Sunday 12 June 2022



Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin, London, New York, Dhaka, Lebanon, Lahore, New Delhi, Mumbai, Kanpur, Kolkata, Stockholm, Brussels, Oslo, Teheran -- the list runs endless of the 'peaceful' prayer meetings everywhere that Muslims have conducted to the delight of the whole world. India has enjoyed the most this Islamic 'peace' for thirteen hundred years and more. Now, yet again, we are in the midst of Islamic 'peace' throughout India over a non-issue which any mature race would simply have chosen to ignore and move on. Not so the propagators of 'peace'. It is their duty to spread 'peace' throughout the world whenever they feel hurt, and they feel hurt so often! But they always return war with peace and the poor policemen and the paramilitary forces are left jobless, the firemen without any fire to douse and the citizens all rejoicing over the exemplary peaceful behaviour of these candidates for the earthy examination. We are right now enjoying once more such sublime peacetime in India thanks to the peaceful ones of the 'religion of peace'.

Written by Sugata Bose 


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