Thursday, 18 January 2018


1. The British called Bose arrogant. But his letters to Brahmachari Kailasham give the lie to this allegation. He was humility personified.

2. Netaji did more for RKM Singapore as President of the Provisional Govt. of Free India than Nehru did as PM of independent India.

3. 23 Jan this year is very special for Bangladesh as it gears up to celebrate, courtesy, Ashraful Islam, Netaji's advent on earth.

4. The best feature of Netaji's character was that he possessed it. The same may not be said about some of his famous comrades-in-arms.

5. Netaji was the prophet of patriotism. Others were mere leaders, venerable though they were. But Netaji shone peerless among them all.

6. The more I read on Netaji, the more my head goes down in veneration at his blessed feet. What a patriot! What a prophet! What a man!

7. It is with a sense of horror that I witness debate degenerating to maligning of great men as well as participants in verbal duel.

8. Civility of speech is paramount in democratic discourse. Else, dialogue degenerates to distasteful levels.

9. How can fanatics be devotees of Netaji? It is reprehensible to even contemplate. Civility has simply taken to wings.

10. We must study Netaji's works and the works on him, meditate on its import, thence LIVE the LIFE before we may call ourselves his devotees.

11. It does the cause of Netaji no good to vilify other leaders of the freedom movement beyond stating historical fact. Self-restrain is the prime requisite.

12. Netaji's contribution to India's freedom movement will take generations to fully appreciate and comprehend for he was ages ahead of his time.

13. Netaji's birthday is drawing near. It is for us now to gear up for the occasion and celebrate it in a befitting way.

14. May we invoke the spirit of nationalism as envisaged by Netaji to rebuild our motherland, and to keep it united and strong!

15. Netaji's disappearance remains a mystery. But will idle speculation solve it? Let us study all available material to resolve the case.

16. What a man! Incarnate patriotism.

17. The INA assault on the British was the climactic development of the decades-old revolutionary movement for freedom.

18. Britain would not have handed us freedom after victory in WWII had it not been for the erosion of army allegiance brought about by INA.

19. Gandhiji's non-violence failed to win us freedom. It succeeded in allowing Commonwealth status and the Partition of the motherland though.

20. Rashbehari Bose was the redoubtable revolutionary who attempted the overthrow of the British Raj in India during both the World Wars.

21. Rashbehari Bose was one who outsmarted the British and, eluding their grasp, reached Japan to carry on with his revolutionary activities.

22. On this day was the patriot premier of our land, the boy who would unshackle his motherland's chains of bondage. Forget not.

23. Activate your own mental resources and strike out a path for the welfare of the nation following the principles laid down by Netaji.

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