Tuesday 14 June 2022



Concentration is the key to manhood. But it must be in the gene. This valour must come from mother's milk, from the thoughts that are fed into the system from birth, from the environment that must energise and not enervate.

Song and dance culture when gone too far into, valour depletes and manhood retreats to the rear. We have to avoid this effeminacy of the polity.

Sentimentality is not richness of emotion, shameless self-advertising is not greatness of achievement. Suppression of emotions is the key and not spilling the inner content of the heart for all to see. 

Manhood signifies self-restraint and conservation of power, and expression of strength when the need arises. Let children grow up into strong adults with rational brains and strong character that does not compromise with the copper coin to deal the death-blow to the motherland. 

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Young Narendranath, the ideal for today's youth.

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