Sugata Bose : Be your own Guru, be your own disciple, be responsible for what you are and what you will be.
Swami Chetanananda : This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard...!
Sugata Bose : You could not get the drift of the post, hence, your reaction in the way it has been. Spirituality is the domain for the widest range of charlatanism as we experience everyday everywhere, for it is the easiest way to dupe innocent people into surrendering to the dictates of mischievous mercenaries masquerading as modern messiahs who themselves have no clue to the import of the high-sounding philosophies they preach but care not to practice an iota of. The general public are, hereby, being cautioned against such a propensity in them to submit to such fake Gurus and, thereby, be led away from what constitutes the pristine principles of the Sanatana Dharma. This is not an absolute statement as such, for such a one cannot be possibly fitted in all its perspectives and pertinence into the finite space of a coloured box. Hence, the handicap of the post in terms of sufficiency of content that could have made it fuller and, what appears to your esteemed estimation to be 'dumb', more eloquent.
The rampant commercialisation of spirituality both here in India and in the West by charlatans who claim special status to guide others despite remaining on account of self-deception more ignorant spiritually than the ones they attempt to guide, reminds one of the old Indian adage of 'the blind leading the blind' in a world where darkness envelopes these Gurus living parasitically of their disciples more than it clouds the vision of the ones they lead into untruth.
This post is in no way an attempt to disparage the real spiritual preceptors who are so rare in this world of ephemeral dreams but is primarily directed to, I reiterate, those innocents who lie ever liable to deception by the pretenders to spiritual truth. The Indian tradition venerates the true Guru as none other than God in the celebrated 'Guru Mantra' which is part and parcel of our national psyche but the pseudo-Gurus take full advantage of people's vulnerability in their moments of weakness and make a sham of this glorious Guru-culture.
It is expected of one who himself professes to be a Swami (sannyasin) in the Sanatana Dharma tradition to be more restrained in speech, that is, the written articulation of disapproval, instead of falling prey to the colloquial propensity to disparage someone's post as 'This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard...!' Such a comment does not give the lie to the pertinent statement in the post but rather, by its casual flippancy, corroborates it. A greater measure of respectfulness in addressing another is expected of a supposedly renounced soul, to say the very least.
I remain your distant friend, geographically, and your very Self (Atman), spiritually,
Sugata Bose.
Sugata Bose : You could not get the drift of the post, hence, your reaction in the way it has been. Spirituality is the domain for the widest range of charlatanism as we experience everyday everywhere, for it is the easiest way to dupe innocent people into surrendering to the dictates of mischievous mercenaries masquerading as modern messiahs who themselves have no clue to the import of the high-sounding philosophies they preach but care not to practice an iota of. The general public are, hereby, being cautioned against such a propensity in them to submit to such fake Gurus and, thereby, be led away from what constitutes the pristine principles of the Sanatana Dharma. This is not an absolute statement as such, for such a one cannot be possibly fitted in all its perspectives and pertinence into the finite space of a coloured box. Hence, the handicap of the post in terms of sufficiency of content that could have made it fuller and, what appears to your esteemed estimation to be 'dumb', more eloquent.
The rampant commercialisation of spirituality both here in India and in the West by charlatans who claim special status to guide others despite remaining on account of self-deception more ignorant spiritually than the ones they attempt to guide, reminds one of the old Indian adage of 'the blind leading the blind' in a world where darkness envelopes these Gurus living parasitically of their disciples more than it clouds the vision of the ones they lead into untruth.
This post is in no way an attempt to disparage the real spiritual preceptors who are so rare in this world of ephemeral dreams but is primarily directed to, I reiterate, those innocents who lie ever liable to deception by the pretenders to spiritual truth. The Indian tradition venerates the true Guru as none other than God in the celebrated 'Guru Mantra' which is part and parcel of our national psyche but the pseudo-Gurus take full advantage of people's vulnerability in their moments of weakness and make a sham of this glorious Guru-culture.
It is expected of one who himself professes to be a Swami (sannyasin) in the Sanatana Dharma tradition to be more restrained in speech, that is, the written articulation of disapproval, instead of falling prey to the colloquial propensity to disparage someone's post as 'This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard...!' Such a comment does not give the lie to the pertinent statement in the post but rather, by its casual flippancy, corroborates it. A greater measure of respectfulness in addressing another is expected of a supposedly renounced soul, to say the very least.
I remain your distant friend, geographically, and your very Self (Atman), spiritually,
Sugata Bose.
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