Saturday, 11 June 2022



Sugata Bose @Suriya Vasanthakumar : Not quite. Jainism preceded Buddhism but was less widespread and did not muster as much numerical strength as Buddhism. Both, however, carved their following out of the body politic of the Sanatan Dharma.

Sugata Bose @Vinod Meena : Are you kidding when our very survival depends on our conjoint action against an enemy that has tyrannised over us for a thousand years, then partitioned our motherland, butchered us to the tune of between 80 and 100 million over its long dastardly rule and post-independence continues to grow in its proliferating power that threatens in the not so long run to replace our ancient spiritual civilisation with that of the dry desert? Wake up to the reality instead of entertaining delusions about Islamic intentions still. Witness the subcontinental sections of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh, and the provinces of India where sizeable Muslim population is there to comprehend what they are doing and, worse still, what they are up to. Their agenda is to wipe off the Hindus completely from their homeland Bharatvarsha. This is Ghazwa-e-Hind, brother. Wake up!

Sugata Bose @Bijendar Rai : Straightaway he (Vinod Meena) dubbed me with a pseudonym of his choice. Wonder how he came to such a conclusion unless his own mind entertains such thoughts. However, otherwise, he is gullible to a fault.

Sugata Bose @Ankan Dé : I agree but at this juncture we must rise in defence of the dharma rather than humouring each other with posts of lofty thoughts when our very physical survival is at stake. Hang on, those posts are also coming. But I cannot be a meek man, a passive supporter of jihadists through my maintenance of a studied silence while my brethren are barbecued daily by Islamists everywhere.

Sugata Bose @Suman Mitra : Correct. He even caught two vicious Christian bigots by the collar and threatened to throw them overboard while on voyage for their refusal to stop vilifying the Hindus and Hinduism unduly for far too long while refusing to listen to Swamiji's rational arguments in self-defence.

Sugata Bose @Prasenjit Biswas : So, I presume you have read Swamiji's above observations about Islam's scriptural and historical position. Perhaps, you do not agree with Swamiji's assertions as well. Duly educate yourself in scriptural Islam then. Discover for yourself its declared doctrine, its intent, fundamental polarising position of the world polity into believers in Islam and non-believers or the kafir. Hence.

Sugata Bose @Raisahab Nana Kunwar : Correct. You cannot explain it to these critics. They have their political agenda to pursue. So, they foist these charges on us.

Sugata Bose @Surya Kumar Bose : Stop passing patronising remarks and stay within your limits. Do not speak superciliously. As for Swamiji, read the following. How much you respect him and his Mission I am well aware of. Do not cross your boundaries as to force me to launch into a verbal tirade.

Sugata Bose @Suman Mitra : Thank you for putting these petty people into their proper places where they belong.

Sugata Bose @Henry D'Almeida : One life? Abrahamic idea? One God? Abrahamic monotheism? The Sanatan Dharma speaks of multiple earthly lives, the Law of Karma, transmigration of the soul from body to body till on exhaustion of all karma liberation is achieved in the non-dual Brahman. All India is Hindu 🕉. Anybody accepting the highest affirmation of the Vedas as inviolable transcendental Truth is a Sanatani, by linguistic aberration a Hindu. If Hindus unite, that is work well done. If followers of Christianity and Islam follow suit by living harmoniously with this vast body of Hindus, welcome. Let them not disrupt our civilisaltion by their anti-Hindu proselytising activities and by their violent seditious actions. All are welcome within the embracing arms of the Mother Faith, the Sanatan Dharma or Hinduism then. Parsees and the Jews have lessons here to teach the Muslims and the Christians. Let the latter learn the lessons and assimilate. As of now they are upto inimical designs. Hence.

Sugata Bose @Prasenjit Biswas : Who else to invoke in showering blessings but the God I worship?

Sugata Bose @Purulia Bachao : Short-term tactic, long-term strategy.

Sugata Bose @Parnika Bubna (Gupta) : I have done my PhD and post doctoral research in the University of the Mother. The title in wait is 'Rishi'.

Sugata Bose @Sandeep Roy : 'You had'? Are you not a Hindu?

