Monday, 13 June 2022



Hindus, read Swami Vivekananda's 'Paper on Hinduism' read out by him on 19 September, 1893 at the Chicago Parliament of Religions. It is a classic, the encapsulated version of the whole Hindu philosophy and practice, a gist of the race's spiritual experience of 5000 years and more. Here is the sum and substance of the Sanatan Dharma in a nutshell, Hinduism redefined, redelineated in modern scientific terms in delightful lyrical language and sublime simplicity for the profoundest of philosophical truths to be accessible to the professor and the child.

Written by Sugata Bose 


P.S. But philosophy has to be lived. Valour has to be exhibited in the teeth of opposition as Swamiji did and not as cowering capitulaing cowards. Strength must manifest in every phase of life, no less in the defence of the Dharma when the adversary attempts to strike the death-blow.

Fearlessness is the outcome of discrimination between the Real and the unreal, not merely in verbal terms but in lived experience in times of extreme danger to one's personal self. Realisation of the Atman is the cause of this total loss of fear as the Upanishad rightly records but till realisation is reached, valour must be habitually exhibited to dispel fear and arrive at the cherished end of Atmajnana and the defence of the Dharma whenever adharma raises its ugly hood against it. 

These are terrible times when Hindus are under siege in their homeland from a persisting alien ideology that has historically gathered strength and keeps gathering it by perverting our people from the Dharma. Here we need to put up a united defence for our existential survival which is at stake and for the survival of the human race caught in blind fratricidal war for millenia. Invasive Abrahamic religions that threaten the existence of the Sanatan Dharma must be resisted with the might of the Gods and the Goddesses whose blessings are ever showered on the hero and never on the cowering coward. Veerbhogya Vasundharaa!

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