Tuesday, 23 January 2018


With the comrade-in-arms who betrayed at every step, yet, is worshipped as the architect of modern India by millions. What Nehru did to Netaji ought to be the subject matter of research for scholars with a semblance of patriotic zeal and not hired historians who have and even today benefit from governmental patronage. The filthy lucre lures all and men lose morality despite academic attainments and leonine lineage. The historical narrative then dished out is what the victor foul commands it to be and not as events had actually mapped out to be. The culprits who thus pervert history are to be exposed by future generations for the present one seems to be content with sensate pleasures and random rabble-rousing and seem to be no more intent on research and fact-finding than hoodlums are on nation-building. The current crop of politicians belongs to this last distorted brand of humanity and the so-called gentlemen too timid and enervated to take up a cause worth the while. Netaji, thus, continues to live in the shadow of lesser mortals masquerading as modern messiahs in the political firmament like Gandhi and Nehru and their entire brigade. Till the mischief done by the duo and their comrades-in-betrayal of the hero is exposed fair and square before the lay public, there cannot be any redemption for our motherland. Till then let us carry on with our present effeminacy and leave the burden of national cleansing to the robust generations of unborn time.
With veneration and in pain,
I remain ever at your service in Netaji,
Sugata Bose
Jai Hind!

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