Read Swami Vivekananda extensively and intensively. You will arrive at an illumined understanding of the Dharma despite its many imperfections in practice in the Samaj. The Hindus, despite inevitable imperfections in practice, have been the most civilised race in the whole history of the world.

Sugata Bose @Sandeep Roy : A vast majority follows what in popular perception is the derivative of the pristine philosophy, the Sanatan Dharma. And even then they form the body politic of the most civilised race of the world which has been the cradle of human civilisation at its sublimest.

Sugata Bose @Sandeep Roy : Hit the hammer on the head of the nail. You are an honest critic. All strength to you!

Sugata Bose @Sandeep Roy : Then you are a Hindu who follows the universal philosophy of the Upanishads. Are you?

Sugata Bose @Ramen Das : But philosophy has to be lived. Valour has to be exhibited in the teeth of opposition as Swamiji did and not as cowering cowards capitulate. Strength must manifest in every phase of life, no less in the defence of the Dharma when the adversary attempts to strike the death-blow.

Sugata Bose @Ranajit Bhattacharjee : Fearlessness is the precondition to fighting the enemy.

Sugata Bose @Amit Bhargava : And what about the faithful following of the Qur'anic text itself? Is the doctrine not a damning one for kafirs at any rate who are fit to be exterminated should they refuse to convert?

Sugata Bose @Vijayalakshmi M Prabhu : Why wait to apply stricter laws? Why wait another millennium? If evil is to be combated, let it be now. Procrastination will only let it grow in power and make its conquest all the more bloody. Act when the clock has not yet struck twelve.

Sugata Bose @Papiya Roy : Because asuras are as much a part of the terrestrial drama of dual play as suras are.

The gunas are asymetrically distributed owing to original diversity consequent on differentiation in the mosaic of space-time-causality. Hence, terrestrial evolution has asymmetrically been leading to greater or lesser transformation of the brute unto the moral man.

The different races are not equally evolved. Yet, their basic urge for dependence on an extracosmic imagined source has been strong, nonetheless. Added to this the thirst for power and you have your 'picture perfect', the creation of a scripture that suits both ends.

The fact is that these races are gradually coming into the realm of rationality and science post the invention of the internet with its mass dissemination of data, just like Christians came out of the tyranny of the Church with the advent of the printing press which enlightened understanding of their plight and opened up for them new avenues of thought, the fruits of the Enlightenment.

Two more generations and this faith will crumble. I predict 2071 to be the deadline that will deal the death-knell of this faith. Muslims themselves will reject their Deen with women leading the charge. Then massive conversion back to the Sanatan Dharma will spontaneously happen. But we must expand our chambers, keep our parlours pure for absorption and assimilation of our estranged brethren who in ancestral moorings were all Hindu. And to Hinduism they'll return. Ours is to ready the receiving. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Henry D'Almeida : I do not have to create it. Islam divides the world into polarised compartments of believers and non-believers. Read the Qur'an. You will get it. Hindus are under Islamic aggression for the last 1300 years and more, and under Christian proselytising attacks for over 500 years. It is time they became aware of the threats to their existence. Nupur Sharma is just another of these age-old instances of this Islamist agenda of undermining Hindu civilisation and its eventual destruction under the aegis of Ghazwa-e-Hind whose first mission was achieved in partitioning the motherland and creating Pakistan, the springboard of all Islamic terrorism. Be better informed about all these. It is not a puerile play, this childish chat of religious harmony where Hinduism is all-accepting and spiritual in intent while Islam is exclusive and absolutist and patently political in intent and aimed at destruction of all other faiths just like historical Christianity has been throughout the world. Europe had to wage a relentless war against the Church to secure human rights and freedom of the individual from the stranglehold of the Church and the Bible. So will India have to do to clear the ground again for the flourishing of the Sanatan civilisation which for 1300 plus years has been disrupted, derailed and devastated. Now no more. All pretentious talk about false one-sided harmony must be replaced by genuine human freedom on the basis of the Upanishads which alone is the universal spiritual philosophy that the world has ever seen. As Swami Vivekananda said, "I see the future perfect India rising through all this chaos and strife, invincible, with Vedanta brain and Islam body."  'Vedanta brain' implies the application of Upanishadic principles in national life and 'Islam body' implies national solidarity undivided by numerous divisive units of castes, classes and conflicting sects. They are not be eliminated but are all welcome within the ambit of illumined understanding of the Vedanta which will help them retain individual characteristics without hindering national flow in undue conflict. The Constitution of India was codified fundamentally with this vast idea in view, this universal ideal in wait for following and fulfilment. But certain provisions politically set in through amendments and the original allowance of proselytisation have wreaked havoc with the polity with politicians gaining full credit to their career course from it. This has to change with suitable amendments in the future. On top of this, a polity that is vastly Hindu in character must be allowed to retain its essential character. India, hoary India, is neither Christian nor Muslim but is Hindu through and through, Buddhism and Jainism being two of its rebel children and Sikhism its great defender against Islamic aggression. The Sanatan Dharma is the foundation of all spiritual development and of all social culture at its highest in India from early aeons to modern times. And it is this Sanatan Dharma that has to be defended, patronised and preserved if India and the world is to survive unto a brighter day. Hence, my mission is directed unto that noble end and not to the fulfilment of any petty purpose as you seem to imply. May Sri Ramakrishna bless you! 🕉

