us. We cannot hope to overcome the challenge by mocking our own brethren who are coming forward to advance the cause of defence of the dharma.

Join in all in support of Nupur Sharma. She is but the symbol of our resistance against this force that threatens our existence. Believe me, it is an existential threat that we are facing. Civilisations have historically been wiped out from the face of the earth by Islamic expansionist programme. We, Hindus, have yet largely survived as a spiritual culture despite terrible tyranny over us for over 1300 years beginning with the fall of Sindh in 712 CE and continuing till today. The unfinished business of Ghazwa-e-Hind is still on which aims at the destruction of Hindu civilisation.

These types of toxic ideology fuel terrorism, for India cannot be blamed by Islamists for geopolitical aggression launched on them. Then why do they keep persecuting the Hindus? They do so because Hindus are base infidels who practise polytheistic idolatry which is forbidden in Islam and whose destruction is scripturally mandated. Hence, this unceasing onslaught is on.

Nupur Sharma is but the excuse, the occasion to justify the jihadi expansionist aggression of the Islamists. Support her if you care for your dharma. 'Svadharmey nidhanam shreyah paradharma bhayaavaha,' says the Geeta. It means that it is righteous to die following one's own dharma (Sanatan Dharma and varna dharma) but terrible to embrace the dharma of others. This is in effect Bhagavan Shree Krishna's commandment about the Hindu's duty to defend his dharma and a forewarning of the terrible consequences to befall him should he convert to some other alien faith that is the antithesis of the Sanatan Dharma, namely, Christianity and Islam.

And, yet, we have been a conquered race for long when large sections of our Sanatani population got perverted to Islam and Christianity. Even now the proselytising agenda of these two Abrahamic religions continues unabated in India under various guise and subterfuge.

We, Hindus, simply have absorbed patiently all sorts of desecration of our spiritual culture thus far, civilised as we have historically been. But the tide is turning and Hindus are pursuing a more aggressive defence of their dharma. This is where Islamists are alarmed and have chosen a soft target in Nupur Sharma for her alleged blasphemous remarks on the founder of Islam.

But whatever Nupur said was nothing but the factual truth quoted from the Islamic scriptural texts. So, where was the blasphemy incurred when the stated facts are celebrated episodes in Islamic history and the cause of enormous pride for nearly two billion Muslims the world over who apparently model their lives on their founder of supppsedly exemplary character? Was it the tone and tenor of Nupur's voice, her excited and aggressive style of delivery? If so, she has apologised for her having unwittingly 'hurt' Muslim sentiments and has exhorted any learned Islamic scholar to refute her statements and inform her about the actual facts in this regard. None has come forward to do so upto now and none will. How can they do so after all? First, what Nupur said is the truth about the founder of Islam as recorded in the Qur'an and the Sahih Bukhari, the two fundamental texts of Islam in graded order of importance. Second, to counter her statements and stating otherwise would be deemed blasphemy in Islam itself and incur due punishment here and in the hereafter in hell. So, none will come forward. Yet, they will cry foul for nothing and persecute the kafir (infidel) to further their expansionist Islamic agenda.

When all this is clear as daylight, is it right for us, Hindus, to remain divided as a polity? As one sane Muslim lady rightly tweeted, "If you cannot defend your own women, how will you defend your faith?" We must forget domestic divisions now and unite as a single body of Hindus in our defence of the dharma whose first enterprise must be the defence of Nupur Sharma, the woman who manfully fought toxic Islamic panelists in a television debate and brought to the fore controversial but contentious historical facts, all on the basis of cited scriptural verses. 

Written by Sugata Bose 


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