Friday 10 June 2022



Two liberators of the masses -- Karl Marx and Bhimrao Ambedkar. Both have left their imprint on India. Who was greater? Whose influence has been more beneficial? Who was the nobler personality, who the deeper thinker? The followers of Marx gave voice to the mute millions in sparking off the proletarian revolution. They they silenced them behind the Iron Curtain. Freedom of Speech and Expression was taken away. Ambedkar gave utterance to the mute millions suppresed for ages under the strictest of the social system. His followers have ever since been increasingly vocal about their legitimate rights, their right to equal living with others. Socialism has gone into hibernation but the Dalit Movement is gaining ground. So, whose has impacted India more -- Marx or Ambedkar? Who was the brighter soul?

Written by Sugata Bose 

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