It is idle to imagine that you are capable of achievement of whatever you wish within whatever span of time you set yourself to achieving it. The universe has laws governing it and will not budge from such to accommodate your whims and fancies. Thus, the tussle will be on between the human soul trying to conquer the environment and the environment attempting to crush it in opposition, for it is a survival game for both. This is the ongoing struggle which eventually the human soul wins but only in the fullness of time when the conditions governing this war of attrition finally tilt to the side of the Spirit and material impositions give way before the supernal strength of the soul.
Everything is phased out in time and we must seek to perform in harmony with it. That does not mean that we must be subservient to the dictates of time for that will lead to death in the final analysis but that we must learn the secret of work and its intimate relation with the environmental conditions where a step early or a step too late will inevitably cause the fruition of our work being foiled. Harmonic skill is what is efficiency and not sporadic inharmonious work which is subject to the undulations of the capricious mind. When the secret of the relation between work and the surroundings has been well comprehended, the next step will to learn how to attach one's mind wholeheartedly to the work with one's fullest concentration consuming one's energy in executing it.
This body that we are endowed with has such an intricate and complex nervous system that its workings have still not been well understood by modern neurobiologists. However, ancient Indian yogis had studied the science sufficiently to come to certain definite conclusions among which was the discovery of the 'coiled serpent power' at the base of the spinal column which in Indian parlance and in the classical language of Sanskrit is called the 'kula-kundalini shakti'. This is a massive power that lies dormant in the average human being of unawakened spiritual consciousness and if it can be quickened by means of spiritual practice, it rises steadily upwards along the 'sushumna' channel of the spine, penetrating successive centres of awareness till it reaches the brain, its eventual destination, that releases the soul from its phenomenal bondage. So long as the kundalini shakti does not rise through the sushumna, spiritual consciousness is not awakened, but with its opening up to this nervous current, a series of altogether altered states of consciousness is perceived by the soul which totally transforms its world view and sets it on the path of future enlightenment in case the rise of the kundalini stops before its eventual destination. The aspirant now is a man who is endowed with subtle spiritual perceptions, is able to comprehend the purport of the aphorisms of the scriptures at a deeper level beyond the scope of ordinary understanding and his life takes on a new spiritual meaning altogether whereby he finds an altered purpose of living.
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