We as a people must not send our children abroad to study with the express purpose of later settling there. No nation can rise whose best fruits are nourished by the milk and honey of the motherland only for them in the fullness of time to desert her for the affluent life of the West or even for professional self-induced compulsions. And, yet, India rises for all her children are, after all, not so unfortunate as to suffer from amnesia in patriotic terms and to leave their mother for good. There are so many who love the motherland true and dear not to forsake her at a time when she needs their services the most, when she is rising to her feet again after a thousand year stupor, and who hold their stay in the land of their birth as a veritable pilgrimage for which they reckon they must have acquired karmic merit in a previous birth. These are, indeed, the salt of the earth for they make birth a holy experience where they repay the debt to their motherland, to put it in cruder terms in the absence of more refined vocabulary at my disposal at the moment, in the manner they best can, and do not turn a blind eye or a deaf ear to the plight of the millions here and to the groans of countless souls daily living a veritable death amidst ignorance and destitution.
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