Saturday, 20 January 2018


I continue to be amazed at the goodness of this gentleman, Shri Chandra Kumar Bose, each time I hear him giving a speech or an interview and I feel that he has been blessed by Sri Ramakrishna in being what he is. He is so unlike the typical politician we meet everyday and seems a class apart quite, not in terms of the arrogant aloofness of the aristocrat he could have easily been on account of his formidable lineage but in lieu of his surpassing humility that is the hallmark of true greatness.
I have written several times on him in the past and yet again I set pen to paper being humbled by his magnanimity of spirit which is so rare even among renunciates that I have met. Never upset by an interviewer's criticism, often undue personal attacks at that, and always meeting a challenge thrown at him without rancour in response but with reverence in reply and with due reference to the wider national contention, Chandra Kumar Bose seems to be the flame of future hope for a rejuvenated India that shall fulfil the highest hopes of his illustrious ancestor, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
I can go on writing reams on this person so inspiring he seems to me and in whom I see definite shades of his two illustrious forefathers, his own grandfather, Sarat Chandra Bose, and his granduncle, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, although, I must confess that I am too young to have met either of them in person to make such a reference. But the ecstasy he brings to me in his being the wide personality he is with his unfailing commitment to the national cause and his civilising the democratic discourse current in our polity that I feel almost beholden to him for so often igniting in me the living light of freedom which deserts me in the enveloping dark that surrounds us in our ever-declining public life.
I heartily thank this wonderful person who I happen to know a little and keep learning ever so much more about from a quiet distance which gives objectivity of thought and judgement and makes appraisal unbiased and impartial. Chandra Kumar Bose has brought civility to public life which other politicians must learn from and imbibe in their heart and soul, and he seems to represent an age that is coming but has not yet descended on us en masse and in such an estimation seems to be ahead of his times. My enthusiasm carries me as I write this piece on a worthy descendent of the illustrious Netaji and, following my heart that I am doing at this moment, I know that I am being unerring in my judgement.
May Thakur-Ma-Swamiji bless this wonderfully worthy son of theirs as he embarks evermore in serving their cause of the uplift of fallen humanity in his own beautifully humble manner so very redolent of Netaji who would have been so proud of him! My salutations, best wishes and humble service go with him in his epic struggle to discover what happened to Netaji and to restore dignity and humble pride in our heritage and history. Jai Hind!

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