Friday, 26 January 2018


The power manifested and the power behind. How the transference took place of the power is a matter of deep study and intuitive understanding. The rational process will lead to where comprehension will be confounded, analysis obscured and links so widely spaced that the intervening gaps will be filled only by superficial details of everyday experience where the chasms in the higher realms will remain ever agape seeking fulfilment of a spiritual bridging. Herein the prophet and the hero will seem realms apart and a lowering of the prophet's ideal to the plane of mundane reality --- where patriotic fervour seems a spiritual imperative in the times of national tribulation that have been and spirituality, pure and pristine, seems an idle preoccupation with the selfish dream of individual liberation --- will be a practical necessity not merely to meet the challenges of the times but to harmonise the two spirits in terms of aspiration and idealism. Thus will the harmony between the hero and the prophet be achieved but at a terrible cost to the statement of truth which cares not for current dilemmas or timely aberrations of life's movements but judges heavily on the scales of the eternal verities that obtain in this phenomenal world held at its philosophical highest. Thus, a deep understanding fraught with spiritual insight is necessary for a comprehensive viewing of the current, its source and flow and its assimilation in the recipient. Apparently disjointed occurrences seek connections that lie in subterranean realms and the subliminal consciousness of man but whose origin is in the super-consciousness of prophetic existence. How the heavens and the earths are thus joined to form the necklace of union, how the spirit is made flesh in the mind of man and then translated to real terms here on earthy earth without losing a tinge of the original complexion which is of the radiant white, is a matter of deep meditation and may not be apprehended by surface scratching of historical text or data, for history at the manifested level is but the material fulfilment or the tendency towards it of the deepest spiritual urges of the Cosmic Mother-heart that seeks fruition for some inexplicable reason here on this terrestrial plane of human delusion.

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