Wednesday, 8 June 2022



The man who saw through the tricks of political Islam. Bhimrao Ambedkar's assessment of Islam's expansionist motivation and agenda was incisive and accurate.

What was true of this faith at inception was true at the time of India's thousand year old enslavement, was true at the time the motherland's dismemberment in 1947 and is true even today.

Ghazwa-e-Hind mandates the destruction of polytheistic, idolatrous Hindu civilisation as the final war of attrition to be visited upon Hindustan whereupon the doomsday will deliver all true believers of 'the only true faith' unto the paradise of eternal pleasure while damning the souls of all infidels (kafirs) unto eternal incineration in hideous hell.

This is the doctrine that dictates terror attacks on India till India is no more. This is the ideology that has taken the lives of an estimated between 80 and 100 millions of Hindus over 1300 years and more, ever since the early attacks on Sindh in the seventh century of the Common Era.

It is a 'constant gravitating pull' (quote, courtesy,  Dr. Bill Warner) that is being exerted on India for over thirteen centuries, a slow but sure force that is directing the Hindus unto annihilation of their culture, their civilisation, their very existence. 

Conversion, subversion, proliferation, penetration and perversion form the fivefold basis of the transformation of the pristine Vedic culture and its replacement by divinely mandated absolutist monotheism till the land of war (Dar-ul-Harb) is converted to the land of Islam (Dar-ul-lslam).

This is the political agenda that is working against us, Hindus, who form the fabric of the motherland, the 'wounded civilisation' V.S. Naipaul talks of. And it is this ideology that has to be defeated if the Bharatvarsha of the Vedic sages is to be saved from extinction.

This, sisters and brothers, is the work at hand, the grand mission of the resurrection of the Ancient Mother who is in manifest form our motherland that shall stand glorious and supreme in the comity of future nations. This, indeed, is 'Mission India'. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

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