Sugata Bose @Shiva Dubey : Right. We must do whatever we can to propagate Hinduism and to protect Hindu interests. Individual effort initially may seem disjointed and ineffective but in due course connections will come up and it will lead to a massive movement. All work seedlike seem insignificant but grow in course into a mighty forest that effloresces the world and animates it with life and vigour. So, must we not lose heart but must do our bit keeping our hopes alive of a mighty revival of the Sanatan Dharma and the efflorescence of Hindu culture in its future fullness.

Sugata Bose @YouTube : Please speak with less of needless affectation. Swamiji had exhorted manhood, not effeminacy that enervates, paralyses the nervous system.

Sugata Bose @Pete Weidner : Sufism is not original Islam but a radically different view of it. It is an amalgamation of some tenets of Islam and the Vedanta of the Hindus, making it a hybrid of two religions, Islam and the Sanatan Dharma which in the view of orthodox Islam dictated by Jibrael (Gabriel) as emissary of Allah to Muhammad in the Qur'an is a religion of the kafir or the non-believer.

Sugata Bose @Satyanand Bhattacharjee : I have merely stated a historical reality. Yes, I agree with you that Hindus must follow Swamiji in precept and practice. But that is not yet happening. Hence, the danger remains.

Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : Discolouration. Disenchantment with the ephemeral pleasures of life. Disengagement with sensory craving.

Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : Bengalis are too devoid of sraddhaa to devote themselves to such a cause.

Sugata Bose @Suriya Vasanthakumar : That was the first phase of 500 years of Buddhism. Asoka gave it the initial proselytising thrust by sending emissaries across Asia, his own children to Sri Lanka as well, to usher in the rapid spread of the Buddha's message. His was the first significant royal patronage that triggered the sharp rise of Buddhism in India.

Sugata Bose @Nitin Pandit : Read thoroughly 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' first and discover the discrepancies that are occurring today from what the original intent and modus operandi of the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Movement. Once one is rooted in secure knowledge of what Thakur-Swamiji had stood for in pristine pure terms, the path will shine clear as daylight for one to follow and set in the counter-movement. I have started with a handful of individuals and others will join in. But the focus must be there and in uncompromising terms. No amount of worldly wisdom must come in masquerading as messianic ministration that will corrupt course and derail this new departure towards the old truth. Any assistance from my side will be forever forthcoming wholeheartedly.

Sugata Bose @Alankrita Banerjee : Why hold it against the page? Why not hold it against the monk of the Ramakrishna Mission who has posted it on his profile from where it has been shared unto this group? And why hold it at all against any, following your own political preferences and psychological predilection? It is news and it has been shared. There is no hidden agenda behind it. The intent is to bring to the group members whatever news there be regarding the Ramakrishna Mission and its activities. As simple as that. The rest is your own individual conjecture. That's all that's there is to be said on behalf of this group. May Sri Ramakrishna preserve you and yours!

Sugata Bose @Taslima Nasreen : Your materialistic degeneracy knows no bounds. Read Swami Vivekananda.

Sugata Bose @

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