Thursday 25 January 2018


''I have received an allowance of one hundred pounds only up till now. I shall remit the amount to the India Office as soon as my resignation is accepted.'' Mark this corrupt politicians and businessmen! You take everything away from the country and despoil the people of their legitimate inheritance of the national wealth till they are reduced to destitution. But here is one who is so very different, in a different league altogether at whose feet you ought to sit and imbibe the lessons of life, those of character-formation and service to the nation. He is in a hurry to give up personal pleasure and take up service to his motherland, not for profit or political gain but for enduring the rigours of revolutionary activity and the hardship and torment of incessant incarceration. And all this he could bear because he was cast in the heroic mould that stooped not to pick up the filth of lucre and power but soared high into the heavens to bring for us the elixir of freedom. Politicians of today, you have not even the right to offer floral tributes to the honour of this peerless patriot, this prophet of nationalism before you mould your character in the rightful way and give up your pretence in the name of perfidious politics. Netaji is your political preceptor. Study him, learn from him, follow him and breathe every breath for him. Then and then alone ought your countless followers to pay you their respects, else not.

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